Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 117: In my eyes, you are all scum

Fudu's hand directly penetrated Ye Fan's body, but no trace of blood spilled out. In the next second, the body was slowly dissipating.

Turns out to be an afterimage!

In other words, Ye Fan attacked faster than Fudu, and he had no idea where to hide!

How can it be? Fudu was terrified of "color", and panicked "chaotic" and retracted his palm.

"Trash, your speed is as slow as a tortoise in my eyes, but I'm sorry to show it up!" Ye Fan flashed strangely ten meters away.

懵 "Force"!

Capitalized 懵 『force』!

Everyone was shocked watching this scene, and 10,000 troughed horses rushed past in their hearts.

"Lie ~ slot! What happened? His speed is faster than that of Lord Voodoo!"

"Wujingjing is faster than Yaingjing, how is this possible?"

But the fact is before us.

Xu Qing nodded. The boy in the heart said that it was not easy. Even he couldn't see it.

"Let me show you what real speed is!"

"Xuanjie top grade martial arts, Jingyun step on the sky!"

Boom ~ Ye Fan stepped out and disappeared strangely in place. On the ground he stepped on, cracks like spider webs spread.

How could he be so fast?

Fudu was shocked, but felt that his back was a little cold, and the other party flashed out from behind.

Stuck in the middle!

Fudu was soared by this huge power, and even stepped on for several steps to stabilize his body. At this time, the cold voice beside him sounded:

"It's too slow, you're a rubbish!"

On his side, Ye Fan appeared like a ghost, and he shot it with one palm.

"This trick is called Nine Wild Palms!"

Om ~ A three-meter tall gold "color" palm shadow came horizontally. The powerful coercion roared even the surrounding void.

Fudu only had time to raise his hands, and just after the bodyguard mask emerged, the giant palm was photographed.

With a bang, a figure was photographed and flew a hundred meters away.


The whole square, deadly silence!

He actually crushed the existence of the Son with one palm.


"What just happened? Is that at least ground martial arts, right?"

"Xuanpin's high-level figure, the order of the steps, isn't this too evil?"

Still not let others live?

The elders of the congregation were also stunned. The elders who originally supported the son of Voodoo were extremely ugly at the moment.


Mr. An Lan swallowed his mouth, although he was a little surprised, but with that trick, he should not be defeated.

"An Lan, you haven't shot yet, will it be true that he cut me off? I'm dead, you don't even think about it!" Sheng Fudu, distant, got up and shouted loudly.

"Boy, you are really strong, but the power of the peak of the eighth is beyond your imagination!" Anlan Shengzi sneered, and formed a weird French seal with both hands.

Ye Fan heard this, raised his **** silently, and said proudly: "In my eyes, you are scum, and you are not worth fighting against me!"

"Hum! Be arrogant. Step martial arts, Lan Shengyin!"

In front of An Lan Shengzi's palm, a huge French seal printed by Xu Gao came out and took the coercion of a cracking mountain.

"Crouching ~ trough! Anlan Shengzi's strongest killing trick, martial arts!"

"It's so powerful, it really is a holy son!"

"I used to do this, but I killed the master of Jiuzhongjing. This time Ye Fan is in trouble!"

Ye Fan frowned, and yelled: "Sorry to take out this garbage?"


"Golden body!"

"Nakaike is mad!"

Boom ~ An extremely terrifying breath erupted from Ye Fan.

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