Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 771: Buddhism, Sanctuary of Worship

The three looked at that direction at the same time, and their faces became more and more difficult to look.

The breath of the comer is very powerful!

Even more powerful than the fox demon beside him.

You need to know that the little fox demon exists in the middle of the transformation. How terrible is the person coming?

A moment later, three golden lights burst into the air, hovering coldly above their heads.

"People of Buddhism!" Ye Qingchen said lightly.

The white fox **** was cold, and a little anger flashed between his eyebrows, saying: "To be precise, it is the Buddha's holy floating palace. The visitor should be worried!"

The Saint Floating War God is worry-free, with the tiger down his chest and the sky behind him.

This person, even when enshrined in the Buddha, has made countless strong people in Dajin tremble.

Worry-free, although the hands are folded, as long as those hands are opened, the killing will still be wide open.

Moreover, he still has a cultivation practice in the later period!

One of the two disciples behind Wuji, one is holding a golden "color" zen stick, and the other is carrying a wooden fish.

Judging from the breath radiated by the two, it is not the middle period of generalization.

No worries lightly swept down, a flash of gold "color" flames flashed in his eyes, and immediately Shen said: "I don't care about people, leave quickly!"

Based on the cultivation of these people, they could not kill the eighteen bronze men, nor could they move the bones.

Really amazing, here it is!

Bai Hu stepped out and sneered: "Some boring donkeys, I just want to see how deep the Dharma is!"

Seeing this, Ye Qingchen and the two also intercepted in front of the crater.

"Presumptuous! Just a little fox demon, want to stop me Buddha?"

"Uncontrollable, give me!" Wuyou ordered, and the two disciples behind him sank immediately.

One of them raised his zen stick in his hand and threw it coldly into the void. When time changes, the illusion of tens of thousands of zen sticks flashes out and screams down.

Baihu rushed out first, and greeted the thousands of Zen sticks alone.

With a flash of Bai Mang, she turned into a real white fox, and her nine tails soared into the sky and swept towards those phantoms.

Both of them are top mid-range gods, and it is difficult to separate the winners and losers for a while.

On the other hand, the green robe Ye Fan used the cultivation practice in the early days of deification to block a disciple alone.

Ye Qingchen stood on top of the crater, one sword at a time. Qi Yujian, evil spirits rose up.

Step by step, Wuyou stepped into the air, and the coercion of the deification of the gods directly imprisoned the air around her.

It's like pressing a thousand mountains on your body!

"You have time to get out of here now!" There is no worry or grief, as if not a soul in front of you, but a dead wood and a gravel!

Disdain is disdain of staring at the sky.

Ye Qingchen held the sword and clenched his teeth: "As long as I stand here, you can't stop thinking about it!"

A sword stabbed into the sky, and the sound of ghosts crying and wailing loudly for a while.

The dark shadow of the sword appeared, hundreds of meters long, and the power was naturally good.

However, in the eyes of worry-free, it is a trick for children, and it is hard to be elegant.

"I gave you a chance!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was no need to worry about it. In the void he stepped on, a crack like a spider's web cracked in an instant.

Broken Phantom, unable to capture at all.

The next moment, the side of the huge sword shadow flashed out of worry-free figure, and a punch blasted towards the sword shadow.

Uh ~

With a loud bang, the sword shadow seemed to be severely hit, and was immediately forcibly broken by the fist.

Ye Qingchen's face "colored" changed greatly, and the feather swords in his hands were forced to fly out.

However, before she responded, she had already reached her back without worry ~

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