Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 902: Profound Breath


No. 49, the golden light illuminates the entire death arena, the power of destruction covers the entire ring, and everyone is attracted by the scary breath.

In the golden light, Mo Wen looked like a flame person, and his whole body was covered with golden flames. His hands suddenly grew bigger for some reason, almost as big as a futon, like the palm of a giant, and appeared strangely on him ... The palm was transparent and shiny, like glowing amber, and a mysterious power floated around the two palms.

Informed people can see at the first time that it belongs to the power of the mystery.

After martial arts practitioners have reached the realm of immortality, they will begin to understand the power of the Profound Truth. As a martial art of Taoism, it is only natural to cooperate with the Profound Truth to fully exert its power. In other words, only the warriors after the immortals can fully explode the power of martial arts.

Mo Wen's entry martial arts has already had a sense of mystery. Although it is only a little invisible force, it is also quite terrible, which represents his accomplishments in this martial art.

"Aura of mystery! That is a power that is difficult to master under the immortal martial artist. He actually cultivated a martial art to such a state!"

A place in Square, a monk looked at ring 49 in surprise. This man is the third wine monk. Although he is a Buddhist, he is not a bogey, but it is a rare flower in the Buddha.

"This Mo question is a bit horrifying, how old is he, and actually realized this to a martial art."

Narcissus was also very surprised. Mo asked to refresh her cognition time and time again. It is not a realm of immortality. It is quite difficult to enlighten a Taoist martial arts. . It is even more difficult.

It can be said that while practicing several martial arts at the same time, there is no shock that one martial art has reached the realm of unanimous breath.


Old woman Zhang Feng raised a strong sense of crisis in her heart. There was a shadow in her heart, especially uncomfortable and frightened. It seems that a person perceives death to be close to half.

She was shocked and backed away without hesitation. She had already retreated several hundred meters between her flashes. At this time, she just wanted to stay away from Mo Wen. She couldn't understand it in her heart, and she disappeared for a few days.

However, hiding is obviously unable to solve the problem. Mo Wen who practiced the method of Fengyao, within a short distance, under the immortal, few warriors could escape his pursuit.

A golden eagle appeared silently in front of Zhang Feng's old lady, and the huge palms slapped fiercely.


Mr. Zhang Feng's face changed dramatically. Under the strong crisis, she couldn't take care of so much, and she burst out of her strongest power in an instant. I saw a terrible force erupted from her, centered on her, and an internal air storm instantly formed on the ring. Green light shrouded in her body with amazing corrosiveness. She turned into a green light ball. From the ball of light, green tentacles extend, and those tentacles have thick arms. Bringing amazing power to Mo asked.

The space around is constantly twisted by those tentacles, and seems to be able to break down mountains and rivers. If ordinary Wuzong is attacked by this force, I am afraid that he will be instantly killed.

Mo Wen was not afraid of this power. The trajectory of the palm of one hand remained unchanged, and a golden flame came from his palm.

嗤嗤嗤 ……

Those green tentacles hit Mo Wen ’s palm, and did not explode because of the collision, but disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. There were more than a dozen green gas dissipated and turned into a mass of green gas. Then it was burned to ashes by flames.

"How can it be."

Zhang Feng's old lady took a breath and couldn't believe it. She has accumulated so many years of corrosive power, and then it broke out completely at this time, which was so vulnerable.

She feels that Mo's power is obviously not strong, and she is not as good as hers, but why does such a situation happen, she is vulnerable to him in front of him, and all means will be easily resolved. She didn't know what power Mo asked to master, but she had realized that that power was far above her power, and the invisible suppression of her was quite amazing.

嗤嗤 ……

Zhang Feng's corrosive power couldn't hold back Mo Wen's hands. Even her strong inner energy could not play any role at this time, and almost collapsed with just one touch.

A pair of amber golden flames slowly enlarged in front of her eyes, and the almost unstoppable force made her completely collapsed. People's survival made her withdraw in an instant and wanted to escape. However, she was shocked to find that her body was bound by an invisible force, which made it difficult for her body to move. It was a power that was unclear. The power is not strong, but it makes people feel desperate. Like the original rules between heaven and earth, if they can't break this rule, then the power is strong, and it will be stretched in the face of this rule.

"The power of the mystery! No ... impossible ..."

Old lady Zhang Feng seemed to think of something in an instant. His pupils expanded violently, shocked, and his face was ashamed. How is the power of the legendary mystery! Isn't that what the warrior of Huanxian Realm can master?

"No ... I admit defeat ... I admit defeat ..."

Zhang Feng's old lady has completely lost her fighting spirit, and she is crazy to get rid of the force that can kill her. In the death ring, you can only admit defeat after a quarter of an hour. This is true for the contestants as well as the criminals. The battle has just begun, and unless the other party agrees to admit defeat, it is invalid to admit defeat by yourself.

Obviously, Mo Wen didn't let her go, his eyes were very cold, and he would never be soft-hearted when he wanted to put him to death.

There was hardly any suspense. The horrible flame flooded Zhang Feng ’s old woman and instantly burned her to ashes.


Above the square, there was silence. Some people looked stiffly at the 49th ring. No one thought that the old woman Zhang Feng, who was arrogant in the heart of Redstone, would actually die on the ring, and it was so bleak, almost no Resistance.

What power is that, so horrible!

"My obedient, so young, he has mastered the mysterious atmosphere, and cultivated a martial art to such a state, this little monster is simply the second Xiao lunatic."

Guo Mengqiao recovered from the shock, secretly smacked, and never thought that this Mo Wen could be so evil.

Qiu Tong standing beside Guo Mengqiao was also shocked and speechless. He originally thought that Mo Wen was so young that he could join Wu Zongdian. It was already amazing. He even thought that he was much stronger than Mo Wen before. The people of Wuzong Temple had little hope for Mo Wen in the battle of the heavens.

Who can think of this, this Mo question, actually the evildoer is here. I am afraid that he is the strongest person in Wu Zongdian in this battle of heavenly rankings.

"Comprehend the aura of mystery, wouldn't it mean that the probability of his becoming immortal in the future will be quite large." In Qiu Tong's tone, there is unshakable envy.

The realm of immortality! Although he is also a well-known genius in Tianhua Palace, he dare not think too much about the fairyland. Opportunity, insight, and asceticism are indispensable to get there. However, the person who understands the atmosphere of the Arcanes is equivalent to touching the threshold of some Arcanes. Although it is just a fur, it is far from the true Arcane rules, but at least there is already a direction, and it is much easier to step into this door.

At least one third of those who have realized the mysterious atmosphere can break through the fairyland. This probability is quite large.

"It's a little difficult to handle." Jianchi Baichen frowned. He had a conflict with Mo Wen originally, and he didn't care before. But at this time, this young man was enough to make him attach great importance.

"I'm really shocked. I'm afraid that in the near future, there will be another young immortal strongman in the world." A splendid flash in the eyes of the graceful woman shrouded in water mist, even in the vein of Yinwu, fifty years old The previous state of Huaxian hasn't appeared in 100 years. Mo Wen may become the youngest Huaxian strongman in 100 years.

The unrelenting young man's face was ugly and gloomy, and he could freeze people. He had never thought of it. It was only a few days later that Mo Wen could be so powerful. Moreover, the mysterious breath ... that is the power he dreamed of! As the top genius of the Blood Fiend Palace, his cultivation resources naturally needless to say, even the ancestors of the Realm of Immortality specifically taught him to practice martial arts, he is not incapable of practicing the second and third martial arts, as long as there are The guidance of the ancestors of the immortal realm, with his talents, it is not a problem to enlighten one or two martial arts.

However, martial arts are the most taboo and not sophisticated, and people have limited abilities. It is impossible to cover everything. It is better to specialize in one than to enlighten a few martial arts. In this way, the probability of enlightenment is also much greater. Out of the mysterious breath, it is equivalent to half of the foot into the immortal realm.

"Damn ..."

The merciless son squeezed his fists tightly, and the dream he dreamed of was actually realized by Mo Wen asked the kid.

Shao Ji was so scared that he couldn't speak at all. A peerless Wu Zong's three realm was actually so dead, that Mo Wen was so powerful.

In the death arena, many people are silent, many people feel unbelievable, but more is fear.

The eyes of those criminals looking at Mo Wen ~ ~ has been completely changed, this is simply a fierce god, absolutely not to provoke. The few people who had competed with Zhang Feng's old woman secretly thanked each other for their death. Zhang Feng's old woman died so altogether that they would not make any difference in their results.

Not to mention the death arena, a dragon city far away from a space, at this time those who watched the game also made a sensation.

"Aura of breath! It turns out I still underestimated you."

Ling Feng sat alone in a corner, watching Mo Wen on the ring flashing a complex light in his eyes. At that time, when he realized the breath of unanimousness, he was almost close to fifty years old. Even so, he was rated as one of the top geniuses in the world at that time.

Lin Feng looked at Mo Wen in the ring and seemed to see Zeng Jin's self, with an unknown story in his eyes.


I arrived at home at night. I was too tired to sleep for a while on the road. I got up at night and wrote a chapter. I will resume the update from tomorrow. (To be continued)

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