Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 943: Ancestor of Ming Palace


Mo Wen didn't know what would happen if he exhibited Yin and Yang Qi and Qiankun's move in public. For him, the top priority is to defeat the five enemies in front of him. The power of Yinyangyangkun's great movement completely disintegrated the offensives of the five strong men of Tianhai Sect. At the same time, a thundering force lit up from him, and the ice-blue thunderbolt twisted and expanded, just like Thor.

The Law of Lei Yao!

Mo Wen's method of Lei Yao is divided into four realms, Lei Sheng, Lei Yin, Thunder and Thunder Fury.

Originally, Mo Wen only cultivated to the realm of Lei Sheng, still far away from Lei Yin, but in the original space, he understood the mystery of Lei, and his understanding of Lei Yao's law became deeper and deeper. Lei Yinjing practiced to Dacheng.

The method of Fengyao and Yunyao are both cultivated to the second level.

As soon as the thunder came out, the lightning flashed and thundered, and roared for nine days. Mo Wen looked like a peerless beast, broke into the five people of Tianhai Sect, and flew them all with terrifying thunder.

Being the ultimate warrior, Mo Wen is much stronger than them, even enough to challenge the warriors in Yuanshen Realm.

The five figures flew back, all fell back to the ground, backed a dozen steps in a row, but were not injured. After all, the five are all extreme strongmen, and Mo Wen didn't die, after all, it was only a competition, not a life and death vendetta.

Although the five members of the Tianhai Sect still have the power to fight again, they have not shot again, because at this time they are still in shock and have not recovered.

The presence of Yin Yang and Qian Kun Da Nuo actually appeared on this young man. It was really incredible. Five people knew exactly what it meant. At the same time, Mu Heli also knew that even if the five of them joined forces, they could not win Mo Wen. After all, the Yin and Yang Qiankun moved this mysterious and mysterious Taoist martial arts best at controlling, fighting round the enemy, and even those who doubled could not help him.

At that time, the man was able to move freely with the help of a Yin and Yang Qiankun in the pursuit of several large gates.

What's more, Mo Wen asked him feeling mysterious. It seemed far more than what he showed so simple.

"Mo Xiaoyou is really talented, the old man admires, Tianhai Zong admits defeat."

Mu Heli clenched his fists, and the successors of Yin Yang Qi and Yin Yang Qiankun moved. For Penglai Fairyland, it is a big thing, he has no mood to fight for those vanities. What's more, even if he fights, I'm afraid he won't win this horrible young man. Even if he keeps his hands behind, he tells him intuitively. I am afraid that none of the five teamed up is this young boy's opponent.


Mo Wen also clenched his fists, but Mu Heli acted in a bright and decent way.

"Mo Xiaoyou, although I don't know where your teacher is, but there is one thing you should remember, be careful of the people of the evil wind sect."

Mu Heli gave Mo a deep look, and then led Tian Haizong's men out of the field. The evil wind sect had many entanglements with the man. Mo Wen practiced Yin and Yang qi and Yin and Yang Qiankun moved, even if it had nothing to do with the man. I am afraid that the evil wind sect will also be regarded as a thorn in the eyes and want to get rid of it soon.

What's more, Mo asked how it might have nothing to do with that person, otherwise where his yin and yang qi and Yin and Yang Qiankun moved would come from.

"This person must not stay, the threat must be strangled in the cradle!"

Hu Shuo's eyes were full of killing intentions, and he wished to kill Mo Wen immediately. As the leader of the evil wind sect, he was also close to 300 years old. At that time, the man's grievances with the evil wind sect, he once looked in the eyes, although he was still young at that time. Just an ordinary outside disciple, a teenager. But the man's horror was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Things from that year must never be repeated. It is an unimaginable disaster for the evil wind sect.

Therefore, we must quickly kill him in the cradle while Mo Wen has not grown up.

Mo Wen felt a cold murderous intention over him. He turned his head slightly and looked in the direction of the evil wind sect from the five people. He felt a deep hatred, and Hu Shuo had another feeling. fear! A person who had never met each other and had never met before, looked at his eyes with hidden fear, and he did not know where this fear came from.

Reminiscent of Tian Haizong's reminder, Mo Wen frowned slightly.

In addition to the Evil Wind Sect, the attitude of several other Zongmens in Penglai Fairyland towards him also seems to have changed. Although there is no obvious hostility like the Evil Wind Sect, they also intend to keep a distance from him. For a time, the entire square was silent. Got up.


"Yin Yang Yang Kun moved! How is it possible!"

On the audience stand, where the Ming Temple is located, Shao Yunyang's entire body was stiff in place. As the master of the Ming Temple, how could he not recognize the Yin and Yang movement, which is the most terrifying martial art in Ming Dynasty, it is said There was only one person in history, and how terrible that person was, he shuddered when he thought about it.

Over the years, the Ming Temple has grown stronger and stronger, and even forgotten the Ming religion of that year, and regarded itself as orthodox.

However, when the Yin-Yang and Qian-Kun movements appeared in front of him, Shao Yunyang discovered that the shadow from the Ming religion never disappeared.


Lu Shenming, the elder of the First Supreme Master of the Ming Temple, also looked pale and dull, as if he had lost his soul.

Everyone understands that the emergence of the Yin and Yang Qiankun movement means that the Ming religion has the most orthodox heirs. As a Ming Temple of traitors, will Mo Wen let them go?

The answer is obvious. If it is an ordinary person, Ming Palace may not be in the eyes, but the powerfulness of Mo Wen has made Ming Temple feel terrified and frightened.

"No, it must be reported to the ancestors immediately, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

Shao Yunyang made a decisive decision ~ ~ He didn't watch the contest anymore. He led the Mingdian team to walk out of the Dragon's Nest directly and left the Dragon City nonstop.

"Elder Lu, you set off immediately, go to Penglai Wonderland through a secret space tunnel, find the old ancestor, and invite him to come back to preside over the overall situation."

The ancestor of the Ming Palace is a person who is related to the biggest secret of the Ming Palace. Normally, only the Lord of the Ming Palace and the elder Taishang are qualified to know, and ordinary Taishang elders are not qualified to know the secret.

Thinking of the Ming Patriarch's ancestors, Lu Shenming's pale face slightly slowed down, the great man who created the Ming Palace in one hand, the right Ming King of Ming Dynasty. Many people thought he was dead. In fact, not only did his old man not die, he also broke through to Yuanshen Realm hundreds of years ago.

At that time, the one who had n’t died yet, the Ming Palace dared to rebel against the Ming religion, which had a direct relationship with the ancestor ’s power.

The old ancestors of that year played with the legendary leader of Mingjiao. Although they did not know the result, they dared to play with that one, which was enough to prove the strength of the old ancestor. (To be continued.)

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