Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 785: I have 100 billion

The base price of eight million yuan has been raised more than four times.

In addition, several subsequent auctions have also been raised by the boy several times.

For a moment, everyone stared angrily at Ye Fan.

If you don't buy it, what's your price for a chicken? This is too special.

Ran Tianlan looked at Ye Fan from time to time, and she was very speechless.

I feel like this guy is there, it won't be peaceful!

However, it did make a lot of money for the auction house.

"Ahem! It's boring to play like this, Ms. Ran, otherwise how can I buy you?" Ye Fanlang said.

Ran Tianlan :? ? ?

What is this "fuck" operation?

With a look of "force"!

"I rely, this kid dare to offend the power of the Ye Family Bank!"

"Huh! Newborn calf, I haven't seen the world, wait for him to feel good."

"Look, Miss Ran will definitely throw this kid out!"

For a time, everyone was frightened.

Ye's Qianzhuang is like a sun, and almost no one dares to mess with it. This kid is a taboo!

Ran Tianlan thought for a while, not only did not get angry, but smiled in various ways, and said, "There are so many Dao friends present, and there are also many who like to die."

"This fellow, if the bid is higher than them, then how about walking with you?"

Uh ~

With this remark, the crowd exploded.

Doesn't this mean that she is auctioning herself! Moreover, the one with the highest price wins.

Such a stunner who cannot eat the fireworks on earth, how many people want to exist in dreams!

"Well, since that's the case, I'll ask for one billion yuan first. Who is a Taoist?" Ye Fan said casually.

Hiss ~ One billion is a billion dollars. How rich is this guy?

However, those who can come to the auction are also wealthy and expensive.

Immediately someone snorted and said, "Leng Mou made a bid of 1.5 billion yuan, and asked all Taoists to give me face."

"I go to Nima's face, Ran Tianlan is mine, I make two billion!" For a while, everyone robbed like crazy, and the price quickly rose to 5 billion.

At this time, a faint voice came from the Accord, saying: "Under bid, 10 billion!"

Ten billion!

The noisy hall suddenly calmed down.

Can those who have a place in the Accord care about a dozen or two billion spirit stones?

Those worth are extremely scary!

"15 billion!" Soon, another Accord voiced.

Everyone couldn't help but be frightened, this play was heartbeat!

How rich people play!

They don't care if it is a lot, but they want to step on each other's feet and show off their capital!

At this time, a harsh sound on the hall sounded: "I'm 50 billion, you poor" force "!"

Lying ~ slot!

Everyone looked at Ye Fan, why is this special sacred?

Could it be worth 50 billion yuan, and would it be a nameless person?

Moreover, he also scolded all the poor here.

I rely!

That anger in my heart!

Ran Tianlan's mouth twitched. This is too much fun, right? How do you end it?

"Ahem! Do you think there is a lot of 50 billion? The deity is worth 80 billion. What?" A disdainful voice came from an Accord.


"Listen well, I'll give you 100 billion!" Ye Fan said with a quibble.



Everyone thoroughly urged "force"!

The people in the Accord immediately gave birth to the Qiqiao smoke, Shen "groaned" for a long time, but in the end did not bargain.

"Ahem! Since no one is more than me, then Miss Ran is mine!"

Ye Fan stepped up into the air in one step, and under a few flashes, he stepped onto the high platform, holding Ran Tianlan in his arms.

"Hey! I want to die for you!"

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