Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 568: Take one town three

Banging ~

The two forces bombarded together, and the void moved. A wave of unexpected ripples spread quickly.

Alas, the old man surnamed Han stepped back a few steps, and his heart was shocked.

At that moment, he clearly felt the amazing power released by the opponent, no less than his weakness.

Sure enough, Ye Fan only took a half step back and stood firmly in the void.

"How is this possible? With Han Lao's strength, he couldn't restrain him!"

"This son was originally powerful, but he didn't expect such a strong existence. Take a shot together and don't let him have a breath."

The unicorn and the old blood cane burst out at about the same time.

Ye Fan didn't take it for granted and said proudly: "It's not you who killed me today, but I beheaded your dog!"

Om ~ One hand's blue "color" flame lotus slowly turns, and the other hand, a black ring ruler flashes out.

The unicorn hangs in the air, and a black mist sprays out from the open mouth, like a dark monster dragon rushing away.

The flash of magic light in the black mist was obviously extremely dangerous. Even if they encounter the same level, they will be swallowed up by the strange corrosive force inside it.

On one side, the old man threw out the crutches in his hands and said something in his mouth.

Suddenly, the crutches exploded, turning into a hundred-foot-long blood "color" mad, roaring towards Ye Fan.

Obviously, neither of them intends to have reservations, and uses the housekeeping skills.

Ye Fan was not slow, and her wrists trembled, then Xuelian skyrocketed dozens of feet, and then turned into a rolling blue "color" flame, rushing into the black mist.

"Babao exquisite ruler, seal it for me!"

An eight-footed ruler rushed out, and suddenly transformed into thousands of ruler shadows, humming at the blood.

Ye Fan swept around, and a thumb-sized black bone spur flashed backhand.

This bone spur was exactly his secret treasure that day in the underground Douwu field.

With a bounce of the finger, the bone stimulated "shooting" and quietly stabbed into the lingering ice fire.

Immediately after, Ye Fan took a step forward, and Ge's figure disappeared.

At the same time, the situation around the old man surnamed Han changed greatly. Three monsters with a height of 100 feet surrounded him.

The old man's face was "white", and he was shocked to think: Why is there so many means for this person? And every means is extremely powerful!

Where is this special evil? Still not let others live?

"You are the happiest of the three. I'll see if you can stand it."

The smirk sneered, and the three were synchronised, forming a powerful law formation.

The force of the formations fell from the sky.

"Seal of the Holy Seal!"

The surname of the old man surnamed Han changed greatly, and his hands quickly swiftly turned his stature up.

Ge Ran, he turned into a huge mantis, and that sharp forearm could easily cut a mountain peak.

The mantis raised his arms and slammed into the void.

噗噗 噗 ~ Even though the dark fog of the unicorn is very mysterious, the most important corrosive force has no effect on ice and fire.

For a while, Binghuo invaded, jumping over like a tiger.

The unicorn had to retreat, grit his teeth, and pinched the unicorn on his head with one hand.

The one-corner fluttered, and a layer of armor shield appeared in front of him.

However, a scene that made his scalp more numb appeared.

I saw within the blue "color" flame, black pitches of spurs were "shooting".


How is this possible? One enemy two is already a transcendent mortal, this guy, even one town three, is too wicked?

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