Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1021: Sudden task

Chapter 1021

"Look at it quickly, what is the magic of Zhaoyue Lake?"

Lin Yue visited for a while, then turned to look at Qi Xiaoshengdao.

Qi Xiaosheng withdrew his gaze from Lin Yue.

Just now, his attention was all on Lin Yue, and he didn't have the time to look at Zhaoyue Lake and check the details of Zhaoyue Lake.

At this moment, when asked by Lin Yue, he reluctantly retracted his gaze and looked at Zhaoyue Lake.

"Ding, scan the code successfully, Zhaoyue Lake, there is a mysterious power in it.

Extract data and gain the power of a thousand times and space. "

"Ding, trigger the mission to investigate Zhaoyue Lake and crack the secrets of Zhaoyue Lake.

After the task is completed, an artifact will be randomly selected. "

Qi Xiaosheng glanced, and suddenly he was surprised.

"Sure enough, there is a problem." Qi Xiaosheng said.

This time scanning the code, he did not spy on the real secrets of Zhaoyue Lake, and a mission was released, which surprised him.

"What? What do you see?"

Lin Yue put away her daughter's posture, her expression was startled, and she suddenly turned into an iceberg beauty, making people look far away.

"I extracted a thousand powers of time and space."

"The power of time and space?"

"The power of time and space is not as simple as the rules of time and space, but the combination of the two. Not only that, only the gods can make the rules into force."

"The power of the gods?"

Lin Yue's face also showed a solemn expression.

Before fighting against the main **** of reincarnation, they had almost no power to fight back. And that was just a clone of the main **** of reincarnation, if it were the deity, then they would be wiped out in an instant.

"It should be impossible to reach the level of the main **** of reincarnation." Qi Xiaosheng judged the original from the reward.

I investigated the Chaos God Orb before, but rewarded an SSS-level artifact, this time it was only an artifact, and no grade was determined.

"How? How about leaving?" Lin Yue asked.

"No, I want to see."

Qi Xiaosheng shook his head.

"Zhaoyue Lake has existed for thousands of years, and many people have explored it. Although they haven't found anything, they haven't encountered any danger, so it should be fine if we explore it.

In addition, I also want to find out something. "

"What?" Lin Yue wondered.

"That is this world, where is the god!"

Qi Xiaosheng said with a solemn expression.

The Reincarnation Lord God intends to conquer the Xuanwu Continent, but he has never heard of the gods of this world.

The deity cannot go to the lower realm, he now knows the reason, but it shouldn't be difficult to send a clone to the lower realm.

However, the gods of this world have never intervened.

Qi Xiaosheng doesn't think there are no gods in this world.

On the contrary, for the Lord of Reincarnation to cast a mouse and not dare to send a clone to the lower realm, it must be restricted by some force.

"I didn't have the ability and time to research.

But before in Tianlan Academy, I had the opportunity to go to the Cangshu Pavilion of Tianlan Academy to check the historical books of the world.

In the historical records of Xuanwu Continent, there is no mention of history 50,000 years ago.

With a history of 50,000 years, if it is in other worlds, it is normal to lose it.

However, this world is Gaowu World, Tianlan Academy, etc. are all super big names for thousands of years, even reaching ten thousand years.

I think they must have had a super faction before. Even if they were annihilated in history, there should be some historical relics or incomplete inheritance.

However, after reviewing the historical data, I found that these inheritances are about ten thousand years, and there is no more ancient inheritance.

This is not in line with the history of a Gaowu world.

"Do you think that there is a gap in the civilization of this world."

"Yes. So I want to find out clearly. If you can find out where the gods are, you can contact them, maybe they can be used to resist the main **** of reincarnation." Qi Xiaosheng speculated.

"Then check it out." Lin Yue nodded, and then looked forward.

There is a pavilion on the shore of the lake in front. Inside the pavilion is a thin-clothed beauty. The young woman sits on a recliner, and there are two maids beside her, shaking her feather fans, waiting beside the woman.

The woman described it as lazy, as if already asleep.

There are many couples and tourists in Zhaoyue Lake, but no one dares to bother them easily.

This person is the wife of the city lord of Jiading, a powerful **** of war, but the fifth realm of the **** of war, and his strength is definitely not low.

And the city lord of Jiading himself is even more powerful in Wu Zun eight layers.

Jiading City is under the management of two people. This Zhaoyue Lake is ten miles outside Jiading City and belongs to the boundary of Jiading City, and is also placed under the names of the two.

Of course, the management of the two is not strict, so there has not been any dispute over the years.

However, if you want to explore the lake, you must first report to the city lord's wife. This is the rule.

Of course, the strength is weak, that is, the wife of the city lord of Jiading decides whether to go to the lake, and if the strength is strong, then the two of them cannot be helped.

Outside the pavilion, a young girl wearing a white gauze skirt is managing the matter. Some southern warriors who want to go to the lake to explore the lake must go through the first of the girls and be authenticated before they can go to the lake.

Qi Xiaosheng and Lin Yue decided to explore the lake, but they didn't want to cause trouble, so they also went over.

There are not many people who want to go down to the lake, but there are definitely a lot of them.

Explore the lake one by one in order.

This is because Zhaoyue Lake is not big, and the martial artist is powerful, and there are too many people to interfere with each other.

The most important thing is to avoid being discovered of their own secrets. After all, to explore Zhaoyue Lake, you must come up with some housekeeping skills.


As the lake rolled, a man swam up, his face full of depression.

"Damn it, nothing was detected, it was a waste of a 5th rank spirit pill."

The man looked regretful.

"Next." The maid gave orders, and another man walked over and handed in a 5th-grade spirit pill. Then he jumped into Zhaoyue Lake and went deep into the bottom of the lake to investigate.

"Do you need a pill to explore Zhaoyue Lake?"

Qi Xiaosheng said curiously.

"It's the first time to see you."

In front of Qi A young man turned around and looked up and down Qi Xiaoshengdao.

"It is indeed the first time for Zaixia to come to Zhaoyue Lake. Hearing the miracle here, I want to explore it."

Qi Xiaoshengdao.

"Sure enough." The young man nodded clearly, and said: "This Zhaoyue Lake has been included in the property of the city lord of Jiading. If you want to investigate, you have to pay."

"Jiading City is a big city. Generally, big cities have to pay the city fee when entering or leaving. People living in it also need to pay spiritual stones every month.

However, the people in Jiading City do not have to pay. What do you know? "

"The expenses are earned from here?" Qi Xiaosheng immediately guessed it.

"Exactly. This is why Jiading City is so peaceful and prosperous, and the city owner and his wife are also popular." The young man laughed.

"It turns out that this is indeed a good thing for the people in Jiading City."

Qi Xiaosheng nodded.

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