Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 525: Who said that ichthyosaurs cannot be transformed

How can it be?

Not only can he smash the void, but he can also smash his ice shield, this boy's power is definitely in the realm of God.

The cultivation of the ichthyosaur realm has exerted its power to transform the realm of the gods, which is unheard of!

The Snow Flame Ghost King immediately shot, and opened his mouth with a billowing white "color" flame.

Where the flames passed, the void instantly froze into ice. The ice shield that was about to break became thicker as a result.

The Ghost King arrived on the Xuanbing Shield with one hand, and said angrily, "The fish and dragon realm is rubbish, and it is impossible to kill the power of the **** realm."

"Behind a big realm, that's a big mountain!"

Ye Fan sneered endlessly, with all six arms out, and pushed **** the ice shield.


Om ~ The wings of a few feet flashed out, and stirred up frantically.

The huge ice shield is slowly pushing the Snow Flame Ghost King backwards.

"Is the Divine Realm strong? Isn't the Divine Realm impossible to kill? Do you think you are standing at the top of the world?"

"Even if it is the peak, I will bomb you down! Even if it is a mountain, I Ye Fan will blow it flat!"

"Fish and Dragon Realm Beheaded, I will show you today!"

Ye Fan growled, and all three heads slammed into it.

Ka Ka Ka ~ Xuan Bing Dun finally couldn't hold it, and burst into pieces.

Two people flash back 100 meters at the same time!

Ye Fan's face was disdainful, but his head was dizzy ~

The Snow Flame Ghost King is full of horror, and he never thought that a fish and dragon ghost could burst out such amazing energy.

Can you hit your head too, right?

Ye Fan pouted his lips and said proudly: "Aren't you fond of playing with fire? Then play with you enough!" Shaking himself, he suddenly turned into a hundred meters of golden sky.

This Jinwu's illusion illuminated hundreds of feet nearby!

"Three-footed Jinwu, one of the true spirits of ancient times, he ~" Xueyan Ghost King didn't know what to say, this guy is too wicked, right?

Such cultivation still keeps others from living?

噗噗 ~ Jin Wu spreads his huge wings, stirs up two times, and the flames of the three "colors" roll down and rush away.

It was as if someone was pouring hot oil on the sky and igniting a blazing fire.

This is the true three "color" flames, which contains the three flames that Ye Fan cultivated for a long time.

Xueyan Ghost King's face was full of horror, and he spit out a white fire flame.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth and spit the blood of his tongue over Huo Dan, and immediately picked up the method.

"Xue Yan burns the sky, go to me!"

Om ~ Fire Dan burst out suddenly, a white flame rising into the sky.

Among them, accompanied by tens of thousands of ice thorns condensed in the void, screamed out in the whistle.

The two flames collided, as if the fire and water were incompatible, the bursting sound of crickets was loud!

The sky is divided into two parts, one part of the three "color" flames rolling, but the other side is ice and snow.

Such a vision has already alarmed everyone.

"I rely, are these two going to burn the sky?" Emperor Yanlong said depressed, this movement is bigger than them!

The ghost baby was also shocked in his heart, and immediately returned to God and growled, "You take care of yourself!"

Xiao Bailong's face "color" changed greatly, but his heart was not really good for Ye Fan, otherwise he would become a roasted white dragon.

Except for the green robes, everyone was shocked.

The green robe man is a strong man in the middle of the transformation. He also bears the power of life.

However, if he was not injured by Ye Fan and his strength is not half, how could he be entangled by this fat man?

As soon as the volley flicked his sleeve robes, countless Fujiman burst out.

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