The power of bone-eating worms is dozens of times more powerful than those of black "color" beetles, and the number of black "color" beetles is so large that it can be partially eliminated by the opportunity of training bone-eating worms.

When this batch of bone-eating worms matures completely, I am afraid that even Ye Fan himself has to shun three points.

One can imagine how terrible these ancient strange insects are!

The black "color" beetle was taken care of by Shiran, and the green robe Ye Fan immediately flew back with Ye Qingchen.


Ye Fan was carrying his hands, and both of them flashed behind him at the same time, excitedly: "Congratulations to the master!"

Ye Fan waved his hand gently, and the green robe clone flashed back with interest.

"Light dust, what is it?"

Ye Qingchen thought for a moment, and said, "Master, find the trace of Tianxin Stone!"

"Ten thousands of years ago, Zhongzhou County in Dajin was bombarded by a meteorite. According to reports, at that time thousands of miles in Zhongzhou County became a dark desert."

"In the desert, some powerful monsters prevail. All those who enter will be forcibly strangled!"

"In order to calm down the chaos, the Dajin united the nine emperors of Kyushu, sealed the place together, and called it the crater!"

"Although it is a seal, it is not inaccessible. This day the crater is open once a year, and those monks who have their own strength will go in and practice."

Ye Fan nodded, his brows locked tightly.

Hundreds of counties are separated from the South County by this Chungju County, and his power has not spread there.

However, Zhongzhou is the most central area of ​​the entire Jin Dynasty, and it is also separated by several counties from the core of the dynasty, Zijin City.

It's an excellent location.

"You guard the altar, there is the top priority of the moving flower palace!" Ye Fan said.

In the altar, there are the Yuanshen's life lanterns of all the disciples in Yihua Palace. If someone steals the life lanterns, I am afraid that all the disciples in Yihua Palace will be exposed.

Ye Fan already had a bold idea in his heart!

That is, Ye's Qianzhuang relies on Zhongzhou to "radiate" the entire Dajin!

It was as if I had relied on the south county town and spread out money houses in all directions.

To build such a huge force, there must be someone first, and what he lacks most is people!

Although the world's warriors are noble and powerful, the most people are civilians who cannot cultivate.

Either they are not qualified, or they are inherently unable to open up their veins, and the number occupies the vast majority.

For every one hundred civilians, it is possible to have a warrior.

One can imagine how huge the number of civilians is. And none of these civilians would want it.

In just a hundred years, they will disappear.

Who wants to live longer?

Even if parents don't want to live forever, they want their children to live forever!

Unable to cultivate, even the Dajin Holy Emperor could not solve it.

But here Ye Fan, it is not a problem at all!

After the marrow washing of the divine power of life, even the waste body can open up the veins for cultivation.

If you think about it, Ye Fan suddenly feels scalp tingling.

Because there will be a lot of people in Yihuagong in the future, so much that he himself is afraid.

"Ye Linger, shadow kill!"

A moment later, the two men quickly hurried.

Shadow killing a black robe, Xiu Wei already has a dragon and a dragon!

Ye Fan raised a brow and said, "The shadow killing practice is so fast? That's good!"

Yingsha laughed bitterly and said, "Compared to the master, my speed is nothing."

"You two, quickly take a team of disciples from Huagong to recruit civilians who cannot practice martial arts."

"Of course, don't be more than seventeen years old, mainly girls. If you come across a boy with better qualifications and can't practice, you can also recruit them together."

"By then, Ye Linger will be responsible for using the power of life to wash the bones and bones of these people so that they can practice successfully."

"Shadow kill, protect Linger!"

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