Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 588: Inauguration Ceremony

Little white dragon, Emperor Yanlong and the old-fashioned crocodile, as well as Liutianfeng and Bihai slowly appeared behind Ye Fan.

"Ye Daoyou, rest assured, I will wait for you to support you, they can't find any waves." Liu Tianfeng said aggressively.

Bihai shouted and said, "Observe the order and send another thirty thousand dragon martial troops to guard the Ye's money house with this leader!"

Wow! Outside Qianzhuang, a team of armored men wearing blood "color" armor, guarded everywhere, a full 30,000.

Not to mention that they are all self-cultivation of Tian Jiu Jiu. The momentum of the **** battlefield alone makes people scared.

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Ran Tianlan, ready to set up a banquet!"

Below the altar is a huge white jade square with a red carpet leading directly to the gate.

Hey ~ The drums of war sounded.

Many rich people slowly entered, and when they saw this gas field, they were suddenly shocked.

"The spirit of the southern county" medicine "is round. Zhang Tzu's shopkeeper sent Yun Tian a picture!"

"Manchu Mountain in South County, King Liu, send a Fire Spirit Beast."

"Gusu City ~"

"Wangucheng ~"

The first to come was a rich squire in a big city. These people will be the main force of the money bank in the future!

The disciples of Ran Tianlan arranged these people in an orderly manner and settled in the square farthest from the altar.

Close to the altar, it is the seats of the major city masters and powers.

Just the powerful local tyrants in the major cities have reached tens of thousands, which is the largest number.

Ye Fanshen's "color" is as usual, but in his heart he is thinking, the force of "chaos" has not come yet!

Above the altar, only he and Liu Tianfeng stood, and the rest were hiding in the dark.

Wu Chen was the first city owner to come to Liuli City. When he saw Ye Fan, he was frightened, and said, "See King Nanjun, Ye Zhuangzhu!"

Ye Fan didn't have time to be polite with this cargo and threw him down.

"Ding ~ Wrath from Wu Chen +100."

Soon, the owners of the cities also came one after another, and they were extremely polite to the King of South Jun.

Although Xiu was the king of Shangnan County, he could not suppress the heroes, but he was in charge of tens of millions of soldiers and horses in Nan County.

Long Wujun is not kidding.

The lords of the cities alone bring about seven or eight thousand. The entire South County has heads and faces, almost all gathered in this large square.

"His ~ I didn't expect this money maker to be so young. Can he live in such a big place?"

"It seems to be the same now, who knows what those city owners are thinking?"

"But this Ye's money house is really powerful enough. The manor alone is worth more than one billion!"

"What's more frightening is that you simply can't find out who is behind this young owner and where!"

Ran Tianlan floated up and attached to Ye Fan's ear: "The guests on the guest list, except the ones that the host is afraid of, have not arrived yet, the rest have arrived on time."

Ye Fan nodded, and immediately took a step forward, and said loudly, "Dear friends, I am Ye Fan, the banker of the Ye Family! Today, it is the establishment of the Bank of China ~"

After a bunch of nonsense, he finally entered the topic, saying: "Everyone who deposits a spirit stone into my money bank can get the corresponding interest every quarter.

The current tentative interest rate is one ten thousandth. In other words, for every 10,000 spirit stones deposited in the bank, one more interest can be paid each day. Don't underestimate one in ten thousand, don't believe that you count yourself. "

Speaking of which, he stopped and let these people have something to prepare.

For a moment, everyone was astounded by "color"!

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