Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 974: Natural world


A blood palm phantom slowly collapsed into nothingness. www * xshuotxt / com

The first palm power was finally resolved in front of Mo Wen's strongest blow. However, the second and third palms also followed, and were far stronger than the first palm.


Mo Wen is like a beast that is in desperation, a roar, two black and white breaths flowed out of him, and turned into a huge Yin and Yang gossip figure. The Yin and Yang Qi is like the river of the embankment, which is surging into the Yin and Yang gossip figure. in.

At the same time, a murky purple light appeared quietly on the surface of his body, and the purple light made people feel extraordinarily profound and magical.

Tai Chi Purple Light! This is the manifestation of the root of Taiji Heavenly Dao. This purple light represents the tiniest part of Taiji Heavenly Dao. Between heaven and earth, there are not many that can be transformed into a complete heaven, but Taiji heaven is one of them. However, if you want to enlighten the Taiji Heavenly Path, you must cultivate the Taiji Purple Light. If you can't even practice the Taiji Purple Light, then you can't understand the Taiji Heaven Road.

Of course, Mo Wen didn't know how many billions of miles from the Taoist enlightenment, it was the matter of the Heavenly Dao Sovereigns, but the appearance of Tai Chi Ziguang in Mo Wen's body meant that he had a relationship with Taiji Tiandao, otherwise don't say that every Mo Ask, even monks in Tai Xuan Realm and God's Virtual Realm, don't try to practice Tai Chi Purple Light.

With the Taiji Ziguang in the body, Mo asked to practice any miraculous mysteries, magic weapon refining, formation layout, immortal refining ...

That's why Mo Qingge was so surprised to see Tai Chi Ziguang on Mo Wen's body. This was equivalent to winning a big prize, something others couldn't envy.

The yin and yang great movements are magical powers created with the foundation of Taiji, and the changes are mysterious and unpredictable.

And because of the integration of Tai Chi Purple Light, this supernatural power is even more natural, just like the natural appearance of yin and yang in the world, and no flaws can be seen.

I am afraid that the creator of the Yinyangyangkun mass movement will not expect the Tai Chi purple light to appear on his successor.

The huge yin and yang gossip map slowly runs. And take the initiative to meet the giant palm of the blood Buddha.

"Sure enough, it was a big move of Yin and Yang, and that person's unique magical power."

Blood Ru narrowed his eyes and recognized at a glance that it was a prestigious move of Yinyang and Yangkun in the Penglai fairyland. The magical power of the Tao. Even though the Xiaodao Supernatural Powers, they still don't have the Xuesha Palace, and the kid is really lucky.

However, the yin and yang great movement of the boy seems to be somewhat different from the legend, as to where it is different. He could not speak for a while. The Yin-Yang Bagua diagram gave him the feeling that it was fused with the whole heaven and earth. The operation of the whole heaven and earth seemed to be merged into the Yin-Yang diagram.

"Huh, whatever your magical powers, it's useless even if the magical powers are so powerful. You are too low to stop my blood Buddha forbidden technique."

Blood Chu sneered coldly, he didn't believe that such a small thing could make a splash, if it was replaced with that famous power, it would be displayed. He believes that he can break his blood Buddha ban, and he can be killed by just one finger.

But that man killed a murderer who did n’t know how many fighting transition strongmen, the fighting transitioning power who died in his hands could not count both hands, and Mo asked a little calf that had n’t grown up yet, could have What skill.

Mo Wen tightly held the sky snake **** spear, he hoped that Yinyin Qiankun's move could block the giant palm of the blood Buddha and dissolve part of the power of the blood Buddha.

Normally, Yin-Yang and Qian-Kun's great movements do not naturally have that power, but this time they merged into Tai Chi Purple Light, and the situation is different.

About Tai Chi Ziguang, he only learned a little later. Mo Qingge advised him not to use the power of Tai Chi Purple Light as easily as possible. Although this thing is against the sky, it is also easily jealous. So for ordinary fights, Mo Wen never used Tai Chi Purple Light.

Of course, there are very few people who can recognize Tai Chi Ziguang.


The whole heaven and earth seemed to be shocked, and the Yin and Yang Eight Diagrams collided with the giant palm of the blood Buddha. Time seems to be still for a moment, without too violent impact, the two seem to just stick together, and then relatively still.

The huge palm of the blood Buddha seems to be blocked by the Yin Yang gossip map.

"How is it possible!" Blood Chu's eyes widened, he could not understand the power of Blood Buddha's secret technique, let alone a question, even if the monks of Yuanshen Daquan's perfection didn't dare to hard connect, then Yin and Yang Qiankun moved It ’s natural to be a supernatural superhero, but it ’s impossible to be so against the sky?

Mo Wen's cultivation base is probably not even comparable to Yuanshen's mid-terms. He even suspected that Mo Wen might not have broken through to Yuanshen Realm, because he could not find the breath of being a monk of Yuanshen Realm.

Yuan Shenjing monk, the unity of heaven and man, blends in nature, and is very close to the aura between heaven and earth. The spirituality on his body is generally difficult to hide. Perhaps there is usually a secret method that can block this breath and completely hide itself, but it is impossible to cover up when fighting with all strength.

And Mo asked the spirituality of his body at this time, if there is nothing, the spirit of the world seems to be not very kind to him, and it does not feel like a monk in Yuanshen Realm.

But Mo Wen ’s realm is not the same, but cultivation is right, and it ’s really not worse than the monks of Yuanshen Realm, and even better than ordinary monks of Yuanshen Realm in all aspects. understand.

But that's not the point. The point is that Mo Wen's ability is still far beyond his imagination.

"Dying struggling." Blood Chu snorted coldly, how could it be blocked a little, and finally did not want to die in his hands.

Sure enough, the static Yin-Yang and Eight Diagrams graph did not last long, and then ran a little under the giant palm of the blood Buddha, and finally turned into nothingness.

However, the second power of the blood Buddha was also weakened by more than half.

Mo Wen, who had been waiting for a long time, waited for the opportunity to move, the Sanyao method attacked again, the world changed, and the power of terror hit the second palm of the blood Buddha, and finally the second palm was completely broken.

However, two times in a row with the blood Buddha, Mo Wen's injuries in the body became more and more serious, Qiqiao bleeding, almost dying.

"The third palm is the time when you die." The blood gleamed with excitement in his eyes, and he did not expect that Mo Wen could be so stiff for so long. But no matter how strong you are, you can't stop the third palm.

At this time, the Blood Rud had appeared before, standing on the shoulders of the huge Blood Buddha, but he had tried his best to urge the Blood Buddha to take his shot, and the deity naturally had no power to shoot again. As for black and white, they dare not get close to this place, and their cultivation practices, if they are involved in it, it is estimated that one face will die.

Sure enough, the third palm force continued to fall, and it was more violent than the previous two palm forces.

Mo Wen looked up at the huge giant palm covering a thousand miles, and looked unprecedentedly serious. He rubbed the Wulei symbol in it. If he used the Wulei symbol at this time, he would definitely destroy the third palm, but the three palms Afterwards, Mo asked if he had any other means.

The guy had eaten the weight and tried to kill him. I am afraid that he will do everything at all costs. As long as the blood Buddha is not destroyed, who knows if there is a possibility of another shot. Although he should have reached the limit when he sees blood cues, it is hard to say if he fights with death.


Mo asked with a curse, he could not give Blood Ru any chance to drive a ship for thousands of years carefully, but the more cautious it is when it is dangerous.

The energy in him now has already withered, and the yin and yang qi have almost been consumed. There is no yin and yang qi as a foundation. The power of the three-brilliance method is less than one. After all, your own energy is the king. You have insufficient energy. Even if the sky snake spear is stronger, the magic power is no longer great, and it cannot exert its due strength.

The power of heaven and earth can never be gathered together, but how much power of heaven and earth can be gathered in a short time? Fighting is in an instant, waiting for you to gather enough power of the world, people will kill you long ago, unless your realm is much higher than others, the power of the heaven and earth can be extinguished by the moment, but the actual situation is, The realm of others is higher than him ...

Mo Wen found that he already had a taste of being a poor donkey. The power of heaven and earth inspired by the Yuanshen Realm monk could destroy ordinary extreme strongmen, but it did not play a key role in the battle between Yuanshen Realm monks.

"Although it has never been tried, it should not be worse."

Mo Wen slowly lowered his head and looked at his palm, but nothing on his palm. But if a careful person can find out, the space around his palm is twisting and constantly twisting.

No spirit clean fire!

Invisible and colorless, turning everything into nothingness. After swallowing the spirit fire, Mo Wen has a body of invisible flame hidden inside, but he has never used it, because he feels that he ca n’t control this flame, he is likely to play with fire and end up in an endless situation. .

At the beginning, Ji Wuya also practiced to the god's virtual realm ~ ~ before using Wuling Jinghu as a powerful supernatural power to display it. It was only used for refining and refining immortality before. He can become a medicine sage, and this innocence and pure fire is of great merit.

"Fight it, at most I will release a little bit, my sky warrior should be able to withstand the first wave of counterattack, only one attack can destroy the giant palm!"

Mo asked a bite, and finally no longer bound the innocent clean fire in the body. boom! In the next moment, the whole world seemed to shake, and then a terrifying scene appeared. Within a thousand miles, all the heaven and earth auras swarmed in, a huge aura vortex appeared above the sky, and below the vortex like a funnel, connected Mo asked the little palm.

It seemed that his hand stirred the world in a thousand miles.

When the spirit fire is born, the heaven and earth spirit will gather automatically. Skyfire, however, does not know how many levels above Spirit Fire. If Skyfire loses control, no one knows what will happen. Don't ask for the ability, the display of Tianhuo will be repulsed, and may even be lost.


Blood Chu's eyes widened and was stunned by the scene in front of him! what's the situation? To be continued.

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