Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 196: Was beaten by justice

The team that seemed the weakest immediately became the crushing third son. The violent Ye Fan was shocking.

"How is this possible? How could he suddenly become stronger?" Gu Xiaoran, a distant grandson, had an extremely ugly face, and his original fragile existence suddenly changed.

"Daddy, rest assured, no matter how hard the body is, I can't resist my sword!" Said Leng Pofeng, gloomily, seemingly very sure to kill Ye Fan.

On the battlefield, when seeing Ye Fan's cold eyes, Gu Feiyu's heart was cold. Unexpectedly, the weakest team hit him hard!

"Xiao Shiyi, haven't you shot yet? Wait for death?" Gu Feiyu yelled.

Xiao Shixi stepped forward slowly, this person is the guy Ye Fan previously felt daunting.

"Boy, you are really strong, but not enough in front of me!" Xiao Shiyi sneered.

Immediately, something more terrible happened!

I saw the blood mist rising from his body, his breath soared. In the blink of an eye, the skyrocketed from the tense double tense to the tente!

Xiao Yi's unique secret ascension was originally an ace in the hand of Gu Feiyu, but now he has to make it.

"Hum! Boy, you are like an ant in front of the Teana Four Strong!" Gu Feiyu said disdainfully.

"Lie ~ slot! Tennana is quadruple, this is just hanging!"

"The strength of the three sons is comparable to that of the eldest son. The seventh son is dangerous this time!"

"It's not just dangerous. Every level of nature is a gap between mountains and the sea!"

However, Ye Fan in the eyes of everyone disdain, saying: "Many people want to kill me, but I was killed!"

"Heavenly quartet is so arrogant. It seems that you have not experienced a beating of justice. I decided to hit you first and kill you!"

Lying ~ slot!


"Okay, good, let me see how you beat me!"

"Qing Yun swallows the sun!" Xiao Shiyi burst into a sigh and burst into a phantom. In front of his fist wind, a group of blue "color" dragon rolls toward Ye Fan.

"Undead ghost!" For a moment, Ye Fan's huge figure was covered with black "color" feathers and "hair".

The moment the green "color" tornado exploded, a stronger force bounced out, and Xiao Yizhen retreated ten meters away!

Before he stood still, a spurt of blood spurted out.


Everyone's eyes gathered on Ye Fan.

"This ~ special, what happened?"

"Xiao Shiyi, the strongest quadruple in nature, was forcibly shocked!"

"Crouching ~ trough! Isn't that terrible? Is it invincible!"

Ye Fan ignored the shocked eyes of the crowd and rushed forward, bombarded with a punch.

Xiao Shiyi burned the essence and opened the secret technique, forming a thick layer of blood curtain outside the body, but still could not stop the fierce bombardment!

Three fists fell, the blood curtain collapsed and disappeared!

Bang ~ Ye Fan smashed him into the floor with one punch, and then punched him with another punch.

"The four scums of nature, the beating of justice, it's awful!"

"It's not that I look down on you, but everyone here, I look down!"


Furious Ye Fan grabbed Xiao Shiyi's legs directly, and turned 340 degrees fiercely, throwing his hands on the audience platform hundreds of meters away.


At this moment, the audience was silent.

Even the fighting team was speechless in this scene.

What is the beating of justice?

What is the weakest team?

It is so powerful and terrible!

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