Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 778: Test of Shadow Kill

Ye Fan Palace Small World, Ye Fan has not set foot for nearly a month.

In the Shenyue Mountains, Ye Guangchen has lived with a savage for almost a month. It is a bit unaccustomed to return to the small world at this moment.

The construction of the small world is very rapid, and it has been surrounded by endless towers and "medicine" fields.

The training ground, the main square, etc. are lined up in hundreds.

Farther away, there are faintly visible cave caves, many mysterious illusions flicker.

In each martial arts arena, thousands of children are practicing martial arts.

The first feeling that Little White Fox stepped in was why there are so many children here?

Except for those who stayed to teach martial arts, almost no adults were seen.

"Master, these children are very talented, they should have been snatched by Zongmen!" Xiao Baihu frowned.

In her realm, nature can see at first glance that these people are wonderfully rooted.

Ye Fan's mouth twitched slightly and said, "After all, there are still more mortals in this world!"

"They were originally mortals who could not cultivate, but I moved the flower palace, and gave them the washing of the pith and the body, which is the ultimate achievement."

"I'm afraid there are as many as five or six hundred thousand today!"


Listening to it, Xiao Baihu's face was "white" on the spot.

Seeing Ye Fan walking in the air, nearly 100,000 people in dozens of large squares looked at him at the same time, Qi Qi kneeling on one knee!

"Welcome to the young master!" The sound rose from the sky, taking part in the suffocation of more than 100,000 people.

Ye Fan raised his hand slightly, and everyone rose immediately.

Ge Ran, his eyes sharply looked somewhere in the void.

Ye Qingchen also realized something, and brought up Yu Yujian to make a severe cut in that void.

Banging ~

With a bang, a dark shadow was chopped out by her, and she slid back hundreds of meters.

Hei Ying has a crimson battle sword, which is buzzing.

But it was only a blow, Ye Qingchen put away the momentum and laughed: "Shadow kill, you can't beat me now!"

Come, it's shadow kill!

I saw him quietly come to me, salute Ye Fan slightly, and said, "Young Master, a total of 750 thousand new disciples in Yihua Palace!"

"In addition, Master, this dust is so powerful. Should you give me some pointers?"

Shadow killing is depressed!

He has been taking care of the Yihua Palace for many years, and Xiu Wei has also stagnated at Yulong Jiuzhong and cannot advance, but it is difficult for him.

At this point, Ye Fan wrapped a black "color" python in his hand, like steel casting.

Immediately after throwing up his hands, the black python roared out immediately, his body expanded rapidly, as if the evil dragon came into the world.

The power of the black python pierced the sky, hovering above his head, and even the surrounding world was dark.

Obviously, this is an extraordinary treasure.

Ye Fan's method changed, and the python immediately disintegrated, turning into thousands of sharp little swords, and "shot" towards the shadow.

Shadow-killer "color" changed slightly, but did not take a step back.

The powerful coercion twirled, and the black robes on his body were shredded immediately, and even some wind blades cut through his body.

Little white fox and others were shocked. This treasure, at least, is on the spirit list.

At the moment when thousands of small swords pierced the shadow and killed the eyebrows, all the small swords gathered together like raindrops, forming a three-foot long pitched war pestle.


"Yes, here you are!" Ye Fan said indifferently, and then went away.

The shadow killing at this moment, the flesh and blood of the whole body is blurred, and is suffering from the pain of tearing.

Ye Qingchen stepped forward quietly, shaking his backhand, and an ice crystal sealed with red blood "liquid" flashed out, saying:

"You must hate the master. If you can't bear the power of this magic weapon, how dare he give it to you?"

"When I passed down the Yu Fei sword, did the host let the evil spirit devour me?"

"This is the blood of the true phoenix, the master told me to give it to you!"

The shadow of the killer was bright, and there was a little more perseverance in his eyes!

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