The forbidden woman is like a beautiful girl, lying softly on Ye Fan's shoulder, taking a deep breath:

"Master, you're stronger again! And I feel more than ten times!"

Ye Fan "touched" and "touched" her head, and her backhand flickered, and the sealed **** spirit appeared.

"It's best for you to domesticate this thing!"

A **** heart moved, so cute young lady! Much better than Ye Fan's cold face.

However, the next moment, when the imprisoned woman "showed" the splendid ghost's respect, the blood stunned on the spot.

Nyima, is n’t she cute? What a **** is a ghost!

"Ding ~ Anger value from blood 蜈蚣 +++"

When he thought of the horrible days in the future, he scolded Ye Fan thousands of times in his heart.

What a pity!

Ye Fanyi "touched" the forbidden woman's head, and her ghost-like appearance was put away, and she turned into a sweet girl again.

"It's always calling you a forbidden wife, and it's weird. How can you say it's a beautiful girl, how about calling you Qingchen? Ye Qingchen!"

Ye Qingchen?

She smiled sweetly, and said, "Thank you for your name."

Ye family, one more person!

Ye Linger, since following Huang Muchen, has been practicing by her side, Ye Fan hasn't taken the time to see it.

Taking advantage of this time to find the Zulong Divine Sword, Ye Fan wanted to teach the girl herself.

However, with Ye Fan's "urine" and "sex", he may forget one day.

"Light dust, what is your cultivation?"

Ye Qingchen is a ghost created in the blood corpse, which could absorb her blood and make her constantly strengthen.

However, he has always been with Ye Fan, and after several repairs, the foundation has been damaged.

Even if Ye Fan gave her the heaven and earth spirit "medicine" countlessly, it would not work at all. "The host does n’t have to worry about me. At least in this palace, no one dares to bully me."

Ye Fan nodded, and said, "Take the big guy to know first, and see if he can stay by the way."

Taking away the big man and Ye Qingchen, he Ge Ran groaned.

Ye Qingchen worked hard and couldn't keep her stuck in this state of spirit.

Ge Ranjian remembered some kind of "medicine" received from Canglong Tiangong, and immediately went to Tianshan, "medicine".

Houshan's "medicine" field is his personal "medicine" field.

The spirit "medicine" planted here and the large area of ​​"medicine" fields under the floating island are almost heaven and underground.

Only the extremely precious "medicine" material will be planted by himself.

The "medicine" field here is naturally taken care of by Ran Tianlan himself. Others are absolutely impossible to reach.

"Medicine" over the field, a layer of masks flickered with thunder arcs.

Ye Fan struck out two tricks with one hand, and the mask cracked openly.

Landed on the "medicine" field and looked around, it was only a few hundred feet in size.

However, the spirit "medicine" planted here is extremely precious, shining with various illusions.

However, this level of spiritual "medicine", Ye Fan, has been inconspicuous. After all, compared with the spirit "medicine" in Canglong Tiangong, it's almost different.

He found an empty "medicine" field, stretched out his hand, and a phantom fell on the dirt.

Hum ~

The piece of dirt that he forcibly put away flashed out. Above the dirt, there was a verdant green bamboo.

This green bamboo is also mysterious.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed his hand to the ground, and the crackling thunderbolt exploded and shot out, instantly forming a layer of thunderbolt cover to cover the green bamboo.

In this way, Ye Fan planted all the dozens of treasured "medicine" materials that he had put away.

Layers of lightning arc shields protect ordinary people from bombardment.

The "physical" materials and spirits that cannot be grown are all sealed with mysterious ice.

After everything was arranged, Ye Fan flashed in front of that green bamboo. This thing, he always finds it useful.

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