Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 731: I come today, extermination

The house of the Su family was built in a clean place in the suburbs.

Similar to this super big family, it is disdainful to the noisy place in the center of the city.

The Su family mansion stretches for a few miles and looks as luxurious as an imperial palace. Such financial and material resources are not comparable to ordinary families.

Just in front of the gate, a teenager came slowly carrying a dark sword.

The blade of the sword rubbed against the ground, a scratch, deep enough!

Seeing this, the goalkeeper's disciples were immediately appalled.

"I don't embarrass you, go in and report right now!" Ye Fan sneered.

Huh ~ The two were relieved immediately. Fortunately, the other party was more reasonable and did not kill the innocent.

However, the moment they turned, a cold voice sounded:

"Bite flames! Triple waves!"

Om ~ a wave of purple "color" fires hundreds of feet high, immediately cut off!

Lying ~ slot!

The two of them yelled "forced" on the spot, didn't they say they would wait for us to report? This is too ridiculous, right?

Ye Fan: Inform Nimabee!

Bang Rong ~ Yi Jian opened up the world, split the Su family mansion in half.

Screams grow louder!

It is a shame that the Su family in Dangnannan County was cut in half by one sword!

All of a sudden, every burst of light burst out of "shooting", apparently furious.

"Thief, dare to come to my Su family to make trouble, see you are tired!" With a loud scream, Su Yu, the three elders of Su family, burst out and "shot".

Early deification?

Ye Fan dismissed a smile, and when he came closer, Ge Ran disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a dragon "groaned" sounded and whizzed past Su Yu's ear.

In a flash, Ye Fan flashed behind Su Yu and sneered, "You are too slow to qualify for me!"

Zulong Excalibur in his hand, blood is dripping from the point of the sword.

The speed of the early transformation of God has already slowed down by a hundred times in his eyes. This is the terror of the middle transformation of God.

Su Yu volleyed stiffly, turned hard, and his face was incredible.

"How is that possible?"

Alas, a blood line flashed around the neck, and blood sprayed out.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu fell down with no vitality.



He actually beheaded the strong man in the early days of the transformation, which is too scary, right?

"Not good, this boy has advanced to the mid-day of God. I'll wait for it!"

The elders of the Su family were not stupid. Immediately, more than a dozen powerful gods were surrounded by Ye Fan.

"Hum! Boy, you can't escape today!"

"I will kill you on the spot when I join forces!"

Ye Fan shook his head, raised his **** silently, and said, "Are you all intellectually handicapped?"

"Why do I have to run, why are you here to provoke you? Mentally handicapped!"

"Let me announce that I am here today to destroy the Su family!"


It's so domineering!

The dozen elders' faces turned green, and they immediately threw out attacks and bombarded Ye Fan.

If it had been before, Ye Fan categorically did not dare to harden a dozen strong gods.

But now, he is a strong man in the middle of the transformation. I do n’t know how many times he is stronger!

"Burning purple fire, let me be violent!"

Boom ~

A burst of purple "color" flames burst like a tiger down the mountain and rushed away in all directions.

The sky's attack fell into this purple "color" monster's strange flame, and immediately fell into the water and dissipated.

Burning purple fire, but the fusion of three powerful flames, the power is amazing!

The purple gold "color" feather wings behind Ye Fan flashed, and under a shudder, they even killed them at the speed of breaking through.

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