Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 950: Space battlefield

For the battle between Mo Wen and Yaoyu, Jingxue was also looking forward to it, so she got over immediately after receiving the news. I remember when he first met with Mo Wen, he was just a little warrior. In just half a year, she wanted to know where Mo Wen grew up.

In the martial arts arena, more and more people gathered, almost the entire martial arts are full, and it is still increasing. From the beginning of the martial arts conference to the present, the martial arts has never been so lively.

Mo Wen, as the number one in the sky list, the most dazzling person in the martial arts conference, naturally attracts the attention of others, and the demon language is a mysterious character from the Demon League, beautiful and stunning and full of magical charm. Many geniuses from the inner world suffered losses in her hands and became her servants.

Mo Wen As the strongest of the younger generation, his battle with the demon language almost represents the battle of the younger generation of China and the Devil Alliance, and the bet of the battle is so fragrant and ambiguous.

Everyone has a gossip side, and this peerless gossip has attracted almost everyone in the Dragon City.

"Mo asked, what do you mean?"

Yuyu's entire face was cold, and there was no more magical enchantment. Under the wide public, this kid wanted to make her fail.

"Cough, please ask the two if you agree to the treaty." The referee coughed lightly and looked at Mo Wei queerly, and could not understand the relationship between the two. He has been a referee for so long and has never seen such a gamble.

"I disagree."

The demon said coldly: "If I lose, I will be his woman; if he loses, I will be my servant. This is what we discussed before."

Mo asked this shameless, shameless language at this time also deeply felt the shamelessness and thick skin of Mo asked.

"Miss Yaoyu, when did I negotiate a gamble with you, don't talk nonsense. I think the previous plan is fair, no matter who wins or loses, the price is the same. And you, it is a bit unfair Okay. "

Mo asked very indifferently.

"The rules I used to recruit relatives were the same. You were the top of the list. Do you want to deny it?" Yaoyu took a deep breath. For Mo Wen's fairness, she wanted to step on his face.

"Compete in recruiting relatives? Miss Yaoyu, I said the ten-day appointment. I just promised to fight you, but did not say anything to participate in the contest recruiting, Miss you made a mistake."

Mowen is not that silly. For someone who doesn't know the origin or the depth. How could he bet on himself.

The referee looked at both of them silently. They all arrived at the battlefield, but the treaty was not negotiated yet. If they were changed to others, he would have driven them out.

"I can't think of the great young master of China, who is actually a guts. You think it is unfair, then how to replace the defeated with slaves. This is always fair."

The spirit of the demon was so angry that Mo asked this shameless person, and became her servant. He must be beautiful.

"Miss Yaoyu, what you said is too unfriendly, and you are always a slave to slavery. You are a foreign friend and as a host, I will not sign such a hurtful treaty with you. Xu, it ’s good not to give up. Of course, if you do n’t want to, you can also replace it. If you lose, let me kiss you. I failed to let you kiss such a friendly treaty. "

Mo asked with a grin, that in this woman of demon language, shame is the best way to deal with her.

"you wanna die!"

The demon language can't help it now, if not considering the occasion. She exploded long ago.

"Do you two have a unified opinion, or you will wait until you have a unified opinion?" The referee said nothing.

Yanyu took a deep breath, she knew it was impossible to force Mo to ask Fan, this kid was sly and ghostly, and she wanted to take advantage of him simply because she wanted too much.

Simultaneously. The demon language also has some dignity in his heart. Mo Wennai is the top of China's list of heavens, and he has shown his limelight in the battle of Zongmen and replaced it with others. But this Mo question, it is quite simple to remain calm and cautious in this situation.

At least in the fighting arena, those warriors never thought that Mo Wen was not the opponent of Yaoyu. Even if the bet said between them, Mo Wen could not be defeated. Come home.

After all, Mo Wen ’s performance in the Zongmen Wars was too amazing. Ordinary Yuanshen Realm Warriors are probably not afraid. A fearful demon language of his age is obviously unrealistic. Many people even think that the purpose of the demon language is to sell themselves to Mo Wen. This kind of thing is normal. The strongest in the martial arts world is respected. Since ancient times, beauties have loved heroes. At least many women in the Dragon City have this idea.

However, there is no chance for them to catch up with Mo Wen. Even if they want to post to Mo Wen in this way, it is also intentional and weak.

Therefore, many people in the field felt that Mo Wen ’s rhetoric of rejecting the demon language was normal. Instead, it was this demon language, and he wanted to climb the high branch of Mo Wen with a cheeky face. As a result, Mo Wen refused and was naturally annoyed.

"That demon language is also a dilution of rare beauties, goblins among goblins, and stunners that men dream of. Take the initiative to send to the door to ask Mo, he didn't even want to, it's just ... annoying ... if I were to ask Mo ... ... Will he be that ... "

"I'm sure, Mo asked whether it was not good in that respect, or there was a problem with the orientation ... God, why wouldn't this opportunity be given to me, so I am willing to let me lose my life for fifty years."

"Violent celestial objects are really violent celestial objects, don't ask, don't ask me, just give it to me, why not refuse it."

"Huh, the little **** of the demon whispering, thought she was just a little bit slick and wanted to hook up with Mo Wen, don't look at such a big hero like Mo Wen, can she hook up if she wants to hook up ..."

In the voice of discussion, there are many women, three or five women live together, and they are the center of gossip, twitter, hot.

What the demon language does, the people's comments in the field naturally can't hide her, a face has been extremely blue, but on this occasion, she can't do it, and she stubbornly wants to tear Mo Wen. Others talk about her, and in turn hate to ask, it is very unreasonable, but when did the woman tell the truth.

In short, the demon language is very angry now, I wish I could unload the Mo Wen Da.

"Did you two decide?" The referee was also impatient.

"No conditions, just ask for a fight, you have no opinion." Yaoyu Wang asked Mo, the flames were burning in the black diamond-like eyes.

"Of course there is no opinion, Miss Yaoyu said yes, I respect women very much."

Mo asked a very gentleman, taking care of the appearance of demon language. In fact, it is his idea not to make a gambling contract. He never fought a battle that is not sure. How could he dare to easily promise without knowing the details of the demon language. On the contrary, his battle in the battle of Zongmen was probably seen by Yaoyu long ago, and at least he knew a little about him. In this case, Yaoyu dare to propose such a gambling battle, indicating that he is quite confident in himself.

For such a woman, don't dare to ask.

"The Chinese state has a word called brine tofu to drop one thing. When the demon language meets Mo Wen, it also meets the nemesis."

Jingxue's expression is very exciting. She has never seen Yaoyu eat such a big loss, suffered such a great deal of grievances, and the audience's argument, she feels a bit embarrassed as an outsider. That Mo question is not only thick-skinned and shameless, but also quite bad. Jingxue secretly decided to stay away from this question.

"Since you do not enter into a treaty, this battle is an ordinary one, and it will stop when you click."

Of course, the referee also had no opinion. The command in his hand gave off a glimmer of light. At the next moment, a ray of light fell from the sky and fell on the court.

Then, the surrounding scene changed, and it seemed that they had traveled through time and space. The two came to a snowy area. The sky was covered with goose feathers and heavy snow. The snow under the ground was not deep enough. The surrounding glaciers rose up from the ground. Not to the margin.

This is the battlefield of combat, which contains the mystery of space, which is equivalent to the transformation of time and space. The surrounding environment will not affect any swing of the two. This special battlefield consumes a lot of energy. At ordinary times, battles at the level of Mowen and Yaoyu are not qualified to start. At least the battle of Yuanshen Realm will enable this kind of battlefield.

But for some reason, the person in charge of Dragon City personally came forward to explain and use this battlefield for the two.

"Sister, Mo Wen's battle with the demon language is at most equivalent to the contest of Yuanshen's initial stage. It is a waste to use a special battlefield."

In the martial arts arena, the two figures do not know when they will appear. It is strange to say that no one can see their location. Even if someone looks at them, they are unaware. No one else, they are Mo Qingge and Mo Qingqing.

"It's not a waste of your sister, what is your heartache." Mo Qingge said lightly.

"Okay ..." Mo Qingqing stopped talking, wasting the resources of Tianhua Palace, it doesn't seem to matter, does Tianhua Palace still care about this?

Although the battlefield was transferred to the snowfield, the audience in the battlefield did not affect the viewing. At the center, the holographic phantom of the snowfield appeared, and no changes would be missed.

"The wicked demon ~ ~ resentment on her face seems to be aggrieved. Thanks to Mo Wen who doesn't have any thoughts on her, she actively changes her gambling contract, otherwise she will burn incense and worship Buddha.

On the audience stage, Pei Fengwu shook his head helplessly when he didn't know when to show up. She knows Mo Wen too well, and is best at creating miracles. Even if Yaoyu is more confident in herself, she can force Mo Wen to the end of her life and death, and the result may be ...

Don't ask what you can't force, the more you force the rebound, the more powerful you will be. Like this kind of battle without gambling restrictions, the demon language is more likely to win.

"Space battlefield."

Yuyu looked at the surrounding snow, a surprise flashed in her eyes, and she did not expect that Tianhua Palace would enable them to use the space battlefield.

So good!

The mouth of Yaoyu sneered at the corner of her mouth. This empty space did not affect her swing at all. If it was replaced by a ring, it would be a bit of a hand.

At this time, the referee had long disappeared, and the empty snowfield had only Mo Wen and Yaoyu. (To be continued.) [End of this chapter]

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