Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 160: Tenzaki Soshinko

Wow, Ye Fan crawled out of the gravel pile without any scars. Invincible, three seconds to resurrect, that's not a joke.

"My sister, this fortress has been blown up, and it was fierce enough! It's just a pity that there is no chance to" touch "the corpse."

"And that guy, it shouldn't die! Otherwise, there should be a prompt in the system."

Talking to himself, Ye Fan quickly left! His figure has attracted the attention of Hanyue Island's senior management, so he can't stay here!

This time the big bang added more than 100,000 points to him, a total of about 150,000 to 60,000 accumulated, and experience is almost the same.

After entering the realm of heaven, more than 200,000 experiences will be required for each weight increase.

However, with Ye Fan's current practice speed, 200,000 experience is only half a month!

If you are successful, return your home!

Three days later, one of the top ten heavyweights of Hanyue Island descended on the red fortress and looked at the gravel on the ground, and a raging anger came out.

The dozen or so elder-level figures behind him were frightened one by one, and Bei Sanyuan even knelt directly on the spot, shaking and "shooting" and "shooting" all over his body.

"A junior with a double nature can" plug "into the fortress of Hanyue Island Red and" color ", and also beheaded and killed four strong people! What did you eat?"

Bei Sanyuan was bitter in heart. The horrible guy didn't give him a shot at all.

"Huh! In three days, I want all the information of that person! The loss of Hanyue Island can't be ignored!"

The whole high-rise of Hanyue Island was furious, and they searched Ye Fan to the end. The news was quickly passed back to the Northern Hermitage.

North Hermitage, on the main square.

"Bed ~ trough! Niu Biao, alone, dare to break into the depths of Hanyue Island, and turned upside down!"

"Checked in the case. It is said that this person is Brother Ye Fanye. Isn't this too good?"

"Brother Ye, the pride of Bei Han Palace!"

At the top of the immortal, Xu Qingzhang looked into the distance and was very satisfied. This kid is almost the same as his first touch.

However, three days later, two giant battleships hurriedly sailed towards the North Hermitage. The momentum released by the battleship directly crushed the majesty of the Northern Hermitage.

"I am the God of Heaven Lanzong, a hundred miles into the wind! Come to the Northern Hermitage to ask for martial arts, and soon come out to meet." On the battleship, a hundred miles into the wind yelled.

Ye Fan killed Su Yaodong, a stubborn strongman in his hand. Naturally, he could not swallow this breath. This time he came to suppress the Beihan Palace.


Those who turned out to be Tian Lanzong were so arrogant.

The name of Tian Lanzong alone can crush the North Palace. After all, no matter how strong Xu Qing is, it is impossible for him to resist a sect.

For a moment, more than a dozen Zongmen elders appeared on the main square, all with extremely ugly faces.

The other party was named Tian Lanzong. Although it was a martial art, it came to be a face!

After all, who wouldn't want to come to a small gate to discuss martial arts?

Elder Huo Rong has the highest seniority among the elders and immediately said, "Being the **** son of Tian Lanzong, I apologize for waiting for a loss. I immediately set down a banquet at the Northern Hermitage. "

"Huh! I don't want to get my shoes dirty with this garbage land! Not to mention, your goddess disdains to eat anything from the North Winter Palace." He snorted in a breeze and said very disgustingly.

Eh ~ Elders' faces, including Huo Rong, became dark.

This Cuncui is here to insult the North Hermitage!

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