Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 902: Niu Ye's Niubi

Go down?

Su Shier looked at the horrible group of Warcraft and the battle of lightsabers and shadows under the city wall in the distance.

Anyone who has cultivated to a large level and has not experienced real battles will be afraid in his heart.

Even in the face of a monster, he dare not kill it with his own hands.

If they weren't allowed to experience it for themselves, it would be meaningless for Yihua Palace to train so many people.

This group of people can't stay in a safe world and grow flowers and grass?

As a result, Su Yinger was still in a state of "forced", Ye Fan grabbed her shoulder directly, and crossed several defensive walls under a few flashes.

At will, this woman was thrown into the army of Warcraft.

There are thousands of Long Wujun fighting below, not to let her face the entire Demon Legion alone.

Su Yier's face was "forced", and he cast himself into the open space, glancing resentfully at the sky.

I saw Ye Fan lazily lying in the void, without any fear of monsters attacking him.

"You just put me here? Did you treat your disciples like this?" Su Shier did not know where the courage came, Jiao yelled.

"Be careful behind!" Ye Fan said lightly.

Su Yier's face "color" changed greatly, and his sword was cut back with a sword, and the ghost light was ten meters long.

Uh ~

With a bang, I saw a rhinoceros with a height of more than ten meters rushing over.

That sword was chopped on the rhino's armor, and it only cut out the scar of the sword, which was harmless.

Su Shi'er was stunned on the spot, and the sword in his hand was not stable.

And that rhino was like Ben Lei, rumbling over, Su Shier will die.

"Fuck it in the eyes!"

A voice burst into Su Shier's mind like a thunder.



When ordinary people see such a horrible scene, they may not be able to move their legs if they want to escape. And he actually wanted Su Shier to take the initiative to attack!

Su Yaner's heart sank, and Ge Ran danced with the sword, and stabbed into a huge rhinoceros pupil into a series of afterimages.


The rhino was in pain and immediately rolled over.

Su Shier took the opportunity to cut out the kendo one after another, and banged directly on the giant rhino.

When Ye Fan saw this, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Thinking about him, didn't he grow up in this fight?

It is boring to say that he was still teaching his apprentices in such a war.

In fact, he is waiting!

Wait for the demons to show up!

These little fishes and shrimps, even if he can raise his hand to destroy them, but then, what is the use of the people behind him?

They will only cherish the life they have gained through brutal fighting.

Tens of thousands of Longwu Army rushed into the Demon Legion.

Ye Fan was lying lazily in the void. What are the unpredictable Warcrafts, who will be strangled by the strange sword when they are within 100 meters of him.

Immediately after Su Shier, a girl younger than her entered the herd.

"Hey! Look at it!"

The girl smiled sweetly and then slammed into the ground.

Uh ~

Below the ground, green "color" Fujiman rose into the sky, and some even directly penetrated the rhino's abdomen.

Fujiman kept breaking through the ground and spreading in all directions, occupying several miles of ground in an instant.

Moreover, any Warcraft entangled by Tengman will be sucked into dead bones instantly.

Su Yinger was shocked!

"Pre-senior, is it the younger sister, senior Linger?"

"Exactly!" Ye Linger answered.

I rely!

Are they from the old Ye family so aggressive? One by one, it ’s so bad!

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