This is due to the unfavorable handling of the Jiuxing Galaxy 7 smartphone explosion, which led to a sharp decline in sales in Daxia, and the overall sales of Jiuxing also declined a lot.

Last year, it was able to maintain the ranking with several new mid-to-high-end machines from Jiuxing, but this year it was surpassed by fruit.

The main reason is that the new machine released by Fruit is the closest to the existence of Huaxing m6 smart phone, and sales have been greatly increased.

However, its shipment volume is still around 100 million units, and its market share has reached 7.7%.

And Jiuxing's shipment volume has not even reached 100 million units, and its market share is only 7.53%.

Other mobile phones such as Norgren and Motosala are not even in the top ten.

It is worth noting that in this year's sales ranking, Daxia has four of them all entered the top ten.

And these four, in addition to Huaxing, are the three mobile phone companies that have a cooperative relationship with Huaxing, Huaxing, Jijiegao, and Xiaomi.

Among these three mobile phone companies, the sales volume of petal phones is the highest, ranking fourth, closely behind Jiuxing, with an annual shipment volume of 80 million units.

This is mainly because the petals use Huaxing’s Shenzhou Tianzi No. 6 mobile phone processor in the newly released smart phones this year, which makes the sales of petals soar in the second half of the year.

But because of the high cost of mobile phones, the chip was not used, but its shipments also reached 56 million units, ranking seventh.

There are also Xiaomi mobile phones. Due to its shipment restrictions, the monthly shipments of several fixed models are 1 million units, making its annual shipments reach more than 51 million units. Only ranked tenth.

Although it is only the tenth place, it is not easy to know that there are so many smart phone manufacturers around the world that it can achieve this result.

Coupled with smart phone manufacturers such as Charisma, Daxia has a 35.6% market share in global smart phone shipments.

In these rankings, Huaxing's sales are undoubtedly very dazzling.

In the first half of the year, most people predicted that Huaxing’s sales this year would definitely decline, and it would even fall out of the number one smartphone ranking.

There is no other reason. Huaxing has experienced a long period of chip supply, which has led to a sharp drop in the shipments of Huaxing’s m-series smartphones.

Even before the release of the Huaxing m6 smartphone, except for the Huaxing m5 smartphone, which was still on sale, all other Huaxing m-series phones were discontinued.

The sales of Huaxing m5 smartphones have also been strictly restricted, resulting in a serious decline in sales.

Until the emergence of the Huaxing m6 smart 413 mobile phone, everything was completely reversed.

Although it has only been 10 months since the sales of Huaxing m6 smartphones, and at the beginning, there was a serious shortage of production. However, as production kept up, monthly sales reached 30 million. tower.

In this year, the shipment of Huaxing m6 smartphones reached an astonishing 100 million units.

This number even exceeds the sales record of the Huaxing m-series in the first year since the release.

Just a Huaxing m6, it surpassed the second-ranked fruit too much. .

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