Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 897: Mechanical Labyrinth

The martial arts experience and summary accumulated by a martial artist in the immortal realm, for Mo Wen, has a shorter period of time, which is greater than the inheritance of Xingdi. ∑,

The inheritance of Star Emperor and Ji Wuya is very high-end, but Mo Wen is too low now, but for him, it is too far away, which can help him very little.

But he has different memories. He is a martial arts warrior in Yuanshen Realm. He just entered the threshold of martial arts. For Mo Wen, his martial arts experience is easier to understand and accept.

The martial arts in the realm of immortality are not different from those in immortal cultivation. They are still Yuanshen Realm, Fighting Transition, Tai Xuan Realm, Divine Void Realm ... the different places are the different paths taken between the two. However, the three major roads lead to the same goal, and all practitioners have the same purpose in the end.

The experience of a warrior in Yuanshen Realm is exactly what is most needed for Mo Wen.

Moreover, in Xiang Weiwei's memory, there are four martial arts of Taoism, which he learned in his life. Mo Wen accepts his memory, and he is also familiar with the martial arts of Taoism he has learned. He can be used almost without practice. come out.

Coincidentally, the four martial arts that Xiang Weiwei mastered are all the ice mystery and the flame mystery. For Mo Wen, it is the most suitable, because the Jiuyin Divine Skill and the Jiuyang Divine Skill are very easy You can integrate those four martial arts into your own martial arts.

If it is a martial art of the mystery of the wind or the mystery of the earth, I am afraid that Mo Wen cannot exert the power they deserve.

Once the martial artist entered the realm of immortality, he would understand and cultivate the power of the mystery, which is the power that cannot be pondered and imagined at this stage in Mo Wen.

If it is not Xiang Wei, who is imprisoned, with the power of Profound Truth, it might be just a matter of fingertips.

"Ice field."

Mo Wen was a little surprised in his heart. He wanted to know a martial art that he mastered, called Hanbing Realm.

This martial arts Mo question is somewhat familiar, because it was earlier. He had seen Wang Yinru. At the time, Wang Yinru agreed to teach him this martial arts, but Mo Wen did not practice, because he could see that although the field of ice was powerful, even better than the ordinary martial arts, but Wang Yinru did not master one. Complete martial arts, but an incomplete practice.

An incomplete practice, Mo Wen was not interested in practicing, so he always left it aside.

Didn't want to, he actually saw the ice field again in Xiang Weiwei's memory. Although it is different from Wang Yinru's ice field, it is a complete martial art, and it is far from Wang Yinru's incomplete ice field.

"Xiang is not only a generation of wizards, but actually took the four gate martial arts to this level. It is no wonder that it took ten years for Tianhua Palace to catch him."

Mo Wen secretly sighed that he did not leave Hantan Valley immediately, but found a secluded place in Hantan Valley and concentrated on studying the four martial arts that were not the only ones. Although Xiang not only cultivated the four martial arts to the extreme, but passed it on to him once. But he wants to master it thoroughly and skillfully, and he needs to run in.

Mo Wen stayed in Hantan Valley for another day, and on the third day, he set off again. After finding the direction of the mechanical maze. He went all the way.

Although there were many criminals with redstone hearts blocking the way, Mo asked the current practice, but few criminals could threaten him. Even the old woman of Wuzong Sanjing appeared again. Mo Wen also had the confidence to kill her.

One day later, a majestic ancient city appeared in front of Mo Wen, which was built on several mountain peaks. It is particularly magnificent and majestic, as if standing on Yundian.

Mowen climbed a 10,000-meter-high mountain above the clouds before walking to the huge ancient city gate.

The maze of machinery, the legend is that the city was established by a mysterious deputy lord in the Tianhua Palace. The deputy lord was an inscrutable organ master. He spent his entire life studying and studying the magical techniques of the fairy world, and his accomplishments are quite advanced.

In addition to a main palace, Tianhua Palace also has four vice-main palace masters. Any one is the overlord in this world. At least in the main space, it is the pinnacle.

A maze of machinery built by a deputy palace lord naturally contains countless secrets. It is said that the deputy palace lord has lived in it for a long time, and the place is regarded as an organ surgery research center.

"The city on the top of the vast mountains, I am afraid that only the Immortal Realm has such a spectacle."

Looking at the city, Mo Wen couldn't help but sigh.

There is only one city gate in the mechanical city, and beyond the city gate is the abyss. The whole city gate hangs in the air, like a heaven gate.

Anyone who wants to enter the mechanical labyrinth must be authenticated and then led by the rainbow.

If it is hard to break through, I am afraid that a bunch of Immortal Cultivators in the Yuanshen Realm will not be able to break in, because that mysterious Vice-Palace is the existence of Taixuan Realm.

"If you want to enter the city, please pay 500 points."

Mo asked when he was thinking about how to enter this magical city, a voice suddenly sounded.

Mo Wenwen looked around and found that the speech was actually a huge mountain wall. On the smooth mountain wall, there appeared a human-like facial features, eyes, eyebrows and nose.

What a ghost!

Do not ask a strange thought in my heart, is it a legendary mountain god, or mountain demon?

He has seen rock monsters from some classics, which can evolve into mountains, but those monsters are very rare, even if they are not many in the monster world.

"I am the guardian city of God Mountain, responsible for the entrance and exit of the mechanical city. If you agree, you will take out the jade card. After deducting 500 points, I will send you into the city."

The giant face on the mountain wall said again.

Shoucheng Shenshan! Mo Wen smiled bitterly in his heart, this name is very domineering.

But to enter the mechanical labyrinth, you actually have to charge an entry fee of 500 points. Those who do not have 500 points may not be able to enter the mechanical labyrinth.

Mo asked to take out a jade card, which showed more than 20,000 points, and deducting five hundred was insignificant for him.

But what made him depressed was that these days when he closed down and practiced, he didn't know what happened. His points were surpassed all the way. At this time, he had fallen out of the top ten, and even the top 20 could not find him. Traces.

Do those hidden masters come out to grab points one by one?

Mo Wen thought of Bai Chen. This person had no reputation before. He couldn't see him in the top 100 in the standings, but Xiu Wei was quite scary.

Now, Bai Chen has ranked sixth in the standings with more than 50,000 points.

A blue light dropped from the mountain wall and fell on the Mowen jade card. At the next moment, the points on the Mowen jade card were instantly reduced by 500. At the same time, a rainbow of light flew out of the mechanical labyrinth and enveloped Mo Wen.

In an instant, Mo Wen felt that there was a strong pull on his body, he lost control of his body, but only for a moment, the next moment, others stood on the gate of the mechanical maze, that gravity The feeling is gone.

"Welcome to the mechanical maze."

A voice sounded from the tower, Mo asked a team of people appeared in front of him, to be precise, a team of human-like creatures appeared.


Mo Wen raised a strange thought in his heart. The creatures coming from the team are all puppets, and the shape is very similar to the robots outside.

Was surprised that these puppets seemed to have their own thoughts and spiritual wisdom, and from their eyes, he could see the light of wisdom.

how did you do that? He has never seen a puppet with his own thoughts.

"Dear competitors, when you come to the mechanical labyrinth, the next round of competition has already begun. You now have two locations to choose from, the death arena and the Bailian battle tower, friendly reminder, the death arena will have Dangerous life, but also score more points. If you want to compete for the top ten in the sky, the death arena is the best choice. The battle tower is relatively safe, and the probability of death is very small, but it is very good to get high points Difficult. How to choose depends on your ability. "

A leading female robot walked in front of Mo Wen and said quite formally.

Mo Wen found that although these robots all have thinking, but the thinking is very simple, the thinking ability is almost the same as those of the beasts.

But even so, the vice master's mastery of mechanical skills is quite amazing.

"Then die the arena."

Mo asked faintly, since he participated in the Tianbang contest, he would strive for a best result, not to mention that the top 10 of the Tianbang has all the rewards that everyone dreams of, and he is no exception.

At this time he had realized that the reason why his points were thrown out so far, I am afraid that this is related to the death arena.

"Then please follow me."

The female robot showed a formal smile, and then a spaceship automatically flew in front of the two.

Mo asked. After getting on the ship under the direction of the female robot, the spaceship flew up and flew into the mechanical labyrinth instantly.

Sitting on the spaceship, Mo Wen can bird's eye view of the entire mechanical maze. This is a very modern ancient city. Everything is mechanized and the area is quite large. He sits on the spaceship and can't see the end.

Soon, the spacecraft stopped in front of a building like a torch. The torch building is quite large. The lower part is a cylinder ~ ~ is thousands of meters high and has a diameter of more than 300 meters. The upper part It was an oval square, which looked like a torch from afar.

Death arena.

Several huge ancient characters appeared in front of Mo Wen.

After getting off the spaceship, the female robot walked directly into the torch building with Mo Wen, and then took the elevator all the way to reach the top floor directly.

The square on the top floor is quite large and magnificent, equivalent to the area of ​​a hundred football fields. I am afraid that it will be a small town outside. But here, it is just a sky square.

Mo Wen asked As soon as he appeared in the sky square, he found that there were a lot of people in the square. I am afraid there are thousands of people! Where did so many people appear? There are absolutely not so many contestants.

"Brother, you finally showed up, I thought you were eliminated without breaking through the heart of Redstone, and worried me for a day."

A charming voice rang from the square, followed by a graceful figure in front of him. (To be continued ...)

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