Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 224: Master does n’t teach, disciples do n’t learn

"Hmm! Brother Long is the strongest of the five, who can smash this bronze **** with one punch."

"Everyone comes to bully our divinity, and then hits him with a hard breath."

"The freshmen don't know respect, they deserve to be beaten!"

Seeing Long Fei's shot, everyone ridiculed and eagerly pressed Ye Fan to the ground.

"Huh! Just trash like you, dare to shoot at me!"

"I bullied you, you bit me!" Ye Fan said disdainfully, letting his fist hit his chest.

Boom ~ a burst of dark ripples flickered on the chest, a powerful backlash several times, directly throwing Long Fei out, smashing a courtyard wall.


The whole courtyard was deadly silent.

The person who was just drunk immediately woke up and pulled his back cold.

"His ~ What happened? How is that possible? Fake, absolutely" force "is fake!"

"Muff, I'm still drunk? Brother Long, was shocked by him!"

"What a terrible evil, wouldn't he be wrong?"

The crowd was shocked, and most of the wine was sober.

Ye Fan kicked out Long Fei, who was smashed a half dead, and his cold voice sounded: "From today on, I am your boss."

"Whoever refuses to accept me, I will kill anyone!"

"Of course, I will double up for you for any bullying you get outside!"

Grunts ~ everyone's difficult throat. Newcomer, immediately became the boss!

"Ahem ~ I'm not the boss yet, so why do you want to find a fight?" Long Fei said hardly, this guy is really too strong!

"Boss is good ~"

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Within ten minutes, I want this courtyard to reach the stairs down the mountain. There is no leaf, no trace of dust!"

Alas, the face of one or two disciples was "white" and started to clean up quickly.

"Now you can talk, why are you so decadent!" Ye Fan asked Long Fei.

Long Fei sighed and said: "I've been here for the longest time in the Department of Divine Will, and the Department of Divine Will is considered obsolete!

The mentor is crazy, the master above does not teach, the disciples below do not learn, and gradually become decadent! "

"Now, there is the Palace of God's Will behind it. Mad teacher is still drinking inside! It is estimated that he is drunk!"

Ye Fan stepped into the Divine Palace, and soon came out with a drunk old man.

Wu Chi, Lord of God's Will Palace! Legend has it that he had the power to fight the Dean of the Blood Robe, but no one had ever seen it before.

This old man is the boss of the Temple of God? Ye Fanzhen looks like it!

"Master, this is the new disciple Ye Fan, you ~" Before the words of Long Fei were finished, Wu Chi collapsed drunkenly on the ground without even opening his eyes.

Ye Fan frowned, trying to wake up this guy, but Wu Chi muttered, "A guest is coming down the mountain, boy, go and kill them!"

The guests? Still at the foot of the mountain a few miles away!

If it is true, this Wu Chi is not easy.

"Let's go and see!" Ye Fan said to Long Fei.

At the foot of the mountain, a group of silver-level disciples were sneering. Those disciples who are cleaning the stairs are bowing their heads in shame.

"Yeah! The garbage of God's House also knows how to clean it? It hasn't been cleaned for tens of thousands of years!"

"It's strange, it's really strange, a bunch of dregs actually" showed up ", it's ridiculous."

The person headed by is a platinum disciple of the power department, Xiao Mu!

Xiao Mu reached out his hand, and a force raged and dried a large tree next to it, and all the leaves sprinkled on the clean stairs.

"Sweep! Sweep slowly, I have time to play with you!" Xiao Mu laughed wildly.

The disciples of the divine will have an ugly face.

"I urge you to take your people and lick them clean! Otherwise, I don't mind killing you!" Came a cold drink.

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