Thousands of black light flew below, and overhead was surrounded by more powerful black lights.

Qianshuimu descended from the sky, surrounded by thousands of water swords, and shuddered without hesitation.

Even if this woman did not avenge Ye Fan, she would not let the Zulong Divine Sword fall into the hands of others.

After all, the thousands of powerful gods below are not just the early cannon fodder.

In addition, some people did not intend to participate in the robbery war, all with the attitude of picking up leaks.

But that weird corpse made them all violent.

Only a few people really have the ability to **** the Zulong Excalibur.

One is Chen Wenze, the seventh prince. Several of the strong men brought by him are not fuel-saving lamps.

There is also the three prince Chen Kai, who is single-handed. This person is not bad compared to Qianshuimu.

Then there are the remaining old men, all of whom are old monsters trained in the barren purgatory.

But this demon Ye Fan, Qian Shuimu had never thought of it before.

This product is alone, let alone grab it, ordinary people have no guts to connect near!

But this guy is a freak!

Ye Fan glanced around coldly, disdainfully said: "Just you scum, I want to go, no one can stop it."

He immediately grasped the huge war sword in one hand, and an astonishing suction burst out from the sword.

Immediately after, the blood vessels on his arm burst quickly, and the blood and fluid of gold "color" was devoured by the magic sword.

Forcibly recognize the Lord!

The next moment, the Excalibur was released in blood, and the lines were as if alive.

As soon as Ye Fan thought, the sword quickly shrank and turned into a few feet long, just in time.

Immediately, he turned into a thunderbolt and crashed directly into the crowd.

All this is said time and time, everything is just between light and flint.

The sky's water sword poured down, as if a terrifying stegosaurus roared and swallowed Ye Fan's afterimage.

Shente was run away by him again!

Qian Shuimu's method changed drastically. The water sword immediately changed direction and attacked Ye Fan in the crowd.

There was a thunder, and he rushed away.

The repair was slightly weaker, and the flesh flew away.

Chen Kai and others also tried to "force" on the spot. They robbed themselves for so long that they didn't even "touch" the "Mao" of the Zumong Divine Excalibur, but they were run away by that boy.

Isn't this too pit?

Uh ~

With a loud noise, Lei Arc Ge Ran hit an ice coffin, which directly "forced" Ye Fan.

Good guys, I usually treat others, and my feelings have been rectified by the dead today!

And this ice coffin was hit by him without a hit, and the house where he lives is too strong, right?

The army rushed behind, Ye Fan was trying to "shoot" and fled. After thinking about it, he was still hanging over the coffin.

This thing is weird.

He had received the Dragon Sword, but the Sword did not drive him crazy.

The maddening thing probably existed before, and it disappeared inexplicably after the war.

This coffin is very suspicious.

"Hey, big brother, you can't keep your coffin lid!"

Ye Fan sneered, one hand of the ancestral sword of the dragon emerged, and the humming sword broke down.

Boom ~

With a bang, the entire coffin cover was smashed with a sword.

Inside, there was a corpse with red eyes, covered with ice sculptures.

Moreover, the body was three to four times taller than a normal person, and it was weird.

Hehe ~

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