Norgren’s embrace of SoftBank also caused an uproar in Daxia.

On Zhalang Weibo, countless Weibo posts are discussing this.

But everyone's argument is the same, Norgren is really going to be born again this time! ! !

To once again show the atmosphere of its king, return to the top! ! !


Compared with Norgren’s strength again, Huaxing has encountered the biggest problem in history! ! !

Fishing boat bombarded! ! !

And the root of the matter came from a report.

This report was made by an investigative company called "Tian Xing".

And this research company called Tianxing is similar to the world intelligence network, which is the most authoritative every year and publishes the annual world mobile phone market share rankings. It also conducts surveys through big data analysis, so as to provide enterprises and individuals with effective information. company.

They investigated the company and recently launched an investigation in a single task, and then based on the survey data, they made an interesting investigation report.

The title of the report is: On Huaxing's image in the hearts of consumers in Daxia! ! !

This investigation report attracted a lot of attention from 330 within Tianxing Company.

Because Huaxing Company is too powerful now, and Huaxing m-series smartphones are really too hot. Many staff in Tianxing Company use Huaxing m-series smartphones, or they want to use Huaxing. m series smartphones! ! !

Therefore, I am very interested in this report.

With this convenience, the report was carried on.


A shocking phenomenon has appeared! ! !

Tianxing Mobile Phone Company recruited more than 12,000 people from small cities in the third and fourth tiers across the country to make an evaluation of Huaxing’s m-series smartphones. The result was...

Think that Huaxing m-series phones are rubbish, and they account for 70%! ! !

More than 9,600 people think that Huaxing m-series phones are rubbish! ! !


It is simply unimaginable!

Huaxing m-series smart phones are obviously the smart phones that the entire country of Daxia is proud of. I don’t know how many trends it has created and how many fashions it has led. Series of smart phones, very rubbish! ! !

This f*ck...

What an international joke!

Made it,

This report shocked not only the boss of Tianxing Investigation Company, but even the shareholders of Tianxing Investigation Company.

Everyone carefully analyzed the investigation report, and reviewed all the procedures, confirmed that the investigation report is true and not false, and then...decided to announce it to the public!

Just announced to the outside world, it caused an uproar! ! !

In an instant, a Weibo that "Huaxing m series was considered junk phones by 70% of users" rushed to the top position in Weibo hot searches!


The following is the explanation of this Weibo, especially the report of Tianxing Company, which triggered waves of consumers and bombarding Tianxing Company! ! !

"Fuck, what the hell? Huaxing m-series smartphones are garbage? You're afraid it's not your brain watts."

"Huaxing m-series garbage?! Haha, this is the most funny joke I have heard this year."

"Dammit, how about the Huaxing m-series, don’t you know? I actually said that the Huaxing m-series is garbage, these years, in order to be famous, it is really unscrupulous."

"Tianxing investigating company, right? I remember you. For companies like yours that slanderously, I will call on everyone to knock you down!"

"I have never seen a company as shameless as Tianxing Company!"


Too many comments!

There are too many netizens who are furious! ! !

Out of their trust in Huaxing’s m-series smartphones and out of their trust in Huaxing, everyone agreed that Tianxing Research Company did such shameless things just to gain attention.


Countless netizens have started crazy attacks on Tianxing Investigation Company!


Some hackers spontaneously attacked the Tianxing investigation company.

Ask Tianxing to investigate the company's official webpage, and there have been many occurrences, such as unable to open.

Tianxing’s investigation of the company’s reputation was instantly ruined.

Countless companies and companies that originally cooperated with Tianxing Investigation Company have also expressed their intention to terminate their cooperation with Tianxing Investigation Company!

Let Tianxing Company suffered the most serious blow in its history!

Almost can't support it! ! !

The CEOs and directors of Tianxing Company were also confused!

Originally, I just wanted to share the results of this report, but how did it turn out to be like this?

Did their Tianxing company go bankrupt?

Can't bear it!

Everyone is angry, besides, their Tianxing Company obviously did nothing wrong, but suffered such a blow. Why?

Ever since,

Tianxing Company posted an official Weibo.

The words are fierce!

"Isn't cell phone garbage let people say?"

Then, the evidence was posted directly.

Countless samples have been posted, the date, time, and various handwritings are completely different!

It proves the correctness of the report issued by Tianxing Mobile Phone Company.


Indeed, 70% of people think that Huaxing m-series phones are rubbish! ! !

One stone stirred up a thousand waves! ! !

The people who were surging before are stunned!


Dignified Huaxing is really considered rubbish by so many people! ! !

What the hell is this?

Countless netizens lost their voices collectively!

And within Huaxing, an investigation has also been launched!

Even this incident shocked the Ministry of Public Information. After all, Huaxing is now a high-tech business card of Daxiaguo, and it represents the pinnacle of the world's smart phone industry!

But now,

In a survey of 12,000 person-times, more than 9,600 people thought that Huaxing m-series smartphones were rubbish!



This matter must be clarified.

Is it Huaxing’s problem? Or are there other moths?

Fortunately, everyone moved quickly.

It only took less than a week to reveal all the truth to the world.

The main reason why Huaxing is rubbish in the eyes of many people is...cottage! ! !

It is the black phone that many people call! ! !

This has run through the black mobile phones of Daxia Country. Up to now, black mobile phones, that is, copycat phones, are still extremely rampant!

The general imitated mobile phone is nothing more than that, anyhow, the quality is guaranteed.

The scary thing is...

Some small mobile phone companies with no bottom line!

Huaxing, as the best-selling mobile phone company, produces mobile phones that are most susceptible to imitation! ! !

Precisely, the subjects of this investigation of Tianxing Company are located in third- and fourth-tier cities, and even in rural areas... Many people do not know the real Huaxing and the pirated Huaxing, so they almost...

Huaxing has become synonymous with garbage! ! !


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