Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 620: Blade of Space

Uh ~

I saw several demon-level octopuses, all of a sudden sucked into the dark space.

As if the suction disappeared instantly, the octopus returned to its freedom.

But only in a flash, the deep white blades were cut indiscriminately.

These blades seem to flash out of thin air, not only irregular, but extremely powerful.

To what extent?

The octopus trembled when they saw it.

The reason why they kept on the surface of Heishui River and never came down to invade the slightest is because of fear of this thing.

For a time, many octopus attacked those blades.

However, it does not help at all.

Alas, a flash of white awns flashed, and these octopus were cut into pieces.

Ye Fan saw this scene, and his "color" changed immediately.

"You two fling the street, get out of me!" He roared, exhausted the lightning power of his whole body, and a circle of hundreds of meters was a flashing thunder arc.

The two golden **** were hurled up, and the thundering arc of thunder, bombarded the golden **** fiercely, pushing them hard into a certain channel above.

But Ye Fan also fell into that space instantly.

A loud thunderstorm awakened the two of them.

Just saw Ye Fan falling down.

Hey ~ Xiao Bailong was astounded by "color", even though he usually has supernatural powers, it will not help at this moment.

Feng Yu Yao Ji is strange in her "color" and doesn't know what she's thinking.

Just moments later, the golden ball was blasted into the channel by a thunderstorm.

Hum ~

Ye Fan sank into that weird space instantly, and a strong pressure restrained him from repairing his whole body.

Even more frightening is that the sharp and powerful blades around him flashed out and stabbed silently.

And extremely fast.

"Thunderwing!" The thunder wing spurred twice, but there was no acceleration.

not good!

Ye Fan's heart sank, and without many magical powers, he was just like a mortal at the moment.

How could this be?

Alas, several light blades pierced into his body without hesitation.

It hurts ~

Strong pain!

Ye Fan shouted, but before he died, he could feel the vitality in his body shaking.

Even the divine power of life is afraid of this thing.

Wouldn't it be that only a higher level of divine power exists?

And the moment the blade passed through his body, a trace of whiteness was sucked into the realm of silence along the veins.

The darkness was suddenly torn, and a white light flashed out.

The ghostly white light swept through the sky, sneering: "A group of ants, dare to spy on the power of the **** of space."

After three seconds!

"Who are you?" Ye Fan flashed behind the white light and asked suddenly.

I ruble, what a peculiar thing?

Bai Guang shuddered, apparently frightened by him, and blinked away in a blink of an eye, angrily:

"Why are you not dead? How is this possible?"

Ye Fan shrugged and said disdainfully: "You want to kill me because of your garbage?" It's a joke! "

"It's impossible, I don't believe it! The blade of space." When Bai Guang's thoughts moved, hundreds of thousands of white "color" blades around Ye Fan appeared.

The blade trembled and smashed through Ye Fan's body.

"Ding ~ was hacked to death, experience +10000."

I rub it ~

Ye Fan :. . . .

But this time, thousands of white clouds entered into his realm, and were fused into a ball of white light with a large thumb.

What the **** is this?

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