Spit it ~

A small head of gold "color" came out of the shell, and the dragon scales had not hardened, and the "hair" was soft.

Then, two little claws held a dragon egg shell, and they sighed on the spot.

This little golden dragon is only three fingers thick, more than a foot long, it looks like a long one.

Uh ~

The crowd yelled "force" on the spot.

This is a vision of the heavens and the earth, and it is also shaking the earth. What kind of thing did you do?

Isn't this too ridiculous?

The batch of the Emperor Yanlong's heart, he is also the blood of the Dragon clan. At this moment, he is afraid of such a small thing?

He immediately stepped forward and squatted down, reached out and "touched" the little golden dragon.

However, the little one suddenly changed his expression and growled.

Boom ~ A gold "color" flame blasted out of its mouth, and immediately rolled away.

I rely!

The Emperor Yanlong was so panicked at that time, and it was so close that he didn't even have time to react!

Om ~ After the first layer of golden flames, the Emperor Yanlong became dark on the spot.

Moreover, the scorching energy directly blasted all his bodies.

Hiss ~ Everyone sees this, and they are frightened.

Don't look down on this little guy, but the power is amazing.

The Emperor Yanlong rarely said that it also exists at the level of deities, not to mention that it is still a zombie body with tens of thousands of years.

The emperor slammed "forced" on the spot.

Sure enough, Ye Fan, the guy who played with him, was not a fuel-saving lamp.

After the eruption of the fire, the little thing immediately hurled in the direction of Ye Fan, and rushed into his arms to "chaos".

It seems that he likes Ye Fan very much.


Perhaps because of the power of life, Xiao Jinlong already regarded him as a "milk" mother.

Ye Fan shrugged and smiled: "You deserve it!"

Emperor Yanlong :? ? ?


Ye Fan "touched" and "touched" his little head, and said, "Look at your golden scales and the blood of the emperor, and call you Xiaojin in the future!"

Xiao Jin tilted his head and looked at him winking, looking pitiful.

After thinking about it, Ye Fan fed a little green mist to it, and the little one was immediately happy.

I rub it ~

This guy, what he eats is really chic, and he picks the most powerful rule in the world to eat it!

Ye Fan arbitrarily let the small gold disc on his shoulder and grab it at will, and then a bunch of gold "color" blood "liquid" in the egg shell flew and "shot".

After he started, he was forcibly sealed with the Devouring Ice and Fire. I kept two copies myself, and others were dumped to Ran Tianlan.

She can arrange as she pleases!

Emperor Yanlong had a depressed face, and he was just restoring the Dharma body, I am afraid he would have to recover for several months.

Ye Fan patted him on the shoulder and shook his backhand. The dragon ball from the last time appeared.

A dragon ball that is hundreds of times stronger than the original dragon ball.

Alas ~ The Emperor Yanlong's eyes widened, his expression was shocked.

"Compensation for you, hurry up and refine, I need your help." Ye Fan fluttered away with a throw of Dragon Ball.

The Emperor held the Dragon Ball in his hand, his heart was extremely shocked. Because with Dragon Ball, he can repair everything and power!

At that time, he could not be trapped by the Divine Realm. And I am afraid that there are no more adversaries in the more advanced refining realm.

In the last life, the emperor was the cultivation of the peak of the refining level.

"Don't you be afraid that I will kill you after I restore my strength?" Emperor Yanlong said to the air.

Even if Ye Fan cares for him these days, let alone kill Ye Fan, it is very possible to go high and fly!

Shen "yin" for a long time, Emperor Yanlong stood on the top of the mountain like a wooden man, and no one knew when he disappeared.

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