Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 923: Primal secret

?? The starlight enveloped the body, everyone felt that they were wrapped in a very vast and majestic atmosphere, like a dust in the universe, very small.

According to Mo Qingge, Starlight can measure their potential. The higher the potential, the higher the space of the goddess that can be entered. Only the most talented can enter the ninth level. Of course, the standard of judgment of the Sacred Heart Lady is not low, but it is based on the spirits of the ancient times. Do n’t look at the people who can come here are the most elite geniuses in the martial arts world. Ordinary talent.

In fact, when Tianhua Palace opened the world of goddesses in the past, almost the vast majority of people could only enter the first space, and the geniuses who could enter the second space were very few in history.

Mo Qingge carried his hands on his shoulders, and slowly glanced at all the contestants, unconsciously or unintentionally. When his gaze reached Mo Wen, he paused slightly, and there seemed to be a strange flash of light in his eyes.

Goddess space is one of the oldest ancient places remaining in this world. Tianhua Palace has never given up exploration. From generation to generation, I do not know how many people have entered the goddess world, but there are not many people who really understand the goddess world. In fact, not to mention the Tianhua Palace, the entire spiritual realm, demon realm, demon realm ... and even the heavens and the worlds are exploring the goddess world of the Sacred Heart, but no one can control this ninefold world. What they can do, It is also just sending some younger children into the goddess world. As for what will happen to them and whether they will benefit from it, then it can only be seen in nature.

When the starlight shrouded Mo Wen, he suffocated for a moment and felt the power in his body, including soul, life potential, and blood power, boiled in an instant. The feeling was like the whole person was ignited and was about to explode. general. At this moment, Mo Wen could not control his body at all.

But when his body was about to reach a critical point, Mo My somewhere somewhere in the body seemed to tremble, and then a strange breath came out of the body. The next moment, Mo Wen returned to normal. There was no feeling at all. The vast breath contained in the starlight seemed to no longer affect him.

what! what happened?

Mo Wen secretly panicked, it seems to be a little different from what Mo Qingge said. According to her, those starlights can push his potential to the limit of the road, and continue to burn his body until it reaches the extreme, and then stop. But he feels that his potential has not exploded to the extreme. Why did it stop suddenly?

He looked around and found that the people around him were still immersed in that state. Only he got out of it. Is his potential the worst among all the contestants?

Mo Wen felt a little weird, but he has been inherited by several powerful cultivators in the immortal world. It stands to reason that the potential cannot be worse than those of the hidden martial arts.

Moreover, once the potential test reaches the extreme, it will immediately terminate and the starlight will fade. But now, there is still a strong starlight shrouded in himself. But he didn't feel anything.

Mo asked the changes, no one noticed, including Mo Qingge. Only Mo asked himself that he gradually discovered that there seemed to be a faint light shrouding himself, isolating those vast starlights.

He didn't know why this happened. It seemed that something in the body was preventing the detection of starlight, but he couldn't ask others about this kind of thing, and naturally he didn't get an answer.

Soon, all the stars disappeared, when all the stars disappeared. A small glowing stone appeared in front of everyone, and the stone was suspended in front of him, exuding a strange atmosphere.

Mowen found that the stone in front of him was red.


Mo asked with a bitter smile, and did not expect the standards of the goddess world to be so strict. With his talents, he can only enter the first space.

This stone is a belief stone that enters the space of the goddess, and is also called the dragon stone. Dragon Stone has nine colors, red orange yellow green blue blue purple black and white. From low to high, corresponding to the ninth space of the goddess space respectively, the red dragon stone is the lowest-level belief stone, and those who get the red dragon stone can enter the first space. The ninth layer of space in the legend can only be accessed by those who have obtained Shiraishi.

Mo Wen glanced at the people around him. Sure enough, those contestants, whether from the Yinwu line, or Tianhua Palace, or the inner world, were almost all red dragon stones. The only exception was Gu Jingman.

When Mo asked to see the dragon stone in front of Gu Jingman, his pupils shrank slightly and turned out to be a purple dragon stone!

The purple dragon stone corresponds to the seventh space, and all of them are the first space only, Gu Jingman actually jumped directly to the seventh space! Is her potential so much stronger than them!

In addition, there are two people, who have nothing in front of them, one is a ruthless son, the other is Guo Mengqiao.

There is no dragon stone in front of them, which means that they are not even qualified to enter the first space, even if the goddess space is the first. There is also a threshold, and only by crossing the threshold can you get the lowest red dragon stone. In other words, whether you can enter the goddess space, you must pass the test of the goddess space, this Tianhua Palace can not be changed.

When I knew that I did n’t even have the qualification to enter the first space, the ruthless son ’s face was ugly to the extreme, not to mention how important the goddess space was to him. Now I ca n’t even erase the threshold. shame. He was originally looking forward to having some adventures in the goddess world, and returning to the Hall of Blood Fiends, his status was rising. But now, a pot of cold water splashed on his head, breaking his beautiful dreams.

Guo Mengqiao sighed, but it was not very unexpected, but rather calm, because before he came, his master said that his talent is limited, and because of the damage to the foundation because of the injury, it will be difficult to pass the test of the goddess space. He came to participate in the Battle of Heavenly List this time, and he just held a try mentality. Although the worst result appeared at this time, it was not unacceptable.

Purple Dragon Stone!

When Mo Qingge saw the purple dragon stone in front of Gu Jingman, a flash of strange color flashed in his eyes, and his expression was solemn. Purple Dragon Stone! Not to mention the little guys in the Martial World, even if placed in the heavens and the world, there are very few people who can get the purple dragon stone.

Purple Dragon Stone! Almost comparable to the talents of the gods, even some powerful people who have already practiced to the level of the gods, many can only enter the sixth layer of space, and cannot enter the seventh layer. The people who can enter the seventh level are not some gods who are cultivated against the sky, or those talented horror evil spirits. Like this kind of evil spirits, as long as they do not die, they can almost enter the realm of the gods.

Of course, this is just a test of talent, not a test of strength. The goddess world ca n’t break through hard. You ca n’t break into the goddess world no matter how strong you are. So a **** is far stronger than Gu Jingman, but the goddess world If he can only reach the sixth level by testing his talent potential, then he can not enter the seventh level.

It can be said that Gu Jingman can enter the seventh level of the goddess world, which is enough to make everyone in the spirit world look at each other. If it spreads, I am afraid that there are not many sect forces that will try to **** such genius.

The standard of the goddess world is quite strict, and the talents of the **** level can enter the sixth and seventh levels, and as for the eighth level, I am afraid that only the supreme powerful person like the **** of the Darkness can enter by virtue of the talent. The ninth weight has always been a legend. At least from the time when the ancients broke down to now, no one can enter the ninth space of the goddess world.

Gu Jingman was able to get the purple dragon stone, but it was the biggest accident, but in Mo Qingge's eyes, there was another accident. Mo Wen actually only got Chilong Stone! According to her previous judgment, Mo Wen was at least able to enter the second level to get the orange dragon stone. Even if luck broke out, it is likely to get the third level of the stone.

The ordinary warrior can only enter the first space. She is not surprised, but she knows that Mo Wen has a mysterious power on her body, not to mention anything else. The flame of the fire level that day will allow him to enter the second level steadily. Uncommon, it is possible to enter the third and fourth levels.

Only the red dragon stone appeared at this time, what happened? Did she make a mistake before, Mo asked that the energy in her body was not Skyfire?

"That's fine, if the dragon stone grade he got is too high, I am afraid that giving him the Caishen stone may delay him. Now I don't have to worry about this."

Mo Qingge secretly said. The Caishen stone she gave to Mo Wen is also the belief stone of this goddess space. The Caishen stone, also known as the nine-color dragon stone, is the most magical type of belief stone in the goddess space. Different from other belief stones, other belief stones, whether it is the lowest red dragon stone or the highest white dragon stone, are all disposable belief stones. After one use, they disappear permanently and can only be used by yourself. If it is not used, it will also disappear permanently.

But Caishen Stone is different ~ ~ As a believer, Caishen Stone can not only exist forever, but can also be used forever. There are no more than ten Caishen Stones in the entire heavens and all realms. They are quite rare, but they have been handed down from the ancient times.

However, the same person, Caishen Stone can only be used once. Once used, Caishen Stone can never be used again.

Both Mo Qingge and Mo Qingqing have entered the goddess space with Cai Shen Shi, so for them, the role of Cai Shen Shi is greatly reduced.

She asked Cai Shenshi to Mo, and also hoped that he could have a great accomplishment based on this, and those who can enter the goddess space with Caishen stone will definitely not return empty-handed, and there will be some gains.

It's just that entering the goddess world with the Caishen stone is not entering any of the nine layers, but a very mysterious space that only the Caishen stone can enter. That space is said to be the foundation of the Ninefold Space of the Goddess World, which belongs to the most primitive and important space secret.

That world has great mystery, great magic, and even legends that the most important treasure and inheritance of the Sacred Heart Lady are hidden in it. However, no one can get the inheritance or treasure of the Sacred Heart Lady from ancient times. (To be continued.)

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