Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 716: One way in the world, one way

Feng Yu Yao Ji raised her hand to demonstrate while teaching martial art to everyone.

"All ways in the world, the same way, no matter what kind of exercises you are practicing, the purpose is to become stronger!"

"Gongfa changes a lot, and don't be fooled and confused by their appearances."

She raised her hand lightly, and a layer of flame flashed in the sky. In a short time, it turned into thousands of sharp feather arrows, and then turned into a roaring beast.

When the disciples below saw this, one by one exposed the envious god.

Somewhere on a tree branch, Ye Fan lay lazily, glancing casually at the crowds in the main square.

These young people, cultivated or are in the land, and some are slightly stronger to the realm of heaven.

That look of naive learning is not the same as he used to be?

However, he really came out of the killing.

One will succeed, and Ye Fan's men will have no more than 100,000 and 80,000 dead souls.

On the south side of the "medicine" field, female disciples are busy weeding and watering.

This "medicine" field, at a glance, could not see the margins.

Ye Fan, wearing a white robe, walked between the "medicines" of the spirit. Watching these spirits "medicines" mature, they were gently taken off by the female disciples' hands, and then sent to the refrigerator for sealing.

His spiritual "medicine" base has a variety of tens of thousands, which is enough to supply the needs of Yihong Hospital everywhere.

In addition, the alchemy room of Zongmen was gradually established. Although it is currently only available to the disciples of Yihua Palace, it is believed that there will also be a large number of Dan "medicines" on the market soon.

It's also time to establish a relationship with the Alchemy Association of Dajin!

"Good Master!"

"Young Master Kim On!"

One by one, the female disciples passing by, "showed off" the eyes of "fascination."

That's the young master who stands high!

Cultivation for the sky, propped up the entire small world with one hand, an idol in the hearts of everyone!

Unconsciously, Ye Fan reached the newly planted "medicine" field, where the seeds had not yet germinated. In the distance, each female disciple stopped her work and looked at Shaozhu from afar.

This is a happiness!

Because Ye Fan is the belief in their hearts, it is to support them with a sky of existence.

Ye Fan smiled calmly and lifted a burst of green mist.

A pure force of life covered the entire field of "medicine". Those seeds seemed to have encountered the rain "dew" and sucked wildly.

The tip of the seed cracked, and the white sprouts sprang out, as if feeling a fresh world.

The shoots kept growing and then turned green, like a child.

Then, one foot, two feet, constantly raised, just like a teenager!

With an outbreak of power, tens of thousands of years of wild forces have all burst out on them.

In the blink of an eye, the spirit "medicine" has grown!

The female disciples were stunned on the spot.

This spirit "medicine" can actually be born, and it grows better, is it incredible?

"Surely the young master is the young master, and his power is amazing!"

"When can I be like a young master? Raise your hands to all beings and set foot on the earth!"

Ye Fan didn't know that his behavior following "sex" had left an indelible shock to several people.

The Hanxian domain, the entire Hanxian domain is not as large as one-third of the southern county.

That is to say, there are branches of Yihong Courtyard in thousands of large cities.

The current Yihong Courtyard is a behemoth.

Those who know the inside story are afraid to mess with it, and those who don't know the inside story have heard that Yi Hong Yuan has a background of Da Jin, and they are all trembling.

Huang Muchen grasped all the business in the entire Hanxian domain with one hand, and the headquarters also fell into the edge of Tianyuan City.

That huge modern mall is the head of the branch of Hanxianyu Yihong Courtyard.

On the top floor, Huang Muchen was closing his eyes and raising his soul, raising a mysterious light all over his body.

Suddenly her color changed, Ge Ran opened her eyes and quickly flew back ten meters!

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