Invincible Powers

Chapter 1801: Yangmai's mission

Submerged in the remaining consciousness at the source of the Yang Vessel, Yu Yuan seemed to have transformed into a Yang Vein, turning into a long river of blood.

He traced back from the starting point, the first trace of "him" was in the starry sky boundary of the world.

At that time, the boundary of the starry sky was also filled with all kinds of starry sky abilities, rather than loneliness and nothingness.

However, there are invisible barriers that have long been concluded, and there is stillness and nothingness within.

He clearly realized that through that dead silence and nothingness, he seemed to be able to reach another world—the magical world where the beast gods sat.

Incarnated as the source of Yang Vessels, he became a vast river of blood, and there were countless blood crystals in his "body".

like the seeds of life.

"He" wanders around the galaxy, where there are turbid air currents everywhere. The world seems to have just begun to regenerate, and within the clusters of air currents, there are vaguely hazy lumps.

Yu Yuan suddenly knew that clusters of turbid airflow were a star field that gradually evolved.

The lumps with hazy light are the stars that are slowly gathering the energy of the stars and are gathering.

The stars are also in the gestation state.

He immediately knew that when the Yang Meridian suddenly appeared at the boundary of the starry sky, this side of the world was still in the beginning stage of heaven and earth.

The countless blood crystals carried by the yang veins drifted aimlessly with it, falling into the turbid airflow like raindrops.

It was as if the seeds of life were being sown.

There are also some places where the energy of the starry sky is rich, and there is a mighty vitality emerging. It feels like... it seems that the starry sky beast is slowly forming.

In such an area, the Yang Meridian will often take the initiative to avoid it when it encounters it, and will not sow the blood crystals it carries.

It has wandered for countless years, and in different turbid air currents, in various regions of the world, blood crystals representing the seeds of life have been sprinkled.

This is one of its missions.

But why it suddenly appeared, why it sowed seeds while wandering, and what mysteries were hidden in the blood crystal block, it actually didn't know.

It is also ignorant.

During this period, it would occasionally encounter another river with strong yīn energy, and sometimes it swayed a strange brilliance, but it had nothing to do with this thing, and they avoided each other before contact.

In this way, I don't know how many years have passed, and another mission it shoulders has emerged.

Find the source blood, get in touch with the source blood, and integrate into the source blood as much as possible.

As a result, it flew across the sky again, like a needle in a haystack, trying to find the source blood, so as to complete its mission.

And during this period, in the places where the energy of the starry sky is rich, there are starry beasts bred and started to move around.

The violent and powerful starry sky behemoths, if they want to compete for the real king, will kill each other, devour each other, and turn the starry sky upside down.

And it, in the places where the seeds were sown, when the Star Territory was condensed, there were also creatures.


All kinds of strange and strange beasts, it seems that because of the blood crystals it spilled, combined with the condensed stars, gradually haunted this world.

However, with the life seed it carried, the alien beast that grew up completely became the blood food of the starry beast.

The two are not at the same level at all.

Alien beasts, because they can never break through the boundaries of blood and never reach level ten, can only become food for those giant beasts when the starry sky beasts arrive.

Fortunately, although the starry sky giant beasts are extremely powerful, their numbers are very small.

Therefore, although the alien beasts live humbly, they never become extinct.

one day, one

The most ruthless and ferocious starry sky behemoth, if blessed by God, is given a higher level of power.

This giant beast named Titan Spinosaurus immediately soared into the sky and became the overlord of this starry sky.

At this time, it also finally knew the exact location of the source blood.

However, the Titan Spinosaurus, favored by Origin Blood, was also looking for it and trying to kill it while hunting down similar beasts to grow itself.

So it shrank back, hid itself, and never dared to show its face again.

It can only wait for the right moment.

First, many years have passed. When this titan spinosaurus that swept the galaxy, all the starry beasts and alien beasts were terrified, new species of life gradually emerged in this world.

Shura, Mingguang Clan, Banshee, Star Clan, and many other types of intelligent life have also sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

It knows that the intelligent life of the second round has nothing to do with it.

It avoided the Titan Spinosaurus, and it has been dormant all the time, and I don't know who this group of intelligent ethnic groups is, who is the source, and how it came into being.

It continued to wait, and saw the growth of this group of intelligent groups, which actually overwhelmed the alien beasts it sowed.

Because this group of intelligent creatures have the power to break through the tenth level, the superpower can easily overwhelm the alien beast.

Moreover, Bertans, the leader of this group of intelligent creatures, also found an opportunity to kill the Titan Spinosaurus in the vastness.

It feared the existence of trembling, it was determined to die, and after Bertans was also seriously injured, it took the opportunity to sneak into the origin blood continent.

Then, it will be thousands of years.

It obeys its natural mission, wants to get close to the original blood, wants to integrate into the original blood, but unfortunately it has never been able to do so.

During this period, it began to learn about the alien beasts in this world, and it found that the power in the blood of these alien beasts, the blood techniques that existed, could be mastered.

It also seems to realize that the blood crystals that it has carried since its existence were not condensed by it.

It is like a ship, and those blood crystals of numerous and various types are just the cargo it is fully loaded with.

However, when these blood crystals blossomed and turned into alien beasts, every time it captured a heart of an alien beast, it was able to integrate the bloodline profound meaning inside itself into itself.

It regards this as a process of finding and figuring out oneself.

Guarding the Origin Blood Continent, it is doing its own thing. One day, it suddenly feels that Origin Blood below has woken up for a while, as if out of control, overflowing with the law of life.

It has captured it, carefully comprehended it for a long time, and finally figured out the wonder of creating life.

Then, it created the Gorefiends.

It is carefully laid out in the Deep Dusky Star Territory, combining the bloodline knowledge it has obtained from thousands of exotic beasts, combined with its own cognition, to construct a blood pattern array in the boundary wall, and create that round of "deep red" like its eyes. Full Moon".

And in this Deep Dusky Star Territory, in the bodies of those alien races that obey the Gorefiends, it also left traces of its blood.

It tried to know where it came from, and kept its mission in mind, and it has been steadfast in its implementation.

Until death.


Yu Yuan's **** ghost was pulled away from the blood prison of the demon sword, and instantly returned to its true body.

His whole person's mentality and cognition have undergone earth-shaking changes through the life course of Yangmai!

The source of Yangmai, which first appeared on the boundary of the starry sky, carried crystal blocks in the river of blood.

A large number of blood crystal blocks eventually formed a group of alien beasts, in the major galaxies, in all domains.

It shoulders two missions, the first is to sow the seeds of life of alien beasts, and the second

is to contact the source blood.


The world that the supreme demon phoenix wants to explore is full of alien beast groups, as well as tenth-level beast gods, and there are a lot of them!

This made Yu Yuan 100% sure that the source of Yangmai was created by a mysterious existence in the world where the alien beast was active in the very early and very early years, when their world was still in chaos!

That mysterious being created it, sent it to their world, and sowed the life-seeds of alien beasts.

Try to invade this world with the entire alien beast group!

All alien beast groups can be regarded as outsiders, because their source and provenance were not in this world in the first place!

Including the demon phoenix, the wild god, and the green willow, these kind of demon gods who happened to be born in the vast and advanced.

The demon god, the head of an ancient big demon, was originally an alien beast from the sky.

Only because the Titan Spinosaurus died in the vastness, the blood was sprinkled in the vastness, and the blood contained the magical power of life, and maybe there was the power of the original blood, so they could break the shackles of the bloodline and hit the level of the demon god.

They are originally alien beasts, but they are beyond the category of alien beasts.

"Yaofeng, if you get the Yang Vein and refine the source of this Yang Vein..."

Yu Yuan took a deep breath, and suddenly realized that the vast and supreme demon phoenix, perhaps not yet known, her root and source belonged to another world!

She said she wanted to go back, that she wanted to compete with the king of that world for dominance, and she wanted to invade another world.

How can this be called intrusion? This is clearly a comeback!

Some of the beast gods in that world chose her, and they may have sensed and realized that she should be a part of that world!

In this world, the demon phoenix leads the demon temple and integrates the behavior of all the alien beast groups, so it can be called an invasion!

She obviously hasn't woken up to the truth.

Otherwise, she could never expect Yuanxue to favor it, choose her as Yuanxue's spokesperson, and let her invade the world with the beast **** on the other side.

The source and imprint of life, the demon phoenix that belongs to another world, can never be recognized by the source blood!

Origin blood will only recognize the living species formed because of it!

For example, the Titan Spinosaurus in the starry beasts, such as the vast human race itself.


Yu Yuan's heart shuddered, and he suddenly thought of one more thing. When Yangmai first appeared in this world, there were already starry beasts bred.

When the Titan Spinosaurus was favored by its blood and continued to strengthen itself, it also tried to find the Yang Vein and eradicate it.

When the Yang Vein was hidden, the second batch of intelligent species such as Shura, Banshee, Star Clan, and Mingguang Clan began to emerge one after another.

Is it possible that the birth of the starry beasts, as well as the second batch of groups such as Shura and Banshees, is also related to a certain awakening of Origin Blood?

Yu Yuan, who was pondering, found that his injuries were almost healed, and even Ji Ningshuang was gradually released from the frozen state.

He couldn't help but glanced at his feet, his eyes seemed to pass through the thick ice and rock, and saw the blood in the heart of the continent that had been sleeping for a long time.

He was filled with awe, as mysterious and long-standing as his blood, and seemed to be the eternal creator of the starry sky.

Perhaps, the starry sky behemoth was also formed from the source blood. It selected the strongest to give strength, and made the old Titan Spinosaurus the supreme overlord, thus possessing the ability to wreak havoc in the abyss.

The old Titan Spinosaurus also successfully brought back a certain treasure from the abyss, but unfortunately died in the vastness.

If the old Titan Spinosaurus hadn't died, would its next step be the world with many beast gods?

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