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Chapter 886: Bonechew shows great power

Ye Fan watched the flying monsters scouring over him. In fact, many monsters were smashed by Ling Qi's sword air before he even approached his body.

Most of these monsters are in the realm of heaven, how can you shake Ye Fan who is practicing the virtual class?

However, if placed in Dajin, this is the indestructible Demon Army.

After all, there are tens of billions and even hundreds of billions of people in the Jin Dynasty. One is Ye Fan, the other is the old Taoist priest.

And most of the other warriors still stay in the realm of realm, even in the realm of realm.

The existence of the ichthyosaur and the level of the gods is by their own chance, so there are few in general.

God will not care for everyone, but will definitely help the hardest people!

Some people choose to practice for the sake of growth. Some people are afraid of danger and will choose a comfortable life.

It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong, it's just a personal choice.

But in this calamity, the person who broke through his life and broke through his ego has a greater chance of living.

Ye Fan slammed his sleeve robe in the volley, and all the gold "color" light burst out and shot.

This light converges, it is a gold-colored beetle the size of a wild boar.

Bone Eater!

This ancient strange worm, which has been cultivated in a small world before, is also one of the killer slugs he left behind.

The name of the ancient worm is not covered.

This worm, however, has a well-known reputation, and all things don't attack its carapace.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is thousands of bone-eating worms.

After multiple reproductions, the number of bone-eating worms is more than tens of thousands? Ye Fan roughly estimates that there are probably tens of millions.

Each golden light spreads through the void and spreads quickly, like endless golden "color" spots, setting off a wave of golden "color" waves and "trends" sinking.

Extreme panic!

This scene is simply too shocking.

Alas, this stream of gold "color" rushed into the army of the Demon Clan, like a sharp sword, and stabbed the enemy's heart severely.

Moreover, these wild boars have sharp-edged claws, and they are all wrecked by broken limbs.

The monster casts a big move and bombards the bone-eating worm, or it leaves a faint impression on it, or stuns it.

But for a moment, the bony wing shook his wings and resumed his combat ability.

This is where they are most terrifying.

For a time, the Demon Clan quickly disintegrated, and numerous Demon Clan were buried in the mouth of the Bone Eater.

Several high-ranking demons seemed to recognize this kind of devil strange insect, and turned into a phoenix and fled away.

"Want to run again? Do you think you ran away?" The cold voice sounded.

Behind an escaped demons, Ling Jian's sword wind growled.

Obviously, the speed of the sword was faster than his escape.

The demon clan could not take care of others immediately, and immediately offered layers of defense to protect himself strictly.

However, the next moment he turned pale.

I saw a dark war sword breaking through the stab, breaking his defense in almost a second, and instantly penetrated his body.

Everything just happened in an instant.

The battle sword hovered and fell into Ye Fan's hands. The wrist shook, and a layer of purple "color" flame immediately covered.

Even more frightening is that Ye Fan's vitality surging, and most of them were crazy injected into the Zulong Excalibur.

The outside army of the Demon Clan has been hit by millions of bone-eating worms, and it can no longer make waves.

And the defense of this devil's nest, the bone-eating worm can do nothing about it.

"Exactly, see if you can hold my sword!"

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