Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 662: Uncle is going to chop him by hand

Hum ~

Ye Fan spread his wings, and Ge Ran burst into "shoot" and went straight to the sky.

Seeing this, others responded quickly.

The blood of the dog is that the black dragon's ingenuity is soaring and it rises up in a circle.

It knows that those people came to chase Ye Fan, and immediately went to make chaos.

Maybe in the melee, you can retreat faster.

Hey ~ so, Qingxu is depressed!

He has deliberately avoided Ye Fan, you evil dragon is better, but he leaned on Ye Fan with a dragon egg.

Dog blood!

Immediately, Qingguang also rose, and chased after the evil dragon.

At the same time, Yun Zhe and Blood Ghost King each rose. Xiao Xiaowei, who was holding a spear, burst out.

"Ben ~ Ben ~ Uncle is going to chop him with his own hands!"

The big man stepped into the air in one step, however, a smashing gigantic smashing smashed him.

The little white dragon's golden body method flashed out and was stopped in the air at the same time.

"A few of you ants, my little white dragon is not kidding."

Alas, the fire phoenix spreads its wings, and the flames of the half-wall sky suddenly burst into clouds.

Han, disciples of Yun Lanzong, and a captain of the dart flag.

Three hits two!

The three immediately formed a line and attacked Xiao Bailong and Huofeng at the same time.

The Han drew his hands together, only to find that there was no soil support around him, and there was nothing special under his feet.

Mom sells batches, her strength is limited by almost half!

In this way, he immediately changed his method, and volleyed out a dark tomahawk. With a tomahawk in his hand, the big man fiercely struck the golden body.

Om ~ a layer of meniscus-shaped air waves, beheaded and killed.

On the other side, the dart flag captain immediately had two hands and one point, and a ball in the middle was dazzling.

Among the white awns, a snake gun was forcibly pulled out, and a rumbling sound in the void.

When he flung the snake gun, he immediately threw it out.

When the snake gun trembled, the magic light was released, and it turned into a 100-meter-long snake, rushing towards the direction of the phoenix.

The Yun Lanzong disciples, however, were much gentler, with a flash of Chinese light, and a green flute flashed out.

The whistle sounded, and layers of sound waves immediately struck away.

Even the sinking sea of ​​fire couldn't help but encounter this layer of sound waves and was slowly lifted up.

The two little white dragons also reacted slowly. The golden body method pressed down with both hands, and the layers of gold "color" rippled down.

In addition, the fire phoenix flared, two meniscus blood blades flashed out.

With a circle of blood blades, he turned into two huge blood foxes, and grabbed at the giant snake.

To cope with that sound wave, Huofeng quickly offered the mighty green pearl.

There was a loud roar!

Both Xiao Bailong and Feng Yu Demon Ji are not ordinary incarnations. At the same time, they are fighting against the three, and they do not fall in the slightest.

Above the sky, there is a higher level of battle.

Ye Fan stepped into the air and looked coldly at those who came.

He ignored the black dragon at all, anyway, a Qingxuzi restrained it.

However, trying to escape by his hand is definitely impossible.

Ye Fan immediately took out an ivy on his shoulder, and a flick of his wrist covered a layer of flame on Fujiman.

Last time, he discovered that Fujiman could withstand the power of Yanzhan.

In this way, it is exactly as a swordsman.

Although using the sword to kill the flames, the power will be stronger, but he did not take advantage of the sword, but rather depressed.

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