Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 945: Stacked wave

? Force on the invisible, worthy of being the warrior of Penglai Fairyland, the means is really extraordinary. Mo Wen nodded secretly in his heart. Tongming shot him just now. He absolutely did not use any martial arts or secret techniques, only by attacking with force. However, his method is profound and mysterious. Between raising his hand and throwing his feet, he can explode with extremely fierce power.

Changing a martial arts warrior, I am afraid that he only knows how to do it with strength, and even Mo himself is at this stage. However, the Vajra Vajra Vajra formula is different. It has a set of exquisite methods of exerting force, which can make your strength reach its limit without any waste.

For example, a person is as strong as a cow, but the attacks he makes are too rough and simple, so he can only exert 50% of the effective power, while the power of Tongming can be effectively exerted 100%. Even if the two people have the same level of physical training, but if they really fight, I am afraid that the gap can't be counted.

Mo Wen is very clear about this truth. Although his body-finishing technique is strong, it can be said to be far stronger than Tongming, but once Tongming shot, he knew that this person should not be underestimated.

"Master Mo is really extraordinary, then the old gentleman is welcome."

Tongming folded his hands together, and Mo Wen could stop him with a silent blow, he knew that this Mo Wen was not easy to deal with, so he no longer estimated anything. Stepping out step by step, facing Mo Wen directly, every step of his is quite mysterious. It seems that he has not shot. In fact, his strength has long erupted, and as he steps, he continues to stack up and become stronger and stronger.

"Die Lang!" Mo Wen was shocked in his heart. Die Lang is a very deep knowledge in the use of power. It is very simple to say, but it is not very simple. A person who can show the stack wave will inevitably control the power. The point of perfection. Among the warriors, there are many people who can stack waves, and there are probably many in the inner world, but not many people can practice stack waves to a high level.

Stacked waves, as the name suggests, are like waves. Wave after wave, wave after wave, waves were rough and endless. Stack waves in martial arts. It is to imitate the power of the ocean waves, one after another, one after another, getting stronger and stronger, and finally exploding several times. Even dozens of times more powerful.

Mo Wen can also stack waves. The method of using this power is quite practical, and it is also widely used. Almost all martial arts will try the method of martial arts.

However, Mo Wen can only stack three waves, urging three forces to stack together, and then burst out, creating unparalleled power.

But the monk Tongming took ten steps and stacked waves step by step, the power fluctuations became more and more terrible.

"Ten waves."

Mo Wen took a deep breath. There are a lot of people who know stack waves, but most of them can only stack waves, and stack waves can be stacked up to five times, which is quite simple. The higher the number of stacked waves, the more difficult it is. Ten stacked waves is definitely A very high level.

"Ten waves, and he doesn't seem to stop. The old bald donkey in Tongming is really high in the realm of power, so the kid might have to peel off if he doesn't die."

Hu Shuo, the leader of the evil wind sect, flashed a sneer in his eyes. He was terribly afraid of the power of the ten stacks of waves. If he did n’t dare to bump into Tongming ’s old bald donkey, he would n’t ask if he did n’t rely on other abilities and only used his own body-building power.

He didn't believe it, and Mo asked could have waves of waves. Delang has very high demands on martial arts. And it must be tempered repeatedly and accumulated over time to achieve the superposition of strength again and again. Do not ask a stinky hairy kid, even though his talents are against the sky, but the stacked waves are great magical powers from hard work. With the accumulation of hard work over the years, how could he do it.

Not to mention the ten stacks of waves, it would be remarkable to be able to do the two stacks of waves.

"Taking advantage of one's own shortcomings against each other's strengths, Mo asked the kid really careless, that the Tongming old bald donkey's ability is all on the body training and the use of power. In this respect, how can he compare with Tongming, how can he not lose. I hope that Tongming old bald donkeys have no evil intentions, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. "

Chu Yunli frowned tightly. She thought that in this competition, Mo Wen was definitely not Tongming ’s opponent. That said Tongming was pretty good, but if he had other thoughts in his mind ... There were too many offending schools, and they did not know whether the Golden Buddha had any entanglement with that person. In case there is any evil in Tongming, suddenly a poisoned hand, Mo Wen may not be able to prevent it.

"Mo Wen Xiaoyou, Lao gang's strongest means is the thirteen waves, and he can put out the power of Vajra, the ordinary Yuanshen Realm Warrior hits it with all his strength, but this is also true. Take it by mouth. If you are too weak, please withdraw in time. "

Tongming's voice sounded, and at the same time, he had taken two steps again, and his strength had condensed to its peak.

"Master Tongming is a good tool, and I just want to try the strength of my body."

Mo asked not to be surprised, but he was hard to meet such a tyrannical figure like Tong Ming. Does he have any reason to retreat? He stepped out and greeted Tong Ming directly.

"Oh! Dali King Kong!"

Tongming's momentum also condensed to the peak, the arrow had to be sent on the string, and the last step was stepped out. The thirteen stack waves exploded to the extreme. The terrifying power caused the surrounding space to shake.


The two figures collided together, and the first encounter actually split evenly. At the next moment, the two figures collided violently and separated again.

Except those extreme martial arts practitioners who can cultivate to a deep level can barely see their movements, ordinary audiences can only see two shadows tangled together. In the surroundings, there was no sky-splitting in their phenomena, destruction and crushing, but rather extraordinarily calm, even the wind and dust did not move.

From a distance, only two shadows collided and separated silently.

"Good use of deep power, strong physique!"

Chu Yunli took a sigh of relief, looking at the two men fighting in shock. There was no movement on the surface of the battle between the two, but the insider looked at the doorway, the layman looked lively, and everyone who knew it knew that it was the two who used their power to the limit and did not emit a trace of it.

Those warriors who rush into the sky and break up the rocks and rocks are not necessarily powerful. On the contrary, this realm of return to nature is truly terrible.

"Mo Wen estimated that he had cultivated a deep body training method, otherwise he could absorb the vitality in the primitive world alone, and his body might not be so strong."

An unknown area, Mo Qingge said lightly. The baptism of primitive energy in the primitive world is certainly extraordinary, but everything has its limits. The first few years have the best effect, and the effect will decrease after a long time. After all, living in the primitive space for a long time, Mo Wen ’s resistance to the vitality will become stronger and stronger. The effect of vitality baptism will naturally become lower and lower.

If he hadn't practiced any advanced conjoined secrets, his body could not be so strong.

"Indeed, the monk Tongming still can't try out the depth of Mo Wen's question. I'm afraid he can rely on this body alone to fight against the ordinary warriors in the early Yuanshen Realm."

Mo Qingqing nodded, Mo asked how strong his body was, he didn't expect it. On the surface, Mo Wen and Tongming seemed to be equal, but how could they not see it, Mo Wen didn't try his best, and even half of his strength might not be exerted .

"The strength is comparable to the Yuanshen Realm Warrior, and it may not be comparable to the Yuanshen Realm Warrior, but Mo Wen is not bad in other respects. It is really difficult to say whether it is better to fight the Yuanshen Realm Warrior."

Mo Qingge smiled indifferently. She remembered that when she first met Mo Wen, he was just a little warrior. In a blink of an eye, he could be comparable to Yuanshen Realm Warrior.

"This year's International Superpower Contest, Mo Wen may be able to participate." Mo Qingqing shook his head. He had only said so before. He never thought that Mo Wen could grow so quickly. The International Superpowers Contest, that is the superpowers stage of the whole world, and there are not too many restrictions, anyone who cultivates below Yuanshen Realm can participate.

Below Yuanshen Realm, there is more than one enlightenment, and it is not uncommon to cultivate a wizard who cannot reach Yuanshen Realm but can kill the Yuanshen Realm Warrior.

There are many things that Mo Qingqing knows. For example, the crazy lunatic in the Wuzong Palace is an lover of Xiao Hongyu, the lord of the Tianhua Palace. He grew up with the lord of the palace, and his cultivation was profound and unpredictable. Martial Warrior. It is said that he could have broken through to Yuanshen Realm long ago, but in order to cope with this international superpower contest, he just repaired it to suppress the breakthrough.

There is also the young master of Guiyou, who is the only parent and child of Youwang Jiangyou. He has been trained at the highest level since childhood. It is said that he has been staying below Yuanshen Realm because of practicing some kind of mystery, but his strength is very scary. The monk of ordinary Yuanjingjing is not his opponent. UU Reading Book However, because of practicing a mystery technique, Master Guiyou will set himself up as a part of the seal, otherwise he would n’t ask if he could escape if he met Master Guiyou, and he would have died without a burial. place.

In addition to these two, a few are quite simple.

Of course, this is the case in China, and the western world is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Moreover, the inheritance of the Western world is better at transmitting power directly, rather than just guiding and promoting like Hua Xia, so some geniuses in the Western world are even more terrible.

For example, the demon language of the Demon Alliance is an unfathomable figure. The specific origin of Tianhua Palace has not yet been found, but this woman is definitely not simple. There is also the shocking snow of the Alliance of Gods, which is the candidate saint selected by the temple. It accepts the highest inheritance. On the surface, it does not show mountains and dews, but it really forces her power. I am afraid it is beyond imagination.

Therefore, Mo Wen's current ability is barely enough to meet the threshold of participating in the international superpower contest. Before that, Mo Qingqing never thought that Mo Wen could have this ability.

"International Superpower Contest?" Mo Qingge smiled slightly: "With his current capabilities, it is not difficult for me to win a place for him, and this Mo asked has been creating miracles, who knows if he can compete in international superpowers? Before the contest became stronger. "(To be continued.)

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