Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 572: You are living

Wave after wave of shock, the bone-eating worm, with its powerful armor and sharp teeth, even hit a record of one enemy and three.

In the void, the stump of the black "color" beetle continued to fall with broken arms, but the bone-eating worms were also damaged and died a lot.

After all, no matter how strong they are, they cannot beat the turns of these beetles. Especially the existence of a large number of enemies is particularly exhausting.

Ye Fan's wings flew into a cloud of insects instantly.

Countless beetles exploded and rushed to divide him.

"Hmm! You are not worthy of my meat."

Om ~ Ling Ling Binghuo immediately covered his whole body, and the blast expanded a few dozen feet.

It was ten feet in length and was frozen into ice.

Ye Fan relied on the flames to move unimpeded in sea ice.

The frozen beetles watched him pass by in front of them, but they couldn't bite or sting, that heart was depressed!

Swipe ~ Ling Ling Binghuo keeps pounding in the direction of the insect king, and I don't know how many beetles have been frozen along the way.

Ye Fan limped along the ice seal, smashing the ice cube beside a beetle, tearing it out stiffly.

Beetle: What are you doing?

Ye Fan smiled coldly and threw his head against the ice cube.

Lying ~ slot!

懵 "Force"!

The beetle that was rubbed against it simply doubted life, never seen such a crazy human!

The other frozen beetles trembled. If they were smashed, they would be swallowed by their companions sooner or later.

The worm king's face was all green, so the subjects who took it were hitting his face fiercely.


In addition, the insect king was still very panicked, and the stuff had frozen himself, and his old face was lost.

It immediately screamed, and the beetle around the ice heard it, and aimed at Ye Fan with their butts.

Immediately afterwards, these beetles squirted black "colored" "liquid" bodies, spreading on the ice, and immediately corroded.

At the same time, Bingyan in front encountered these black "color" and "liquid" bodies, and for a while, he could not advance and was forcibly blocked.

"I rub ~ what the **** is this?" Ye Fan said depressed.

Tens of thousands of bone-eating worms have been lost below, but hundreds of thousands of black beetles have died. But for its overall, it is still Jiu Niu Yi Mao.

Many beetles have broken through the blockade of bone-eating worms and rushed in to bombard the Cambrian Warframe.

At the same time, the insect king pulled away from the rear with the cover of many beetles.

Ye Fan's face sank, and he said angrily, "Want to run? Do you think you escaped?"

Om ~ he directly sacrificed the eight treasure exquisite ruler and broke out of the ice.

One foot slashed into the void, and wherever he passed, the beetle shattered his heart and died.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fan threw out the eight treasures of exquisite ruler, and muttered something in his mouth.

咻咻 咻 ~ Linglong ruler's magic light is released, and for a time, hundreds of thousands of ruler shadows are transformed into the king of insects.

At the same time, Ye Fan even fluttered his wings, bursting out of the flesh, and burst into a cloud of insects.

Where the streamer passed, the black beetles were blurred by the hitting flesh.

The King of the Bugs was so frightened that he immediately summoned his people, forming a dark shield wall, trying to block the eight-footed ruler.

There was a thunder from behind Bang ~ Wang, and Ye Fan, covered with blood, appeared.

The most terrifying thing was that the human grinned and said, "You're living!"

Hey ~ The bug king's face was all green!

What's so special, the tens of millions of troops can't stop this cricket!

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