Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 927: Supreme giant

Cpa300_4 (); Mo Wen has never felt such a shock. The palm is too big, straight into the sky, seems to be able to poke the sky into a hole. Mo Wen couldn't describe how big that hand was. He thought of the story of Monkey King of Qitian, who was a follower of thousands of miles, but he couldn't find the palm of the Buddha's palm. Maybe this palm is like this. The palm of the Buddha.

Do n’t ask if you are shocked, but everything is not over yet, the palm rises a little, gradually reveals an arm, and then continues to rise, revealing a head ... Exposing a body ...

Finally, when the whole appeared in front of Mo Wen, he was already a bit unable to breathe. What was it that could be so huge.

It is a humanoid creature, it seems that a person has magnified countless times, Mo asked to be sure, a slap of this creature, I am afraid that it can grab a planet. And he has three heads, six arms, the legendary three heads and six arms!

"very scary."

Mo Wen has never seen such a creature, even if he is hiding in the nine-color light, he still has a heart palpitation, and the sense of danger of terror penetrates into his mind visually, and even the goddess of the Sacred Heart can't stop it.

The creature didn't seem to find Mo Wen. As soon as it appeared, he roared into the sky and stepped out one step. Instead of stepping forward, he stepped into the sky. In just one step, the whole world seemed to tremble, the surrounding mountains collapsed, and the circle was round. Millions of miles have collapsed, and the ground has cracked into abyss.

Only three or five steps, the huge creature seemed to reach the end of the sky. He radiated an endless light on his body, violently waved six huge palms, and bombarded the sky frantically, as if he wanted to destroy the sky. A series of cracks appeared on the sky, and each of those cracks was extremely large, bottomless, and in the deep darkness, it seemed that there was an endless unknown of nothingness.

A crazy bombardment of huge creatures, the sky shattered. It seems that it will fall down at any time, the scene is like the end, Mo asked this foreign guest are scared pale, such a terrible existence. He also met for the first time in his life. Fortunately, for some reason, there are almost no creatures within a few million miles of this area. Otherwise, the creatures living on this land will inevitably become charcoal, and may be completely extinct.

The primitive world of the Sacred Heart Lady is not as fragile as you might think. Those cracks that were cracked, healed quickly after only a moment, the huge creatures with three heads and six arms not only destroyed, but the sky was healing again and gradually formed a balance.

The huge creature was obviously annoyed, and the destruction was even more crazy. He tore a space crack freehand, and then drilled his entire head in, and worked hard to drill inside. But without drilling a few times, he was hit by an invisible vast force, so repeatedly.

Mo Wen gradually understood that this huge creature with three heads and six arms seemed to want to break out of this world, but this world did not allow it. It blocked him again and again, no matter how hard the huge creature tried hard to break out of this space.

"A very powerful world." Mo Wen secretly panicked, the huge creature is absolutely a terrible existence unimaginable, not to mention in the main space, even in the heavens and the world. I am afraid all are unimaginable terrorist existence. Such a strong man can't break through the space barriers of this world, just a wall of space will block this terrifying giant.

Wailing roar!

The giant seemed completely angry, and the unwillingness in his eyes was intertwined with anger. The roar resounded throughout the world, and a ray of light shone from the giant. Those lights were like the most primitive rules of the world. As soon as they appeared, the whole world was distorted. Invisible forces seemed to be constantly changing the world's laws of heaven and earth. The space barrier seems to be weakened a little bit, the cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and gradually it can't stop the giant's attack.

"The power of heaven."

Don't ask if the mind is shocked, the giant actually realized a heavenly way. The power of the day is the most primitive rule of the world. With the power of the heavenly way, the world can be changed.

Heavenly Dao is the highest goal pursued by immortalists in this world. Once the mystery of a Heavenly Dao is realized, it is almost destined to become an immortal and touch the Heavenly Daoist.

There are many ways between heaven and earth, including avenues, trails, and the highest heaven.

The mystery of the enlightenment of the ordinary Yuanshen Xiuxiu is part of the trail, which is the most basic way, which is equivalent to the entry stage. Further up, there is the avenue. After thoroughly comprehending a avenue, you can step into the avenue. At this time, the monk can be called a god. As for the higher level, it is heaven.

The legendary fairy cultivating is Heavenly Dao. Touching and comprehending a Heavenly Dao is the foundation of becoming an immortal. From this, it can be seen how terrible it is to master the strength of Heavenly Dao.

The giant with three heads and six arms is not only terribly terrifying in strength, but also terrible in realm. Mo Wen even felt that the giant not only realized one heavenly path, but possibly a few heavenly paths, otherwise it would be impossible to cause such a big change to the rules of the world .

"Is this world unable to restrain him anymore?" Mo asked in surprise, if such a terrible existence escaped, it would be almost a disaster for the outside world, and he understood that the source world could not stand Any storm, this giant appears in the devil or spirit world, maybe the situation is better, if it appears directly in the source world, then he might move a little, the whole source world will collapse, and the resulting disaster will be unimaginable ...

The giant exerted the power of heaven and immediately tore the sky into an extremely large crack. The crack seemed to divide the entire sky into two halves, and most of the giant's body had already been drilled into it.

Mo Wen's breathing was a little quicker, he knew that once the giant got into the crack of space, he would escape from this world.


Just when Mo asked that the giant was about to succeed, the sky suddenly changed, and a thunder suddenly spread all over the world. Above Jiuxiao, I do n’t know when a cloud of thunder cloud appeared. As soon as the thunder cloud appeared, it made the whole world. They were all twisting. With the twist, the space cracks healed instantly, and the giant was knocked out.


The giant stumbled back, roaring with anger, punching thunderclouds in the sky, and the thundercloud also descended a terrifying thunder, and the thunder and fire destroyed the world. The two had a terrible collision.

Fortunately, Mo Wen is protected by Caishen Stone. Caishen Stone is a refinement of Sacred Heart Lady. In the space created by Sacred Heart Lady, Caishen Stone has unparalleled defensive ability, and no power can penetrate into the nine-color light. Even the giant didn't find Mo Wen's existence from beginning to end.

"Fortunately, I can't get out." Mo asked, breathing a sigh of relief. The world obviously didn't want the giant to escape. The power of the heavenly path appeared automatically, intercepting the giant. The most complete rules of the heavenly path of the whole world came, unless the giant could approach At that time, the state of the Sacred Heart Lady, otherwise it is impossible to escape from this world.

Sacred Heart Lady can independently create the existence of a complete world. I do n’t want the worlds of the spirit world and the devil world to be separated from the original world, but still rely on the rules of the heavenly path of the source world. It can be said that under the same rule of heavenly path, No matter how much space is allocated to a world, it is also the same world.

And the original world of the Sacred Heart Lady is different, this world is an independent and complete world, with its own heavenly structure, the entire world operates independently, has its own rules, does not depend on the heaven and earth of any world, and is no different from a source world.

Most of the original world is born naturally, but it is the source of the mystery of the universe, and evolved from chaos gradually. For example, the original world where China is located is a natural world bred in chaos. But there is also a kind of original world, which is created by some incredible powerhouses, such as the Sacred Heart Lady.

Creating an independent source world requires not only boundless mana, but also to understand the legendary chaotic rules. From the chaotic rules, rules of heaven and heaven have evolved, gradually building into an independent running source world.

Ordinary cultivators of immortals can become immortals when they comprehend the heavenly path. It can be called the existence of the strongest in this world. If they go upward, they will have a profound understanding of the heavenly path. There are many heavenly paths, and finally the gradual realization of the law of chaos.

The law of heaven is the standard of becoming immortals. Only immortals are eligible to enlighten. This almost involves the legendary fairy world ~ ~ But this world already belongs to the world of immortals. There is absolutely no fairy. So Mo Wen has never been able to understand what the state of the Sacred Heart Lady in the ancient times belonged to.

That thundercloud is the formation of the heavenly power of this world. In addition to the thundercloud, there are also strange sky wind, **** fire, and back earth ... Various forms of heavenly power appear, and as soon as those powers appear, the three heads and six arms are completely removed. The giant of Suppression suppressed it, crushing him step by step.

"I am afraid that the legendary Sky Tribulation is like this."

Mo Wen took a deep breath and looked shockingly at the scene in front of him. Immortal practitioners could become immortals when they touched Heavenly Dao, but the premise is that they must survive the sky-tribulation. At this time, it will be hindered and tested by the original world, and the power of Heaven Tribulation is the power of Heaven.

The world where Hua Xia is located is completely closed, and Tiandao also has problems. Therefore, since ancient times, there has been no heavenly disaster. Giant's catastrophe is definitely not ordinary catastrophe. The ordinary Heavenly Tribulation only slightly hinders the Immortal Cultivator from becoming an Immortal, and eliminates some people who are not capable enough, but the scene in front of him is absolutely condemned by heaven, condemned by heaven and earth, what a terrible power it is. Not to mention the immortal cultivators who have not yet become immortals. Even the immortals who have become immortals may not be able to bear them. (To be continued.)

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