Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 925: Swire World


Mo Wen felt that his body was changing, and it seemed that he was slowly undergoing a process of rebirth. The vitality of heaven and earth is the power above the spirit, and the most basic force between heaven and earth. There are many energies in the heavens and the worlds, such as aura, devil qi, demon qi, and aura ... The immortal practitioner cultivates the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and usually absorbs the aura. Qi, people in the underworld practice qi, those in the demon world cultivate qi.

The spirit-cultivator who cultivates the aura cannot absorb the magic energy, and cannot transform the magic energy into his own power, nor can the magic cultivation who cultivates the magic energy absorb the aura. However, whether it is spiritual cultivation, magic cultivation, demon cultivation, meditative cultivation, etc., they can absorb the heaven and earth vitality, and can transform the heaven and earth vitality into their own strength.

In other words, Heaven and Earth's vitality is compatible with any power, and it can be transformed into any power at the same time. It is the most fundamental source of endless life.

In fact, after cultivating to a very high level, whether it is spiritual cultivation, magic cultivation, or meditative cultivation, those who are all powerful are finally based on vitality. Whether they can turn the vitality into their own basic strength is the world. A sign of the mighty. Of course, ordinary monks certainly cannot do this. Like the master of Tianhua Palace, his cultivation is rare in the original world, but it is impossible to cultivate the vitality of heaven and earth, and even he wants to condense a group. Heaven and Earth's vitality takes a lot of effort, and how to cultivate on the basis of Heaven and Earth's vitality.

As far as Mo Wen knows, monks who can cultivate the vitality of heaven and earth are at least all peerless people in the same world. The flaming star king of that year was only the pinnacle of the realm of union.

This world is full of vitality, it is a holy place for monks, Mo Wen cannot condense vitality. It is impossible to actively absorb those rich world energy, but if you take a breath, those energy will passively enter the body, and then a small part will be transformed into your body.

Because of this, Mo Wen felt his body metamorphosis with breathing. If you can live here for a long time, even if you do not practice, I am afraid that you can grow to an incredible state.

Mo Wen was deeply shocked in his heart. Is this the original space of the goddess world? He hasn't been to the spirit world, but he can be sure that even the spirit world doesn't have such a rich world. Living here for a hundred years, even an ordinary person who does not know how to practice, the body will continue to evolve, and finally comparable to the body of the fairyland.

The main space is so difficult to create a warrior in the fairyland, but here. As long as life is long enough, I am afraid that anyone can achieve that step.

"Peerless holy land, lore holy land ...!"

Do n’t ask, trembling in my heart, my face flushed with excitement, even if I do n’t do anything, standing here is an unimaginable benefit, not to mention the mysterious opportunities in the goddess world.

A shadow suddenly appeared on Mo Wen's head. The whole heaven and earth seemed to be dark. The sky was originally clear, and it seemed like a cloudy day in an instant.


Don't feel inquisitive. Looking upward, the next moment, a stunned and shocking light appeared in his eyes.

It was a big bird flying through the sky, skyrocketing up to 90,000 miles. How tall is it? I do n’t know the specific data, but it flew through the sky. The sky across the grassland seems to be covered by it, I am afraid it is tens of thousands of miles. The wings are huge and cover the sky.

Don't ask for sure. If this thing appears in the source world, it definitely belongs to a moving continent in the air.

"It's terrible!" Mo Wen didn't feel the coercion of the big bird, but he was sure that if the big bird was malicious to him, he might kill him with a look.

Although the big bird was huge, its flight speed was not slow. Soon it flew from the sky, blinked and disappeared at the end of the sky, and the dark sky became bright again.

Mo asked a long breath, what is that stuff, the legendary Dapeng bird? But Dapeng Bird is not so big!

He turned around and looked around, and suddenly found a white fluffy hill behind him. The hill was tens of meters high, lying in the grass, motionless.

That is……!

Mo Wen's eyes flashed in amazement. It looked like a white rabbit with a round body, long ears, and furry hair. It was very similar to the outside white rabbit, but it had the size of a small hill! Different from the ordinary white rabbit, the white rabbit is not only big, but also has a blue horn on its head, and the eyes are ice blue, and there are lightnings beating inside, like two lightning pools.

The "white rabbit" looked alertly around him, and seemed to be vigilant, but Mo asked so close to it, it didn't seem to respond at all.

Suddenly, the "White Rabbit" disappeared with a whimper, and disappeared in no time. Mo asked was stunned, that the speed was too fast, actually exceeded his sight capture. He thought in his heart that he wanted to see what the white rabbit had done, but he also knew that he could never catch up with the "white rabbit."

However, Mo thought when he asked, he found that his geographical location had changed. He didn't know when he appeared in high altitude, and he was chasing behind something that looked like "white rabbit" at a rather terrible speed.

The "White Rabbit" is running, the speed is fast, and a phantom is constantly produced, almost a hundred miles away. Mo asked and found that he was covered with a layer of nine-colored light, which also followed behind the "white rabbit" at a terrible speed, almost the same speed as the white rabbit, and formed a state of mutual rest between the two, although they Are moving at high speed.

"It's amazing, I can just follow it with one thought, is it related to this layer of nine-color light on my body, or is it related to Caishen Stone?"

Don't ask doubts and curiosity.

"Beyond it." Mo asked secretly, he was confirming his thoughts.

Sure enough, just after his idea, Mo Wen already appeared in front of "White Rabbit", no matter how fast it was, it could be reached in an instant.

"Are I omnipotent in this space?" Mo Wen stunned.

"Day to night!"

...... No response for a long time.

"A crack appeared in the sky."

"A pit appeared on the ground."

"There is a wind."

"Let that white rabbit run slowly."


"No response, there is still no response."

Mo asked for a long time, and finally figured out a problem, he can change himself, a thought can be achieved, but he can not change this world, even if a grass in this world, he can not pick it up. He is like an outsider who does not belong here, can appear in any place, see anything he wants to see, but cannot change any point here. Even if he picked up a small stone from the ground, he couldn't do it.

Knowing his current situation, Mo Wen ’s original excitement suddenly became a lot colder. He could n’t “touch” the world and could only watch it, which means he could n’t get anything substantial from the world, even A tremendous treasure appeared in front of him, and he could only look at it, not at all.

Perhaps the Lady of Sacred Heart did not like others to destroy the world she created, so this restriction was set.

But Mo Wen is also very safe in this world, because the creatures of this world can't find him at all. He tried a few times, even standing on the thunder eyeball of "White Rabbit", but the White Rabbit didn't react at all. He is regarded as nothingness. Perhaps for the creatures of this world, his existence is nothing.

"Awesome Sacred Heart Lady." Mo Wen sighed in his heart that he could apply the laws of heaven and earth to this point, and I don't know what state of existence it is. It is said that the ancient times are very different from the current era. Fairy concept. Soaring seems to be a vocabulary that was only available in the ancient times. No one knows exactly what happened in the ancient times.

Mo asked his thoughts, and at the next moment, he appeared on top of the head of "White Rabbit", sat down directly, and followed White Rabbit on the grassland. Although he could not touch the world, he also wanted to see what kind of world it was. Not to mention, this very cute white rabbit under his **** has quite a terrible strength. He even suspects that the god-cultivator of Yuanshen Realm is not an opponent of this “white rabbit”.

The grassland is endless. With the ability of the white rabbit, it seems that it will always run to the end, but Mo Wen followed the "white rabbit" for a few days, deeply shocked the life of this world. A creature resembling a white rabbit turned into a thunderbolt with a diameter of hundreds of meters, directly killing a creature resembling a rhinoceros, a few hundred meters tall and ten times the size of a white rabbit.

This is a very primitive world, the law of survival is weak flesh and strong food. The creatures in this world seem to survive only, no different from the animal world. After following "White Rabbit" for a few days, Mo Wen saw that "White Rabbit" was eaten by the more powerful creature.

"Swire World!"

Don't ask me somehow ~ ~ This world may be the legendary ancient world. Legend has it that the saint maiden separated a piece of the ancient world and used her life to refine a unique treasure. The unique treasure has its own rules of heaven and earth. Even if the ancient world is destroyed, this world will not be destroyed.

Normally, if the original world is destroyed, then the spiritual world, the underworld, the demon world, and the demon world separated from the original world will be destroyed. But this world will not, because this is a complete world, with its own laws of heaven and earth, and its own rules of heaven and earth running. He has little difference from the original world. The only difference is that it is far more than the natural world. Much smaller, after all, this world of the Sacred Heart Lady was also a piece separated from the original world.

It is a pity that the Sacred Heart Lady can create a complete world, but those strong men in the ancient times could not do it, so the separated worlds can still not be separated from the original world, which has always been restricted by the original world, and also based on the original world The Law of Heaven is running. It can be seen that those peerless strongmen in ancient times are too far away from the Sacred Heart Lady, and they cannot be compared at all. (To be continued)

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