Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 653: This palace is good, move back

Qing Xuzi looked at the people with a sullen face, and silently bombarded the Fengshen curse with divine knowledge.

No one wants to be driven, no one wants to surrender under someone else's toes.

What's more, it is their level of existence.

Unfortunately, the Fengshen curse has been adapted many times by the forbidden woman, and even he needs some time.

Before that, he must stand on the ladder and block the people below.

But once the Fengshen curse is broken, he may not listen to Ye Fan.

After all, if he grabs the dragon egg one step ahead, he will then be able to pass the golden blood and step onto the existence of the middle god.

Still afraid of your "hair" kid?

The blood corpse king went to the seventy-step ladder with a look of depression, and then the cloud queen also stopped.

In this strange weight, even if they have great magical power, they will be suppressed more than half.

In this way, it is as if the fate's throat was choked by Qing Xuzi.

It only takes a few bangs on it to cause dozens of times of damage.

Shente Ye Fan is really a jerk!

Om ~ Through the huge white jade square, Ye Fange Ran came out of a tall palace wall.

In front of it is a huge bronze door.

The bronze door was rusty, as if it had not been opened for tens of thousands of years.

The palace wall is just a hundred feet away. For them, they can jump over with a single leap.

However, the moment Feng Feng Yaoji jumped up, Ye Fan held her shoulder and smiled slightly.

Hum ~

The next little white dragon burst out and "shot" and straddled dozens of feet, and asked the top palace wall.

At this time, the ancient city walls were originally broken, and Geranjian's runes were flourishing, and the illusion flashed.

Bang ~

A blue "color" thunder and lightning suddenly shot out from the bronze gate, and immediately went towards the little white dragon. I rely!

What the **** is this special meow?

Xiao Bailong slammed "forcing" on the spot, and immediately went to the void a bit, a wave of gold "color" formed a shield wall.

This Xu Mikang Shield is one of the forbidden operations of Luochaotang. It's hard to smash it into an ordinary state.

With a loud bang, the blue "color" thunderbolt smashed the shield wall and blasted him down to the ground, tumbling down the distance.

Uh ~

His face turned "black" on the spot, and this thunder was so horrible!

Immediately, he actually found that Ye Fan was watching him with a smile.

"I rely, you two calves, already knew that there was a trap above!" Xiao Bailong said with a look of depression.

Blessed to share the good? Why did you take care of the younger sister and you really don't want him?

Sure enough, Ye Fan is just a pit!

Ye Fan turned around silently, her face "color" extremely gloomy.

This bronze gate may just be a warning, otherwise, the strength of this blue "color" thunder arc will be enough to blast Xiao Langlong into a serious injury.

This blue "color" thunder arc was even stronger than the lightning power of his hand.

That being the case, you can't run away!

Feng Yu's demon face changed slightly in color, and said, "This Lei Wei can be good. When we forcibly blast it away, the people behind will come up."

Ye Fan dismissed a smile, and said, "Is it trying to stop me? Joke!"

"Breaking the door, one minute is enough."

"However, this palace looks pretty. Go back to it and go back to the small world."

I rub it ~ he actually fancy others' entire Tiangong.

What a super robber!

You need to know that when others come in, they just grab a magic weapon or something. He was so good that he didn't miss the whole palace.

Feng Yu Demon Ji was even a little timid on the spot. What kind of person is this?

Ye Fan didn't care about her scornful look, and stepped up into the air.

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