Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 711: Do you accept

"I'm going!"

"Big brother, wow, you just left like this, leaving me alone!"

"Walk all the way!"

Little Bailong mourned a few words, and then sent a snot and a tear.

Ye Fan took a slap in the air and patted the past, fanning Xiao Bailong far away, saying: "Crying Nimabi!"

Little White Dragon :. . . .

With so many people watching, can you give me some face?

He flew over again, shamelessly, reaching for the dragon scales in front of Ye Fan.

As a result Ye Fan gave him a fierce glance, and the salty pig's hand was immediately collected.


How could this goose pull out the "hair" picking goods to share with him!

Ye Fan stretched out his hand, and the dragon scale snorted immediately, to see that its hardness was no less than that of green bamboo.

Xiao Jin poked his head quietly and stretched his waist: "Dragon scales are one of the hardest things in the world."

"Unfortunately, this dragon scale is a bit scarce. Otherwise, it will be made into a suit of armor, and the gods won't be able to explode if you curl up inside!"

Ye Fan despised it, and said quietly, "Otherwise, how many pieces would you pull on you?"

Xiao Jin shuddered immediately, and immediately got into the collar, growling, "When I didn't say it!"

As soon as Ye Fan waved his hands, the dozens of dragon scales in front of him flickered and disappeared.

Turn them back into the Cambrian Xuanjia, and the power of Xuanjia will definitely increase again.

"Cut the door, leave me nothing!"

Ye Fan: "What are you talking about? I didn't understand!"

Little White Dragon: Just pretend you!

"This matter is over, should I wait to go back?" Yao Ji asked.

Ye Fan's expression instantly became cold, and he smiled, "It's not over yet!"

He stepped up into the air, looked coldly at the ground, and shouted, "When are you going to hide?"

"Either, I was beaten to the soul by my soul. Or, I came out and surrendered to me!"

In the original calm land, Ge Ran raised a raging flame, and a three-headed flame giant tiger instantly condensed.

"You don't qualify for this seat!" Growled Huohu.

Hiss ~ Everyone sucked in the cool air. After a big war, no one noticed where the heaven and earth spirits were going.

If it suddenly launches an attack, I am afraid that none of the people present will be greatly injured.

Good guy, Ye Fan shouted out!

The power of this heart-warming heart is no worse than Ye Fan's Bing Yan, and even more refined.

Such a treasure, how can I let it slip away?

Ye Fan immediately sneered and said, "Don't you agree? Then I will hit you!"

The five fingers scratched down and instantly created a space barrier around the tiger.

Immediately after that, Ye Fan punched down with a punch. A golden "color" fist flashed in the void, although it could not compare to the Emperor Yanlong, but it also reached the horror inside of the middle of God.

Of course, the idiot tiger will not be stupid enough to just punch him, unless it is a sand sculpture!

It flashed to the side immediately, all four feet at the same time force, moving fiercely.

Uh ~

With a loud bang, the big tiger slammed into a space barrier at one time, and then "forced" it.

So when did an invisible wall appear? What a thief is hard!

No tears!

Boom ~ Blow down with a punch above your head, and pinch it directly to the ground.

Mom, it ’s not like this!

Ye Fan was expressionless and smashed at random, he didn't care about this thing.

Others watched on the spot. What kind of immortal means is this? It's too bullying!

Qian Shuimu swallowed her mouth, but fortunately, she was not rubbed on the ground by Ye Fan.

The local tiger rushed to the other side immediately, and as a result, a bang again blew it back.

I'll go!

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