Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 574: I'll call some helpers first

"Octopus, said that the punch was not hit by this seat. If you chase again, this seat is really rude!"

The person in green robe was very angry, and blasted away in the direction of Ye Fan. Especially, this octopus didn't hesitate, biting his **** tightly.

The other two were also "faced", and the three of them couldn't subdue this violent octopus.

"Huh! I'll wait for the three here, and say it's not you? When this seat is blind?" Mo Yunshou said angrily, but also turned into a blast of light.

The grievance in Lvpao's heart, if he did well, why didn't he do it!

Raising his eyes, the **** who was involved in the disaster looked at him harmlessly.

Lying ~ slot! Ye Fan!

The green robe man blew up on the spot, hovering dozens of feet away from Ye Fan, Ge Ran yelled: "Octopus, that **** is the one who beat you, don't chase your seat!"

Mo Yunshou, regardless of whether you are thirty-seven or twenty-one, quietly surrounded the three people in the back, and then stared at Ye Fan in the distance.

"A thief, didn't you just hit this one?" Mo Yunbei exasperated.

Ye Fan shrugged and said, "What is it? You swallow me if you have the ability!"

by! Is this too arrogant?

"Huh! Ye Fan, I see where you are fleeing today?" The man in green robe hummed coldly, the boy repeatedly pitted him, it was sick!

"Escape? Why should I escape? I think it's you who should escape!"

"When I call my helper, you don't run away and I lose." Ye Fan laughed.

helper? It was empty all around!

"I still want to beat this seat, where do you come from? I'll kill as many as I can!" The Green Robe drank.

Ye Fan waved his hand and said, "Not much, just a few!"

Alas, a ray of black "color" burst from the "fog" and "shot", like a cloud of nebulae rising.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, hundreds of millions of black "color" beetles, densely scattered throughout the void.

I have a big slot!

Several people had black lines on the spot.

How many helpers are there? several? My legs are frightened.

"This ~ how is this possible?" The green robe man's horrified "color", good guy, if this cloud of insects is pressed down, it can consume him to death.

The octopus is green when it sees this scene. It is so huge, but the best goal!

I almost didn't think about it, and immediately blasted and fled.

It was just a punch, there was no need to commit a "life". The remaining Qingshan is there, not afraid of the chance of no revenge.

"Give me the attack!" Ye Fan ordered, and the whole sky seemed to fall down, and countless beetles burst out and "shot".

The two companions of the Lvpao were frightened and their legs were soft. He nodded a little, and then fled.

However, just before Ye Fan did not run through the insect cloud with the thunder wing, how could the two of them have run?

Before long, they were drowned by the sea of ​​insects.

With the strange speed, the green robe man surpassed the octopus faintly. The two strong middle-aged gods were frightened and fled.

Ye Fan patted the insect king at his feet, and he was very satisfied!

And that bug king was depressed ~

Isn't it a life-saving magic weapon to turn back all these beetles and put them into the gourd?

However, in this case, his only remaining bone-eating worms must find a way to settle down.

After all, these two can't be seen, they will be quarreled as soon as they are seen.

After half an hour, Ye Fan could still get the anger value of those two goods.

For a long time, the black beetle flew back one after another. Although the number has decreased, it has not hurt the foundation.

Then, Ye Fan put away this amazing number of beetles, and the King of the Bugs was banned by the concubine of the small world, leaving the scope of the abyss.

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