Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 919: Breakthrough Wuzong

Mo Wen was shocked in his heart, thinking about his way of breaking through the ninth sacred power to the ninth floor through the cold lake, and his heart jumped up.

With the power of Wuling Jinghuo, he may be able to use the same method to make Jiuyang Divine Skill break through to the ninth floor!

Depressing the excitement of his heart, Mo Wen immediately calmed his mind and focused his attention on the inanimate net fire in the body. At this time, the inanimate net fire was completely drawn out, like the sea water layering his body, The spirit of Wuling Jinghuo filled every part of his body.

Had almost no difference from his feeling of invading in the cold lake at that time, except that one was flame and the other was cold water.

Mo Wen tried to transfer the Jiuyang Divine Skills. With his own Jiuyang Qi, he actively absorbed the spirit of Wuling Jinghuo and integrated the slightest power of Wuling Jinghuo into Jiuyang Zhenqi. This was his first time He did n’t dare to do it, because Wuling Jinghuo was a devastating force, too horrible. Even if he had the courage, he would n’t think of enhancing Jiuyang Qi by absorbing Wuling Jinghuo. Method.

But this time, the soulless fire completely inspired it, and he had the previous experience in Hantan, and he was immediately inspired.

With the operation method of the Nine Yang Divine Skills, a little bit of the breath of innocence and pure fire is absorbed. Although it can only absorb a trace, but for Mo Wen, the pressure is also particularly great. Worries, there is also a lack of strength.

He feels like he is walking on a large mountain, absorbing the breath of innocence and pure fire. But in fact, it was quite difficult to do. It took him a long time to integrate the spirit of Wuling Jinghuo into the spirit of Jiuyang.

However, Mo Wen was pleasantly surprised that this method was indeed useful, and the breath of pure spirit was even more amazing. It is far more effective than the cold energy in Hantan. His Qi of Nine Yangs is almost expanding at the rate of expansion. It is just a trace of innocent and pure fire. It actually made Jiuyang ’s Qi soar by 50%, which is terrible. .

Tasted the sweetness, Mo asked to rejoice in his heart, and make persistent efforts. Continue to run the Jiuyang Divine Skill. Constantly absorbing the innocence and clean fire, in the situation he just did, he believed that it would not take long for him to break through to the ninth level of Jiuyang Divine Skill.

On the ring, Xin Wuji was suspended in the air, constantly urging the power of heaven and earth. But the scorpion **** in his body looked more and more ugly. Mo Wen is like a bottomless hole, no matter how much power he pours into, it can be quickly absorbed by him.

How can it be!

He has never encountered such a thing. The strong power of the Holy Order attracts the power of heaven and earth, and it is impossible to be endlessly attracted. It must be guided by the power of the body. In a constant flow.

In order to resist Mo Wen's engulfment, the Chen Scorpion God almost pushed his power to the limit. The internal strength of the body is constantly being consumed, which has far exceeded the level of a vulgar warrior. It can be said that only the Holy Order strong can maintain this output.

But such an output, still did not push Mo Wen up, at this time Chen Scorpion God felt a little difficult to ride a tiger, Mo Wen is like a hot potato, he wanted to lose but can not lose. Even if he wanted to stop now. It's not possible anymore, because Mo Wen formed a cycle with him. This cycle is connected by the power of heaven and earth. If he breaks abruptly, he will be repulsed by the power of heaven and earth.

Has gathered so much power from the heavens and the earth. Once it is repulsed, let alone Xin Wuji will instantly become fly ash, and his body will also be hit hard.

It is difficult to ride a tiger, and the four fonts will be the deepest in the heart of Chen Scorpion.

"While the flame swallowed the flame, it actually formed a circle with the man. I am afraid that the man has suffered."

Mo Qingqing's mouth twitched a smile, originally he was prepared to stop the fight, but now he has changed his mind, because in the current situation, he does not need to shoot.

"If he cuts off this cycle, he will definitely be hit hard, thus revealing his identity. If he does not cut off this cycle, he will continue to do so until both sides ca n’t support it. The fire was impossible to meet that day, so in the end The result is that only that person ’s power is consumed. "

Mo Qingge also smiled, and she didn't expect this to happen in the end.

In the eyes of others, I can't see any clues, and I don't know the greasy inside, but the collision of the flame and the human body above the sky has attracted everyone's attention.

It is amazing that someone can use his body to fight against such a horrible flame!

"Mo asked him how he did it, so horrible, I can feel the devastating power of all kinds of protective covers of the flames. If you change to me, I will be burned to ashes in an instant."

The wine and meat monk took a breath of air. Although he could not see anything deeper, he still had his eyesight. The flame was based on the prototype of the mystery of fire, inducing the formation of the power of heaven and earth, and its power was not lower than that of ordinary spirits. Fire, if he meets, it will burn to ashes in an instant, Mo Wen can actually rely on his body and the flames of flame ...

"He is just a freak." Narcissus was also shocked. She cultivated the power of water and was particularly sensitive to the flame. The destructive flame, I am afraid no one can stop it here.

"I didn't expect him to be so strong." He sighed secretly. He had originally wanted to challenge Mo. Now it seems that there is no need for a battle at all, showing Xin Wuji, now there is another Mo question. He underestimated the heroes of the world.

"It's okay, I didn't embarrass your sister." Gu Jingman raised a smile on her lips, Mo asked if there was no danger, and she was relieved in her heart.

Among all the contestants, only the ruthless son's face is the most embarrassing and the mood is the worst.

"Damn, really damn, how could he be so strong ... how possible!"

The ruthless young man keeps swearing in his heart, Mo asked about his current ability, which is almost enough to be comparable to the extreme warrior, but the extreme warrior! Even if there are not many people in the Blood Fiend Palace, and some powerful extreme warriors, even in the presence of the Huaxian Realm, can escape to heaven, it is a very difficult kind of people.

Mowen would actually be an extreme warrior! And he was still so young, thinking of this, the ruthless son felt a wave of fear.

"This person must not stay, otherwise it will be a great disaster."

The ruthless son secretly swears that he must do everything he can to kill Mo, otherwise he will die later.


Mo Wen is still fused with flames, and seems to be wrapped in flames. Under the eyes of everyone, he made an action that no one could imagine.

Sitting cross-legged, just sitting cross-legged in mid-air, and under the attack of the flames in the sky, like the old monk sitting in the air, sitting cross-legged in the air.

Everyone's eyes were on Mo Wen, what did he want to do?

Question marks appear in everyone's hearts, is this also a way to fight the flames?

Chen Scorpion God is also strange, why Mo Wen would make such a weird move, this looks like he is practicing, but how is it possible! In the face of his flame attack, he can still practice, which is simply a fantasy.

I'm afraid this is Mo Wen's way of resisting his flames. Mo Mo is forced to use such a way. I'm afraid he won't be able to persevere for long.

Takes for granted the scorpion-like god's heart, thinking that he might not be able to withstand it quickly, and could not help stimulating the power in the body more crazily, attracting the power of the endless world. I believe how long it will take him to hold Mo Wen to death.

In the past of one minute and one second, the imaginary situation of the Chen Scorpion God did not appear. Mo asked that there was no sign of being strangled. Instead, the breath became more and more convergent and more and more unpredictable, like an ore in flame , Hundred refined into fine.

The strength of the Chen Scorpion God is getting lower and lower. Over time, his consumption is too large. He is the cultivation of the peak of the Holy Order. His strength is unpredictable, far beyond the ordinary Holy Order strong. , But at this time, there was actually a feeling of being drained.

He just attracted the power of heaven and earth, and actually made his own power almost exhausted. He could hardly imagine how much the power of heaven and earth was swallowed.

The power of heaven and earth that he draws with his own power is definitely more than ten times that of his own power.

More than ten times! That is almost equivalent to all the power of a strong man who returns to the virtual realm.

"Asshole, are you a black hole?"

Chen Scorpion God finally got angry and shouted loudly. This **** Mo question is simply his nemesis. Once the power is exhausted, there is no need to continue this battle. Not only does he lose, but then his power will fall into a trough. Whether he can keep the second is a problem.

But if he does not continue, interrupting this cycle, then he will be seriously injured, and Xin Wuji will be instantly killed by the power of anti-bite. That is not a matter of ranking, but he will immediately reveal his identity.

At this point, he has reached a dilemma.

Mo Wen seemed to hear Chen Scorpion-style god's scolding, slowly opened his eyes, two golden lights shot out of his eyes, like a bright sun.

He smiled a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth, very pleasantly said: "I'm not a black hole, but this time, I really want to thank you, I really can't think you will help me break through."

Mo Wen stood up ~ ~ At the next moment, his breath changed instantly, a terrible golden light erupted from him, and then, an unparalleled horror flame erupted, golden flame like It's a tide that instantly covers the entire ring.

The flame is quite terrible. From the very beginning to the sun, it is no worse than the flame transformed by the prototype of the mystery of fire, but it is even better.

The ninth level of Jiuyang Divine Skills, Mo Wen finally cultivated the Jiuyang Divine Skills to the ninth level extreme. At this time, the power of his flames was no less than the spirit fire mastered by the Immortals of Yuanshen Realm.

Moreover, because of the breakthrough to the ninth weight of the Jiuyang Divine Skill, the Qi of Qiuyang and the Qi of Qiuyin immediately reached a balance again, the yin and yang complemented each other, the symbiosis of each other, the circulation, and the endlessness.

The balance of yin and yang appeared again in Mo Wen's body, and qualitative sublimation took place. For a time, Mo Wen's Xiuwei finally made a big breakthrough.

'S breath resembled a volcanic eruption, rising high, reaching an appalling moment.

Wuzong Realm, Mo Wen finally broke through to Wuzong Realm! (To be continued.)

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