The small Zen Buddha glanced coldly. Although surprised by Ye Fan's speed, he didn't react much.

What kind of spray can a heavy-duty dish "force" make?

But what made him wonder is, why didn't this guy rush over?

What is he doing!

Seeing that the distance was getting closer, the little Zen Buddha faintly uneasy, immediately raised the ghost knife, and stabbed in the past.

Uh ~

Ye Fan was like a mad cow. He let the Ghost Knife pierce his chest and pounced on Xiao Zen. He sprayed blood and said:

"Brother, you're drifting away, you won't take me with you!"

Little Zen :? ? ?

What exactly do you want to express?

Ye Fan clutched the Ghost Knife in both hands and looked at him affectionately, saying, "Let's do it all together!"


Xiao Zen pulled the knife vigorously, only to find out that the goods kept holding his knife. It even caught in Ye Fan's bones.

"You loose!" Xiao Zen growled.

Ye Fan: "I don't!"

Little Zen:. . .

What a trick!

Xiao Zen was about to shake the goods away. Ye Fan grinned suddenly, biting two blue "color" **** in his mouth.

In Ge Ran, the green "color" ball burst into pieces.

Boom ~

Like a round of hot sun rising in mid-air, this ball, coupled with Ye Fan's self-detonation, shattered over thousands of kilometers!

Hiss ~ The ancient Buddha in the distant lamp was shocked when he saw this scene.

At the cost of life, just to awaken his apprentice, this young man is really great!

Ye Fan: You think too much ~

Far away, the forbidden woman looked at the scene with a small group of grief.

Forbidden Woman: "Master, go all the way!"

Small dumplings: "My little biscuits, are they all fried?"

Ye Fan: You two are waiting for me ~

A figure flew upside down, and the three heads and six arms of his body were blown up a lot. It was the little Zen Buddha.

I saw him weak in breath, and crashed into the lake with a sorrow in his heart.

This is so special, I have never seen such a fight. But if you ca n’t fight it, it ’s from the explosion.

At the same time, the seven golden lights of the ancient lamp-burning Buddha burst into the body, and instantly plunged into Xiaochan's body.

His body sank slowly to the bottom of the lake. The magical energy on his body seemed to leak out, and he quickly "exposed".

Xiao Zen is a demon in itself, so even if Ye Fan explodes, he won't kill him.

"Amitabha, Brother Ye, your feat, the little monk will always remember in your heart. When you go back, you must burn incense daily to worship!" Xiaochan thought to herself.

Ye Fan: I burn you ~ Uncle!

Hundred meters away, Ye Fan flashed out, holding the magic knife in his hand.

Shen "groaned" for a moment, and he left with a wing.

And just as he walked away, what the Lantern Buddha felt, suddenly looked back, his face full of shock.

The dead are resurrected!

"Difficult, it is the existence of the second distraction? But he is clearly not a powerful person, how can he refine the distraction!" After burning the lamp, he couldn't help breathing down.

However, this son has already left, and he doesn't ask much. Not long after, the burning lamp took the little Zen who was fainted.

Ye Fan, flying with a magic sword, felt that something was wrong.

Looking down, he suddenly looked cold.

I saw the hand holding the magic sword, and dark tentacles were piercing into his flesh, but he felt nothing.

These tentacles climbed under the flesh, step by step towards his mind. Presumably, that little Zen is also demonized.

Ye Fan sneered and yelled, "Get me back!"

Jiumu Yaohuo rushed out of Dantian instantly, "straightening" those intruders along his arms.

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