Those black "color" light spots cannot be moved by Ye Fan. And the white "color" light point seems to have some weird connection with the disc.

Want to come, it is the battleship representing this demons.

If so, the light spot that just disappeared, the battleship either fell or the control was taken away by the enemy.

Moreover, it is very likely that it has fallen.

"Hey! Interesting, this is very interesting."

Ye Fan smiled coldly, slowly mobilizing other warships.

"Ding ~ Wrath from the Demon Lord is + 999 ~"

"Ding ~ Wrath from the monster +666!"

Good guy, a big wave of anger came to the table, Ye Fan was so beautiful.

The anger value is transformed into the cosmic divine power, which is all injected into the third layer of star map.

The second star map is already bright as day. And his cosmic divine power has reached the faint peak, and the subsequent star map continues to open. What kind of existence will it have?

A few people unconsciously saw this, and were even more suspicious.

Earlier, I was in a hurry, so why did this stop suddenly? Moreover, this girl is like picking up money.

Can you stop laughing so pretentiously?

Unintentional people were depressed on the spot!

Devil's Nest, the Lord of the Demons has just smashed a battleship. As a result, before it was time to rejoice, the warships that had been docked around buzzed and trembled, and they started up by themselves.

I rely!

Is this ok?

Where are you playing?

The Lord of the Demon Race knelt on the spot. Blame it on the **** who got the sacred artifact. It was too bloody.

The point is, these warships belong to their own home, and they are also distressed if they are broken!

That holy weapon, but it can control all the warships in the entire Dajin area, is simply heartbroken. Five warships aimed their muzzles at him, bursting out a beam of blood "color".

Mom sells batches!

The face of the Demon Lord is green on the spot, his hands are in the void, and a layer of magic pattern mask flashes out.

Several beams of light bombarded the magic pattern mask, and the mask was just a tremor, and it was not forcibly blown away.

"Abominable, who the **** is that!"

The Lord of the Demons roared endlessly, and by now he has been tortured crazy.

The sacred artifact is lost, and countless magic nests may be attacked by their own warships. This is an unreasonable loss!

At first, the control system of these warships was built in the law plate for the convenience of attack.

Now that I think of it, it's just harming others!

Other high-end demons on the edge of the devil's nest launched massive attacks on the battleships. They are also very distressed that the warships brought from the devil are destroyed in their own hands!

What's even more weird is that there are more than a dozen warships around the devil's nest, and the remaining ones also stir up on their own.

In addition, the artillery aimed at the devil's nest and launched artillery attacks on its own.

For a while, "chaos" around the devil's nest made a ball.

This is so ridiculous!


Ye Fan watched the white "color" light spots disappear gradually, and his heart was not good. All these warships were wasted!

However, the demons in other places certainly did not respond.

"Here, here and here ~ all give me hi!" Ye Fan successively urged warships elsewhere and launched attacks at the same time.

These monsters will definitely come back when they look back. At that time, I do n’t know if this disc is useful.

Take advantage of it now, blast him upside down.

"Ding ~ Anger + 999 ~"

A large wave of anger hit, with hundreds of thousands. You know, there are thousands of demons he provokes.

Ye Fan estimates that there will be more angry values ​​in the follow-up, it is simply a natural choice!

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