Somewhere on the top of the iceberg, the seventh prince Chen Wenze waited quietly for something.

According to Ye Fan's "urine" and "sex", it is really possible to kill his relatives.

However, there are many ways for the strong to save their lives in the middle of the transformation. Even if they cannot fight, it should not be difficult to escape.

It may be difficult to use Ye Fan in the future.

After all, he wants to win the crown prince in the general election. The more capable people he has, the better.

Ye Fan is the most wicked one he has ever seen.

Not long afterwards, a silver blast burst "shot" and looked extremely embarrassed.

Yin Mang converged in front of Chen Wenze, showing the old man's appearance.

It's just that the old man's clothes are shattered at this moment, and his face is extremely pale, as if he has experienced extremely horrible things.

Shen "groaned" for a moment before he calmed down and said: "This Ye Fan, really is not an ordinary person. Really fight, my husband has no chance of winning."

"Seven princes, sorry, the old man can't win the Zulong Excalibur for you."

Chen Wenze smiled slightly and said, "Anyway, it would be strange if you ever beat him!"

"Why did the Seventh Prince say this?" The old man couldn't help wondering, "Although he is a junior, but he shouldn't be afraid to this extent?

Although he himself was scared away!

"You don't know. I saw Ye Fan almost two years ago. At that time, he was a junior in the realm of triple-four.

But now, it has grown to the state of Huashen, and even the middle of Huashen is not an opponent. The horror can be imagined. "

"Moreover, even in that year, it also has a record of killing the dragon and the dragon by rebuilding the dragon and the dragon.

High-level killings on this person almost always occur. You can escape, I'm afraid he's merciless. "

Thinking back to that year, Chen Wenze felt a little bit aggrieved. In exchange for the blood of the three-legged Jinwu, he was also pitted with a golden pattern.

The old man thought for a while and couldn't help feeling his back cold.

According to him, if he hadn't run faster, he might have fallen on the spot!

Uh ~

A few beams of light burst through the side and shot straight towards Ye Fan.

The old man sank a little, "groaned," and said, "Since this son is so evil, how about the Seventh Prince to help him?"

Chen Wenze sneered, and said, "These are just to die, maybe there is a hint of vitality in Qianshuimu, and others are definitely impossible."

According to the boy's "urine" and "sex", since he doesn't run, he must have figured out a countermeasure.



Ye Fan stole the thunder wings and flew in a hurry.

After a while, the roar of the back was loud, and a blue "color" burst into light.

"I'm relying! So fast? Are you a rabbit?"

"Mom, if I hadn't used up my thunder and lightning power and consumed a lot of energy, I would have been caught up by you?"

Ye Fan screamed twice and immediately speeded up his flight.

However, even so, he is not as quick as the rear water.

Qianshuimu is naturally overjoyed, it turns out that this kid is almost exhausted!

If it was not normal, she would definitely not believe so easily, but now the ancestral sword of the dragon is in front of her, and has fallen into Ye Fan's suit under ecstasy.

In the blink of an eye, the two were less than a hundred meters apart.

When Qianshuimu's "color" was cold, he immediately shaken his hands, and tens of thousands of water swords flashed out.

"Go, cut him off!"

咻咻 咻 ~ Wan Jian made a sound, and the sound of breaking air burst.

"I rely! You come true." Ye Fan screamed, his body was immediately wrapped in gold scales, and he turned himself into a giant golden ball.

The canyon is not far away.

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