Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 867: Outbreak of Demon Robbery

The Central Plains Fortress, spanning nearly a hundred miles from east to west, can be described as very huge.

At this moment, the roar of thunderous beasts outside the East Gate is a masterpiece.

I saw that above the sky, the magic spots burst into wormholes, and the magic mist rolled over and occupied the existence of the half-walled sky.

In the magic fog, a group of flying snakes with wings, protected by purple gold armor, exploded.

Thousands of flying snakes, under the spray of poisonous mist, can even corrode the warrior's weapons.

Immediately after that, a group of devil wolves rushed. Devil wolves are huge, some have two heads, while others have three heads.

However, among the monsters, there is no Holy Power. Because of the large number, the offensive is extremely terrifying.

The first batch of tens of thousands of dragon martial arts are fighting fiercely with these monsters.

On the ground, monsters and human corpses fell from time to time. During the war, no monster noticed a squad on the ground, and was quickly searching the battlefield.

The leader is impressively Ye Linger.

There are more than a hundred people in this team led by her, one by one holding sharp swords, stabbing at the heads of those monsters, digging out fist-sized spar.

This thing is the magic core that contains the whole power of the monster. It has tens of thousands of times more energy than the equivalent amount of spirit stone.

Therefore, behind each battle, Ye Fan ordered people to lead the team to collect the magic core.

However, those monsters are not blind.

Immediately, a group of three demon wolves slanted down from the air, and there were thousands of them.

Ye Linger was startled, and hurriedly said, "Everyone, return to the fort!"

At the same time, she and Ling Bing's ice sword wiped her life with one hand.


A sword was thrown out, and the cold mang was released in a short time. Phantoms of ice swords flashed out, and "shot" towards the group of demon wolves.

Uh ~

Many demon wolves fell in the sword rain, but more demon wolves came directly and surrounded Ye Linger. 唰 ~ She pulled a green vine from her waist, and her whole body became full of breath.

Ye Linger has good talents and has the vitality to temper his body.

These magic wolves are also the existence of ichthyosaur realm.


The demon wolves roared and immediately attacked. The sharp claws blocked Ye Linger's whole body.

Tengman was dancing into the wind, and crackled and fluttered over those devil wolves. Although for the time being "forced" to retreat a few, but also unable to withstand more demon wolves.

Uh ~

After a flash of claws, Ye Linger was torn apart from the back, but he healed quickly.

This is the kind of work of God, several claw shadows quickly attacked, and immediately ripped a trail of blood on her.

The sheer number of devil wolves is not her existence.

"Hmm! A bunch of ants are so presumptuous!" A cold drink came.

Immediately afterwards, every golden light strangled down, and the devil wolf was smashed into pieces at the moment.

The top of the head was glaring with lingering light, and Qing Fan Ye Fan flashed out.

One hundred and eighty-eight green bamboo cloud swords instantly strangled those thousands of devil wolves.

Ye Linger nodded to him and quickly withdrew from the castle.

Ye Pao, a young woman in Qingpao, is so powerful that she doesn't need to worry about her.

Immediately, the 108 swords turned into golden light, and rushed into the group of monsters immediately.

Except for the Central Plains Fortress, the four fortresses in Dajin were also affected by the looting.

At the same time, the Dajin began to invade hundreds of places.

Those small cities have already started the moat in the first round of attacks.

The world of Kyushu, the outbreak of magic robbery is also at the same time, I do not know how many cities have been broken.

The calamity is here!

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