Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 234: Kill you trash, i just need a sword

"Hum! With so many days surrounded by elite disciples, even this boy can hardly fly even if he" plugs in "wings!" Ji Wudi sneered in secret.

Emperor Ji San is also pleased with God. I did not expect to complete the task so easily, I really want to help him!

"Do it!"

The moment he shouted this sentence, his face "color" suddenly changed.

Emperor Ji San remembered Ye Fan's strange breath, which was a sign before the explosion!

I rely!

A dozen elite disciples I have cultivated!

The next moment, a loud noise came.

Boom ~ Ye Fan's violent energy swept out, instantly engulfing those disciples in black.

The white "color" air wave directly knocked down the mountain gate of Shenyi Palace.

"I ~ I rely on him, he blew himself up! Specially, I didn't know that we had to do it!" Ji Wuzhen was surprised.

"Fuck! I have a dozen brothers, dead for nothing!"

What a special, depressed.

Emperor Ji San could not wait to bite Ye Fan, and the Kendo Department lost so many elite disciples. I am afraid that even going back will suffer him!

Fortunately, the boy is dead.

Three seconds later, Ye Fan gorgeously reborn in front of the two. A hint of system experience sounded, making him a little "feeling".

Did it just kill someone?

Shouldn't they kill Long Fei?

Probably not, Longfei they are not worth so many points!

"Looking! Slot! Is this a ghost? How can this be possible?" Ji Wuyi roared instantly, which was too scary, right?

At night, do n’t bring so scary! They were completely shocked.

After he blew himself up, he was born again! Who would believe it if it wasn't for the first time?

Ye Fan's sharp eyes instantly locked the two in the distance and laughed: "Oh, a guest is coming! Sorry, I accidentally killed you!"

Hey ~ Hey!

"One tense seven rubbish, the other, more rubbish!"

"I thought it was a fight, but I didn't expect it to be so disappointing!" Ye Fan sighed, his expression very helpless.

Ji Sanhuang immediately became furious, don't you take Tian Qi Qi Zhong as a person?

"Boy, your demon is always invincible to the swordsmanship of Kendo masters!" He stepped out slowly, and the triple swordsmanship also erupted instantly.

"Ye Fan, your death is here! Brother Three Emperors is a master of triple swordsmanship. One sword can cut off your head!" Ji Wuzhen also jumped out and shouted.

"Three swords meaning! I'm so scared ~" Ye Fan took two steps back, pretending to be frightened.

"Hahaha ~ I'm afraid, in front of the kendo master, you're just shit! Now kneeling down, I can still leave you a whole body!" Ji Wuyi smiled proudly.

Keke! Ye Fan just wanted to say that there are two mental retardations.

"The triple swordsman also dares to arrogantly in front of me? Two mental retards who don't know how to live or die!"

"Kill you a rubbish, I just need a sword!" Ye Fan said proudly, his breath became Ling Ling instantly.

Lying ~ slot!

This kid is too arrogant, right?

"Huh! I want to see, how did you kill me with a sword!" Ji Sanhuang screamed angrily, his sword roaring in his hands, and it instantly condensed into a **** "color" sword of war.

"Three Emperor Swords, cut me!"

Ji Sanhuang rushed out in one step, as the same blood "color" phantom, the sharp sword gas roared endlessly.

"Slow, it's too slow. Are you good enough to be a master of Kendo?"

"And Kendo is so weak, I really can't bear to look straight!" Ye Fan sneered, and a stronger sword exploded.

Five layers of swordsmanship!

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