Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 899: I don't need to hold a sword

Su Shier's brow frowned. It's all this time. How could this mortal look disdainful?

Also taught her to make a sword?

When she was practicing the sword, the teenager was probably still in the limelight?

But if you think about it, Su Shier actually thinks what he said makes sense, making her unable to refute.

"Will you make a sword? Can you hold it?" For a moment, she was not so scared, she asked weirdly.

The war swords used by ordinary martial artists are less heavy and weigh hundreds of pounds. This boy looks thin and incompetent. How can he bear the sword?

Ye Fan shook his head and said, "I can't take it, because I have you, I don't need to take a sword!"

Banging ~

The magic mist tumbled, and on the ground, a huge rhino with a body size of several feet hit him.

In this first wave, the Demons intend to rely on these meat shields to strike several layers of defensive stone walls outside the fort.

Follow the trend and hit the fort!

Looking around, the entire ground was dense, and there were tens of thousands of rhinos in one round of impact.

Led by a ten-long giant rhino, they rushed over.

The earth is trembling, and the warriors on the city walls all change color!

Su Shier's originally soothing expression was completely tense at this moment. But to her surprise, the teenager around her was unmoved at all.

"You said, how should this first round of rhinos deal with?" Ye Fan asked.

"This magic rhinoceros armor is extremely hard. It is not a force in the realm of realm, otherwise it cannot be attacked at all."

"During the battle of my clan, many cities ate the losses of this magic rhino, mainly because their defense was too strong, and their destructive power to attack the city was extremely great!"

"In the first round, fire red feathers should be used. Only the arrows of fire red feathers can pierce the carapace of these monsters!" Su Yinger said.

Ye Fan nodded and waved his hand, saying: "Fire Chiyu, you should add the ancient viper venom!" In the distance, Ran Tianlan moved his brows and immediately sang: "The fire red feathers are ready, the ancient snake venom is coated on the shoulder!"

Banging ~

Above the city walls, huge bows and arrows have been replaced, and two hugely stubborn ones can pull this huge bow and arrows.

A feather sword with arrows all over the barb, the poison on the tip of the arrow!

Bringing the group of magic rhinos into a distance of five kilometers, Ran Tianlan ordered that flame feather arrows blasted out like shooting stars on the city wall.

All arrows go!

Real arrows!

The sky is full of arrow rain, carrying flames, as dense as raindrops!

There was a scream, erupting from the tip of the arrow.

咻咻 咻 ~ Arrow rain pours down, stabs on the back of the magic rhino, and immediately penetrates the heart.

Each of Warcraft's huge figures rolled up, and there were fierce Warcrafts, even if they were stabbed, they still hit.

But without rushing a few steps, he was exhausted by the poison of Huo Chiyu and fell to the ground.

But there are also many magic rhinoceros that are so powerful that the fire red feathers can't penetrate their carapace and rush over.

There was a tumbling roll over the demon cloud. Immediately after this demon rhino, a monster like a pterosaur flew and "shot", and it was crushed down in the sky.

This monster has a long snake tail, a pair of blood "color" wings, but its head is like a tiger and a lion.

Flying monsters attack faster than the monsters below.

Obviously, monsters are very strategic. The meat shield below bombarded the fort, and flying monsters impacted the monks!

Fire Chiyu specializes in dealing with the magic rhino below, and the "shooting" range can't cause damage to the monsters above.

The Terran monk secretly grasped the sword in his hand and was ready to accept the shock.

"What ~?" Ye Fan asked again.

Su Shier looked at him strangely, this person, it was so wrong!

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