Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 749: Eighteen ca n’t beat me

The sound of a metal impact.

Everyone was stunned, including Ye Fan, staring straight at the copper man.

"I rely! Is your head so stiff?" He growled helplessly.

I saw the man's forehead, a three-inch long sharp spine like ice crystals, "inserted" into his brows.

What's weird about God is that half of it remains outside.

懵 "Force"!

On the spot, "force"!

The bronze man is really dumbfounded. What the **** is this? Suddenly it came over!

Moreover, he broke his golden body.

The other bronze men were also frightened. They must know that their golden bodies have been trained by mystery and millennia, and they are already invincible!

Shente was stabbed in.

The bronze man even had an impulse to pull it out.

Seeing this, Ye Fan chuckled and said, "You're cold, burst me!"

Om ~ The Soul-splitting blast exploded, and the bronze man's spirit seemed to be severely struck.

It was as if someone was holding a brick and pounding his head fiercely.

With a flurry of appearance, the copper man immediately fell.

Although I can't die, I still have half my life.

Eighteen Bronze people can unite in order to erupt the greatest power. Today's headed Bronze man pretends to "force" failure, and the momentum of unity suddenly shakes.

Seeing this, Ye Fan immediately sneered and pressed his hand in the void.

Crackling ~

Thunder and arcs of innocence and two "colors" roared out like pythons, and "shot" in all directions.

The power of thunder and lightning, with defiance of all coercion, banged on those runes.

When the remaining seventeen bronze men were derelict, countless runes disappeared immediately after being bombarded.

Ye Fan also took advantage of this opportunity, his wings flew back, turned into a thundering thunder and surrounded the circle.

When they reacted and reunited, Ye Fan had already fled.

"You eighteen can't beat me, what is your honorable title? It's rubbish!"

"Buddha keeps you waste, it will happen sooner or later!"

Ye Fan flashed out of the crowd.

Hey ~ the rest of the bronze men heard this, and it exploded on the spot!

The fight started, and the first time I was so depressed, I really wanted to tear the boy's mouth.

In an instant, Ye Fanyang threw his hand, and the eight-footed exquisite ruler flew in the air.

However, the eight-foot ruler turned into a flash, and disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, the eighteen bronze men flashed out around them, like a giant fan on the same side, surrounded them.

"Let me see how hard your bodies are!"

Ye Fan sneered, and his hands quickly succumbed.

Uh ~

On the ruler's shadow, thousands of sharp bloodshots "shot", densely swirling like snakes!

When the eighteen bronze men saw this, they each performed their magical powers and bombarded them fiercely.

Some people hit their feet with a fist and a smashed punch.

As a result, a layer of black "color" ripples forced him back.

Those bloodshots were also tenacious and cut out.

Seeing this, the seventeen bronze men immediately formed a special defensive golden shield and were trapped inside.

Uh ~

A metal boom came.

Ye Fanshen asked Leng Ao and did not quickly hang them. After all, when these people are united, the defense is quite strong.

If he storms, the exquisite ruler may be greatly damaged.

Gu Yuyu has been so frightened that this guy is too wicked, right? There was no resistance to suppress the eighteen bronze people.

You have to know that even the epiphysis may not be able to do this!

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