Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 936: 8 Grand Gates

To be fair, Ling Feng didn't want Mo to ask the first opponent to find the Blood Fiend Palace. After all, Blood Fiend Palace's strength was very strong, because of Yang Zonglin's existence, he could even break into the top three. Mo Wen directly challenged the Blood Fiend Palace, and it is very likely that he would once again be in the hands of the Blood Fiend Palace.

After all, Yang Zonglin, even one person, can even compare with the other five people of Zongmen, but it is quite a terrifying force.

If Mo Wen chooses another sect, there may be some that might win, so that the generous faction can also be ranked in the top eight. If you choose Xueshadian, the hope is rather slim. In the end, you might even get a bamboo basket.

Of course, Ling Feng also knows that Xuesha Palace is too deceiving and embarrassing to be generous. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, and the shape of Xuesha Palace is inevitable. Although he analyzes the situation rationally, he still has to ask questions. the meaning of.

"Just go to the Hall of Evil Blood, I also want to know how strong is the opponent who has been the ultimate strong for more than two hundred years."

Mo asked faintly that since he made a choice, he would not change it easily, not to mention that he did so, naturally he also had his grasp. He doesn't know how strong he is now, but ordinary warriors, even extreme warriors, are probably not comparable to him. Like Yang Zonglin, who did not break into the realm of immortality and walked quite far among the extreme warriors, he was naturally a good grindstone.

A warrior who has been an extreme strongman for more than two hundred years and an extreme warrior who has lived for more than two hundred years are two concepts.

The ultimate warrior who has lived for two hundred years may only break through after the age of two hundred. It has not been a few years since the extreme warrior, and his understanding of this state is still shallow.

But Yang Zonglin broke into the realm of extreme warrior before he was 100 years old, which can be said to be a genius among geniuses. For the next two hundred years, he almost wandered in the realm of extreme warrior. Although he never broke through to the realm of immortality, he has been a extreme warrior for so long.

"Since the suzerain has made a choice, then we naturally have no objections." Ling Feng sighed softly. Although he knew that it was inappropriate to do so, he did not say anything. After all, the generous faction was a generous faction that Mo Wen asked. Although he was a protector of the Fa, he was only given the grace of Mo questioning, even though he repayed his favor in generous terms. Naturally, Mo asked what it was, what it was, and he would not refute without reason.

Although he is a genius, he is too young after all. It is not suitable to survive in the warrior world. Ling Feng knew. Mo Wen's doing so must be related to the provocation of the ruthless son in the afternoon. Mo Wen's passionately made such a choice, but it is not surprising.

"Sect Master, the battle of the Sect is a battle of five people. Can you have a suitable person in your heart?"

Wang Yinru said loudly that the generous faction might be an amazing master space outside, but compared with the sect gate in Penglai Wonderland. Not worth mentioning. Among the sect, there are not many people who can fight. It is no exaggeration to say that the five people are probably a bit out of order.

After all, to participate in such a battle, the ordinary Wu Zong is probably not enough to see, and the generous factions including Mo Wen and Gu Jingman, only counted more than four Wu Zong's cultivation. The fifth person, is it possible to send a warrior from Jindan Realm to play? Wang Yinru thought that there was some shame here.

The generous factions and the martial arts of Ming Palace looked at each other. All feel a little ashamed at this time. In Zongmenzhong, there was no one available.

"You don't have to worry, I can fight with my sister. The Tianhua Palace does not stipulate that we must fill up five people." Mo asked lightly, compared with those of the Penglai fairyland, the generous faction did not take it. With the shot, even if Tan Qiyue puts it in the eyes of those warriors of the Penglai line, it is probably not worth mentioning, and it is even worse than some talented young people.

"What!" Wang Yinru looked at Mo Wen in surprise, only Mo Wen played with Gu Jingman! Have you made any mistakes? The Blood Fiend Palace is already strong. Mo Wen actually wanted to be against each other by virtue of him and Gu Jingman.

Although the strength of the generous faction is not worth mentioning, there are really no masters who can handle it, but they can't just waste their food because of choking. Just play with two people. If in other Zongmen's eyes, this is not arrogance and arrogance, but stupidity and arrogance.

"Sect Master, this is not the case. Although the old husband is shallow, he is willing to use the strength of dogs and horses. Then the old man Yang Zonglin may not be an opponent, but the other people in the Palace of Blood Evil can also fight."

Ling Feng could n’t think of it. Mo Wen would make such a choice, but it ’s a bit too ... He did n’t know what to say, although there was no hope of defeating Xuesha Palace originally, but since he chose to take action, he always had to go all out. Right. Is n’t it childish to do so?

Tan Qiyue opened his mouth to speak, but swallowed back. Apart from Mo Wen, Gu Jingman and Ling Feng, he is the fourth master. But he is very clear in his heart that the gap between them and these three people is not a little bit, even if Ling Feng, it is not an ordinary Wuzong three realm warriors, but a extreme warrior. If it weren't for the Xuesha Palace, the generous faction could break into the re-election by virtue of Ling Feng alone, and even get a good ranking.

However, Ling Feng was not an opponent in the face of Yang Zonglin in Xuesha Palace, and he had the qualification to speak.

"Ling Hufa, I'm sure in my heart, you don't have to worry. Moreover, you haven't recovered from the original injury, and you participated in the battle of the Zongmen, and you were injured again. This time, only me and my sister are facing you, you don't have to fight . "

Mo asked softly, how could he not see that Ling Feng ’s previous injury was not healed, and his strength was greatly reduced. This battle with the Blood Fiend Palace was injured again, and the wound was hurt, if it was again with the Blood Fiend Palace Fighting, I am afraid the situation will be very optimistic.

What's more, Mo Wen had me in his heart. Even if he was alone, he wouldn't dare to single out the blood evil sect, and his sister Gu Jingman was even more mysterious. After coming out of the seventh space, I didn't know how far. The two played, Mo asked that there was nothing to worry about.

"Thank you Zongzhu forgiving your husband, but ..."

Ling Feng sighed. He was originally just a waste person. As a result, he encountered Mo Wen and was rescued by him, but he could not recover from the internal injuries for many years. Compared with the cultivation at the peak, it was still a long way off, although There is no problem with the ordinary extreme martial arts, but it is still a lot different from playing against a strong man like Yang Zonglin. In the battle with Yang Zonglin, he was indeed injured again, and the situation was much worse.

He didn't expect that Mo Wen actually saw it, so he was not touched by the fact that he was not allowed to participate in the next battle. However, since he was rescued by Mo Wen, he has to do his best to do things for him. This kind of situation is quite embarrassing. How can he be afraid of not fighting.

"There is no need to discuss this matter anymore. It is enough for me to fight with my sister. You can rest assured that since I have done so, I am sure of it."

Mo Wen asked to interrupt Ling Feng, Ling Feng's injury was not easy to cure, if it was repeatedly injured, it would be more difficult to cure. If it is not for the sake of insurance, he may even challenge the Blood Fiend Palace alone.

"Sister, I choose so, do you have any opinions?" Mo asked Wang Guman.

"What the younger brother said is what we are, our younger brother is concentric, and I'm afraid that he will not be able to complete a hall of blood," Gu Jingman said simply. Not only did she have no intention of opposing, she even thought that it was enough for her to join the war with her younger brother. Why should other idle people wait to participate.

The people in the meeting room were speechless for a while. This sister and brother are really a virtue. No wonder they can be sisters. However, it is clear to everyone that Gu Jingman's strength is unfathomable, and the battle of Tianbang ranks second, and she has not even exerted her full strength at all. It is just that Mo Wen won the first place in the Tianbang and she does not challenge. The first position, otherwise who is the first, I am afraid it is still difficult to say.

Now that the decision was made, the crowd went out of the meeting room. They originally planned to discuss the good strategy to deal with the blood evil palace, but the result was that Mo Wen and Gu Jingman had all undertaken it, but they had nothing to do with them.

Yin Banshuang walked at the end, looking at Mo Wen with a complicated look. She did n’t say a word from beginning to end. She had compared with Mo Wen before, but at this time she found that she and he were no longer Is a man of the world. Also, what a little genius in the ancient secret world.

The next day, the dragon's nest was still overcrowded. The top eight sects were selected. The next step was the battle of the top four. The battle between the sects became more intense and more exciting. Even, in order to promote happiness, some people directly sit in the bank to open and gamble on the outcome of a battle.

Of course, those who dare to open in Shenlong Chaozhuang have strong financial support behind them, either a huge chamber of commerce or a profound sectarian force.

The eight ancestors who successfully entered the quarter-finals entered the venue, causing a burst of cheers and igniting the atmosphere in the whole dragon's nest. Mo Wen and the generous people also came here early, his eyes glanced at that The eight warrior sect gates are undoubtedly all ancestral gates of the Penglai fairyland. He didn't know the other five sects except the Xingjiao, Golden Buddha Sect and Xuesha Palace.

The five Zongmens did not seem to send young disciples to participate in the battle of Heavenly Rankings, but Zongmen ’s overall strength was quite impressive.

This battle between the sect is stronger or weaker, and it is still difficult to say who can win the crown.

The names of the five sect gates, Mo Wendeng, have also been heard. In fact, the sect gates that can be promoted to the top eight are almost familiar to everyone in the Dragon City. They are Tianhai Sect, Chiri Sect, Evil Wind Sect, Viper Gate, and Jin Hongzong.

According to Ling Feng ~ ~ Evil Wind Sect and Tianhai Sect are both first-class sects in Penglai Wonderland, and they are even better than Xingjiao. This time somehow they will send people to attend the martial arts conference. In addition to these two sects, the strongest nature is * education, and then the Chiri Sect, Golden Buddha Sect, Golden Rainbow Sect ...

On the contrary, it is the Temple of Blood Evil. Although it is also an unusual sect in Penglai Fairyland, there are strong men in the sect after Huaxian, but the overall strength is the weakest of the eight major sects. If it weren't for the old monster in the extreme realm like Yang Zonglin inside, I'm afraid that Xueshadian wouldn't break into the first eight at all.

"Since all the sects have arrived, then I will announce one thing."

A faint voice rang in the dragon's nest. Everyone seemed to feel it. They all looked in one direction. I saw a mysterious woman with a white veil and a veil on her face stepping into the void, step by step. In it, like a fairy in the world.

Everyone knows that the martial arts conference is still in progress. Although the Yuanshenjing referees in Tianhua Palace preside over the conference, the top decision maker of Dragon City is this mysterious woman. (To be continued) () "Kungfu Doctor" only represents the view of the author's world. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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