Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1018: Chance encounter

Chapter 1018

Qi Xiaosheng and others pretended to be a family that avoided the enemy and moved forward slowly.

After Qi Xiaosheng's means, everyone's strength was stabilized at the Wusheng level.

Such strength will not be very strong in Zhongzhou, but it is definitely not low and will not cause some minor troubles.

Because it is a family refuge, with the elderly and children, the speed is naturally not fast.

However, Qi Xiaosheng was naturally not in a hurry. He rushed along the way without rushing, just as a casual travel.

It was the first time for everyone to travel to Zhongzhou. Even if Qi Xiaosheng and Lin Yue had been to Zhongzhou for missions before, they were actually in a hurry, and there was no time to watch the scenery as they do now.

Therefore, everyone is very interested and not tired after this journey.

On this day, everyone came to a big city called Jiading City.

Jiading City is not a small city, but a larger city in the Southern Region, with many warriors visiting and prosperous.

Of course, the most famous is a scene in Jiading city called Zhaoyue Lake.

Zhaoyue Lake is very magical. It is a small lake outside Jiading City. The water of the small lake is nothing special, not a spiritual spring.

Especially in Zhaoyue Lake, a full moon can be reflected all year round, and that full moon stays in the center of the lake no matter it is day or night.

This is very special.

You know, how can the blue sky and white sun without the moon be reflected in the lake?

So, many monks came to check, but they couldn't find out why.

They checked for a long time and found that there were no formation fluctuations in Zhaoyue Lake, and no ancient powerhouses who were sealed. However, the round moon did not fade for a long time. Up to now, it has been tens of thousands of years. The heritage of several super factions is still long.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the celebrities have given up their exploration of Moon Lake, because they have gained nothing for tens of thousands of years.

As a result, Zhaoyue Lake has become a landscape, especially some couples will go to Zhaoyue Lake.

If things go on like this, Zhaoyue Lake will become a place for young men and women to date.

When Qi Xiaosheng and others came to Jiading City, of course they also heard of the name Zhaoyue Lake.

"Father, you have a unique eye, and you can watch the fire. Do you want to see the secret of Zhaoyue Lake?" Adam said with a curious look.

Qi Xiaosheng glanced at Lin Yue, just in time to see Lin Yue lowering her head and gently holding up the tea bowl, and immediately guessed her thoughts, and said: "I'm tired all the way, so of course I have to go and see."

Anyway, they are not in a hurry, and when they reach the Eastern Region, they actually have no destination, so it's okay to delay some time.

At this moment, Qi Xiaosheng glanced at the corner of his eye, couldn't help but startled slightly.

"It's them."

Qi Xiaosheng said dumbly.

Two people walked in at the door, one of them was wearing a sky blue gown, with a gentle expression, like a gentle gentleman, but Li Canglan, the chief disciple of Tianlan Academy.

The other one, wearing a white gown, is also a partial family boy, but he is full of aggressive arrogance. This arrogance is innate, not disgusting, but only respectable. It is Tianshui. Li Yizi of the Pavilion.

"Acquaintances?" Lin Yue's eyes flashed, and the corner of her eyes followed Qi Xiaosheng's gaze and she also saw Li Yizi and the others, but she didn't know her.

It's no wonder that when she first came to Xuanwu Continent, she was already a **** of war, and Li Yizi and Li Canglan were just Wu Zun. In her eyes, they were just small fish and shrimps.

"Tianlan Academy and Tianshui Pavilion disciples, everyone should keep a low profile and don't be recognized." Qi Xiaosheng ordered.

Tianlan Courtyard and Tianshui Pavilion have no grudges with him, on the contrary, they have some comrade-in-arms feelings, but Qi Xiaosheng doesn't want to reveal whereabouts, so he chooses to keep a low profile.

When everyone heard Qi Xiaosheng's voice transmission, they all lowered their keys. They all lowered their heads to eat in silence, avoiding revealing their identities when discussing things.

Qi Xiaosheng is also eating vegetables, but his ears are sharp, intending to hear the purpose of these two people.

These two are super big chiefs, come out together, something must have happened.

The chiefs of these two super factions came together at this moment and walked into the restaurant.

Behind them, there were four young men and women who were disciples of Tianlan Courtyard and Tianshui Pavilion.

The people on both sides walked in, looking windy and dusty, struggling all the way.

After they walked in, a disciple of Tianlan Academy looked around, and a young man hurried in.

"A few of the guest officials, please, please."

The dude was cautious, but from the clothing of the few people, he could tell that they were from famous families.

"Are there private rooms?"

The guy's expression changed and he said, "Unfortunately, the private room has just slowed down, but I'll ask, I must make room for several masters."

The buddy is also in distress, this kind of thing offends the guests, but the super-popular can't afford to offend, so they can only go to the guests in the private room.

If you want to come, the guests in the private room can't afford to offend the disciples of the super sect and can only leave.

"Just forget it if there is no private room."

Li Canglan walked over and looked around. There was an empty table beside Qi Xiaosheng.

"There is no private room. Anyway, we still have something to do. We have to hurry up to eat."

Li Canglan said as he walked over.

When the chief disciple spoke, the disciples of Tianlan Academy had no objection.

Li Yizi followed and sat with Li Canglan.

The two parties acted together, the Tianlan Academy was atmospheric, there was no embarrassment to a fellow, and there was no reason Tianshui Pavilion to attack a fellow, that was not being compared.

The buddy breathed a sigh of relief.

"An upright disciple, really generous and decent."

The buddy breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that several people had good tempers and happily served in the past.

Li Canglan and the others did seem to be in a hurry. They did not order the troublesome meals, but rather simple meals.

After the buddy got down to prepare, Li Canglan and the others also started chatting while they were waiting.

"I don't know who killed the Rong family, but it disappeared completely in a day."

A disciple of the Tianlan Academy chatted The Rong family is nothing, not very powerful, but the ancestors of the Rong family had a battle before, advanced to the realm of Martial God, and soared to the sky from then on. It stands to reason that it should not be so silent. The interestless is destroyed. "

Disciple of Tianshui Pavilion discussed.

"You are talking about me?"

Qi Xiaosheng said calmly.

Lin Yue and the others couldn't help but glance at Qi Xiaosheng, and said in his heart: The Lord hasn't been destroyed, it's just the family relocation.

"It's just that the ancestors of the Rong family suddenly advanced. It's too arrogant and expands outward unscrupulously.

I have heard that after the Rong family returned home, he destroyed many surrounding sects and families, which offended many people.

Maybe one of the families had a Martial God-level expert who lived alone and practiced alone. Hearing the news, he would destroy the Rong family and take revenge. "

The disciple of Tianlan Academy sneered.

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