Huh ~

The fruit in the hand of the dumpling fell to the ground, and the squirrel was stunned when he saw it on the spot.

Ye Fan's cultivation scene is too terrible, right?

Leopard Lin beast put a foot on the head of the dumpling, old-fashioned and said: "Don't be shocked, I'm used to it!"

The dumpling silently picked up the fruit and hid to a side and closed it.

All the absorbed stars' power was poured out by Ye Fan on the third star.

However, this star obviously absorbed more energy than the previous two. If you compare the first to a puddle, the second is a fish pond.

And this third one is a lake!

Outside, Ji Fan was worried, fearing that such movements would attract superpowers. Those who can absorb the strength of the sky, whether it is the Gongfa or magic weapon, will become a nail in others' eyes.

Because of the power of heaven and earth, it is inexhaustible!

"Little brother, rest assured! I will not give you trouble." A powerful palm, "touched" "touched" Ji Fan's head.

I rub it ~

Ji Fan exploded on the spot, OK, who is I? I'm the dean!

What do you mean by touching your head?

When he turned back violently, the anger instantly suffocated and he persuaded in seconds.

Xu Qing!

Hey ~ Ji Fan wanted to vomit blood on the spot, did you say it wouldn't cause trouble? You're going to stir up Hanxian Realm all over the world, right?

"Don't" touch "your head next time!" Ji Fan said weakly, shit, isn't it okay to hit Lao Tzu?

Xu Qing ignored him and looked at the blue "color" beam of light that burst into the sky, and was surprised.

"This kid, there are quite a lot of moths. Let me clean your butt."

He stepped out one step, took out a dark disc with his backhand, and a drop of essence blood dripped into the disc.

Ji Fan sucked in the cool air, and could use the treasures of the magical blood to cast magic, how powerful!

Immediately after, Xu Qing knocked the disc into the ground, and a layer of dark French array vanished.

This law formation actually shrouded the entire mountain, and the range was amazing.

With the isolation of this layer of law, Ji Fan can no longer feel the energy of the wave.

So strange!

When Xu Qingbu got down, he simply sat down in the void and said coldly, "Boy, you better hurry up! For this division of the division, you have to use the essence of blood."

These words naturally fell into Ye Fan's ears.

Hehe! It is good to have a master.

Under Ye Fan's full cultivation, the third star finally broke out completely after the third day.

A steady stream of stars, ten times more powerful than before, poured into his limbs and veins.

At the same time, the consciousness expanded and strengthened, and the ants with a radius of five kilometers could not escape his consciousness.

Boom ~ Ye Fan has no time to be happy, his head suddenly tears, and a painful pain comes.

The power of the stars just rushed into the cracks in his head.

What's wrong?

With a trembling in the brain, Ye Fan's consciousness was pulled into the crack.

Amazingly a busy world ~

But the size of a hundred square meters, the walls were white and busy, absorbing the power of a whole star.

"This is it?" Ye Fan was a little panicked. He suddenly felt that everything in this world was under his control.

Turn your hands into white fog and rain, raise your hands to rain and smoke!

"Everything here is controlled by my mind. It's impossible, this is the rumored **** realm!"

Ye Fan's expression was horrified, God Realm, but he only saw it in the classics!

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