Thousands of blue "color" sword shadow roared and cut off!

But all of a sudden, all the sword shadows were frozen, so they couldn't move.

A sound boom started, and the next volume disappeared.

In a breath, the sword shadow roared down and penetrated the ground hundreds of meters deep.


What just happened?

The crowd screamed "Forcing", and at that moment, even the space was frozen!

"How is this possible?" Gu Yuyu growled, and hurriedly collected the dust beads.

The sacrifice used this treasure to consume his vitality greatly.

A thunder thunder above the sky, a young boy in a white robe flashed out, carrying a half-dead little white dragon in his hand.

The epiphyseal pupils of the epiphysis shrank, and the other party was so young that he had already cultivated to the mid-realm.

Why have you never heard of this character before?

Moreover, there is no record of this person on the Tianjiao directory of Dajin!

Gu Yuyu, the seventh and sixth hundredth of Tianjiao's list, is the existence of a new generation of evil spirits in Buddhism.

While he was staring at Ye Fan, Ye Fan was also watching him.

Both of them were taken aback by the details of each other!

The most direct thing is that both of them have the strength of the first war of Hehuan.

"Big brother, you finally came to save your father and me!" Xiao Bailong said weakly.

Feeling the mid-century breath of Ye Fan's body, he was about to vomit blood.

What did this guy experience? It was only a short while ago that he hadn't seen each other, and he had a special level.


Ye Fan despised him and said, "I'm your father!"

"How could you, a small wave dragon, have been caught if it had been out for so long?"

"After all, you own it!" Xiao Bailong silently looked down like Ye Fanxun like a child.

However, if he was given another chance, he would definitely wave again, and definitely not change!

This "urine" and "sex" are almost the same as Ye Fanyi's "hair".

"Who are you? Dare to stop Buddhism from doing business!" Gu Yuyu shouted, a middle-aged super-powerful superpower, he also had to avoid three points.

Ye Fan shrugged, and said casually: "You're on the street, you don't deserve to know my name!"

Uh ~

What a peculiar thing, can we still have a good chat?

"Presumptuous! Eighteen Lord, show me!"

With the order of Bian Yuyu, the eighteen bronze men burst out and shot into eighteen golden shots to Ye Fan.

"Big brother, I'll leave it to you, Dad will take a step!"

When Ye Fan heard this, he kicked Xiao Bailong's buttocks and flew him a few hundred meters.

"Go! I'm your father!"

Xiao Bailong's original serious injury, at the moment was kicked by Ye Fan, and he vomited blood directly!

Damn, it's so **** everyone! Little Bailong was depressed.

唰 ~ Eighteen golden light momentarily surrounded Ye Fan, and the united momentum was amazing.

Seeing this, Gu Yuyu immediately sneered, and said, "Even the Eighteen Lords unite, even if I want to avoid three points, boy, try something new!"

In response, Ye Fan dismissed a smile and said loudly, "It's all shit!"

"You see eighteen wastes in my eyes! If you can kill me, I will lose!"



Rao is an eighteen bronze man's heart like a mirror, but at this moment he is also "disordered" by the angry Buddha's heart disorder.

Good guy, chatting with this person is definitely short-lived, so terrifying!

"Do it!"

Screaming for the first bronzer, his body shakes wildly.

The same is true of others. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a series of phantoms, spinning around Ye Fan at high speed.

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