Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 163: I can crush you in any way

He broke into the Douwu field and disdained, "Boy, you just have a brute force in the air. Brute force has no effect at all in front of the array mage!"

"The one below is the number one on your list, isn't it that I have broken my muscles?"

Alas ~ Zhang Feng's hateful teeth tickled and said arduously: "Ye Fan, the law is very powerful, you are not an opponent!"

Listening to this, Ye Fan shrugged his lips and said proudly: "You only hit because you are garbage, it has nothing to do with me!"

Hiss ~ Zhang Feng's face is extremely ugly, tens of thousands of disciples in Beihan Palace are watching him ugly on the top of the list!

"Mage, I don't see it in my eyes."

"Green" hair "is strange, first is power, then the formation method. I can crush you in any way!" Ye Fan said with arrogance.

Lying ~ slot!

Is this too arrogant?

Could it be that in the way of formation, Ye Fan has surpassed the fourth order?

Totally impossible!

"Boy, your madness is to match your strength! The fourth-order lock soul array!" The sky thrown a banner, and disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, the battlefield of Douwu changed suddenly, and the power of the formation fell from the sky.

Under the spread of the power of this formation, even the disciples on the sidelines felt the slightest pressure. This array is several times more powerful than Zhang Feng.

"Ding ~ Scanning the fourth-order lock soul array ~ Cracking ~ Cracking is complete!"

Suddenly, Ye Fan's undead system cracked the soul-locking formation, and all the formations were firmly in his mind.

"Hum! In the fourth-order formation method, even if you are in the realm of heaven, you can't break it!"

"Fourth-order magic array, but this is the top array magician standing in the Northern Hermitage!"

"Zhang Feng, who is at the top of the list, is the strongest player in Tianyi's peak, and he is not defeated by the French team."

"Well, it seems Brother Ye is going to plant this time!" Everyone's hearts were half cold when they saw the fourth-order law formation. On the other hand, when you look at the wind and wind, you are proud of your mouth and say, "Boy, Tian Lanzong is full of talents, you can't even imagine!"

"Oh, that ’s why you Tian Lanzong will treat this kind of garbage as a talent. It is not qualified for me to look at it."

"The garbage formation method can be broken in seconds!" Ye Fan said disdainfully, then his body flickered, suddenly appeared on the edge of the formation method, and stretched out his hand to scratch in the void.

Boom ~

His grasp seemed to catch the lifeblood of the entire formation, and the large array immediately trembled.

How can it be?

Skyshine's face was all white, but the eyes were hidden among hundreds of eyes. Why did he look out at a glance?

not good!

Ye Fan fiercely grabbed, a vast force, crushed the entire law formation out of thin air.

Alas, a strong backlash swarmed, and his eyes turned white on the spot and fell to the ground.


The elders are all "forced".

Ouyang Ke was beaten in one punch!

One move broke the fourth-order formation!

Ye Fan's evil spirits refreshed everyone's concept again and again. No one has ever been as powerful and overbearing as he is.

"I said, I can put you on the ground and rub in any way!"

"Is it the alchemist next? If so, don't use it!"

Ye Fan lightly showed the elder medal of the Alchemist Association, blinding everyone's eyes!

Alas, a few steps back when the wind broke, and my head buzzed. Where the **** did this guy come from?

The face of the God of Heaven Lanzong was lost.

At this moment, the huge warship in the sky suddenly heard a voice and said, "God of God, quickly return."

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